The verdict time and time again is the following:
Women are evil
Indeed, that maybe as so many are into some form of suicide ritual,
human sacrifice, zero sum game, communal war viz their primal
toward sex and food. Yet, who is to deliver that sex and food more
than our living Guru Christ Jesus? So many entertain the ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism
so on for the sake of some type of Judeo-Chink allurement. Alas,
end up regressed and disabled at best or holocausted and trajedied at
worst. Then there are those who are claimed to be the other people
who have it worse.
What is the use? A former politician who was elected with all sorts
of pagentry and fame wrote a book called "An inconvenient truth". In
it he mentions "there is nothing beyond death and taxes." I for have
to ask the proverbial question "there are so many histories in this
world, which ones do we believe?"
Indeed, with this Christ Jesus we have a choice in life. I for one
was encouraged to believe in the welfare system due to my disability
and as such I am beyond taxes. I must admit to you that for a person
to invest in a money market CD and get the monies I do they would
to invest over 1 billion dollars so to say. The rate of return of
welfare system is that good.
I mean not to brag as the Judeo-Chink affect of a SOB would lead you
otherwise to believe but to indicate to you a Armageddon worth
investing in. I tell ya, with this retirement I have been gifted
through the auspices of this said Guru Christ Jesus I must say life
improving each and every day. It is not without it's issues when it
conerns the Judeo-Chink idiocy grand but over time things do improve.
This bequeths the question "am I beyond even death?" When does that
volarize? Cause sure as hell the level of religious war, race war,
economic war, library war, opinion war is too much nearly in every
instance of space and time. The hallucinations both auditory and
visual are too disturbing. While the visual hallucinations are of
nowadays the auditory hallucinations are very much about every form
aggression. They are that destabilizing. So much so I simply cannot
even remember what I wrote just a moment ago. There are times when I
get of the train and I over wonder which way to go, when I have
traveled that path for over 6 months.
The banality and spin doctoring of this place is that much. At one
time it meant something. It was always a place of grand promotion of
whichever it maybe. The lunacy was more than imaginable, when nearly
so many denounced it as a cursed place not worth even traveling to.
"The go west young man" syndrome so taught in childhood academia.
Supposedly, even the natives of this Americas sold this entire city
for only a string of beads. They were that willing to let go of
burden and give it to others instead. Some say "one mans garbage is
another mans treasure."
That maybe, as so many who are from Israel and Taiwan seem to do well
and win here a lot. Then they are also heavily involved in some form
of self destruction as the false meditation techniques of whichever
people around the world. However, the onus falls on the keywords
"India", "Hindu", "Brahmin", "Desi". The anti-Christs are that
obsessed with the anti-India campaign so inundated in this world. It
has become much the fave.
I must say a great curse has befallen those people. The so called
muslims who so impress the others is actually a resident of slums not
only here in the post-modern world America but also in the third
of whichever "India". Now those same muslims who are the vivifiers
our escape from the hostaging by the Judeo-Chink-Nigger-Guido axis of
evil are being hunted down and killed off.
Only the good do not die young. I notice those whom I happen to meet
amongst the Muslim diaspora have gone to another level of victory.
Not only have they excelled academically when I was a child but now
they are doing well financially and even more so we are able to
the evil ones and ther progrom of hatred and apathy. It is literally
something to something.
This in itself proves the power of Allah and the Abrahamic Almightys.
Not only do we get good food but also good sex. From halal to harem
to whichever else the force of Allah is so good and is even made more
awesome through this Guru Christ Jesus. Our world is improved in
way. Already, a hallucination of an oriental slut has crossed my
mind. My life gets better and better. That too cherry red lipped as
well. [The little red flood in my dick is beginning] lol
Anyway, we all have to come to a concensus that monies and security
are major issues. What are we to do about this? As far as monies I
am applying efforts toward this cloned fiat open source amaneusis.
"If it can be thought of it can be done" as the saying goes of a wise
I encountered at a Chapel some time ago would say. Interestingly
with this Guru Christ Jesus things may work out that way, since the
of my trys with other gurus is the following:
AWB Food Bank - Developed while I was under the guidance of Swami
Vivekananda during the stage of Gandhian democracian influence
GNU/LINUX - Developed while I was under the guidance of Suma Ching
Hai during the stage of Keynsian capitalist influence
HPF Satfi - Currently under development while I am under the guidance
of Shema Christ Jesus during the stage of Lutheran evangelical
It goes on. The next open source venture maybe with regard to an
unlimited supply of energy delivered through a gem of somekind and an
all energy being as the levitating versatran. We all have to believe
in comfort and be jerked around by the idiotics grand like those Jews
and Chinks of infamous notoriety. Their ways of vivisection and
suicide are no good for humanity. Neither are they modus operandis
garnering sympathy votes for the sake of struggle and suffering.
Death, desease, famine, women are the magic, mysteries, mysticism,
magneticism which have eluded so many the world over. To tresspass
such would lead to a curse worse than anything. Some have claimed
women as God while I was under the influence of Transcendentalism.
Others have done the same while I was under the influence of Zionism
by refering to women as Supreme Masters or as the Chinese say Tai-
Tai. However, with this Christ Jesus women, men, and whichever
aliased to women are refered to as 'bitch'.
I wonder what will become of this word bitch for all time to come. I
was told by some Polish Jewish girl that a bitch is a female dog.
That was a verbal mention. On the internet I have read that a bitch
is a piece of wood as in bitch bark. That is a visual mention.
However, again we have to ask "there are so many histories in this
world, which ones do we believe." I myself, calim the corrollary
can be bitches too." I have to admit with all this psychotropic
medications I really have no clue what the hell I am even saying that
too even writing no matter how far the hallucinations make me think
Do we really even know what we are doing. As a kid I remember when
dear mom would talk to me I could never understand her nor any other
person I knew. I would simply say "yes" or "no" randomly. Nowadays,
it is the worlds "it is like that" or "that maybe". I have even
noticed people are very like the processes of npcomplete, fuzzy
multitasking, micromanagement, and many other concepts in Computer
Science. Which bequeths another question. Are we all robots in
disguise in some way.
The Harris Ford movie {like O my God, I actually remembered the name
of an actor now when I needed to; this is too revolutionary; Holy, I
just remembered Tom Cruise; what is going on here?} "Blade Runner"
does indicate the robotic nature of many of us. In "Blade Runner"
Harrison Ford and his female partner in life end up being shown to be
"robots" or are they politically correctly known as "droids"? As the
Book of Mathew in the Holy Bible says, "prayer should have meaning".
Then there is the concomitant to meaning which is use. Surely, there
must be a good use to whichever we do. So many ask what is the use.
I too asked "what is my motivation in all this." O.k. we have
use, motivation. Let's include another which is faith. Faith,
meaning, use, motivation are the four harbingers of death, desease,
famine, and women. So much of democracy, capitalism, evangelicalism,
and republicanism is volarized with such things. Then for how long?
With this level of religious wars, race wars, economic wars, library
wars, opinion wars and whichever have you the level of monies and
weapons are not enough to survive our agents of Christ Jesus. "Holy
shit nobody comments." We cannot even voice our issues with the
erroneous ways of money and war. Time and time again, I notice those
things which I found good and worthy of praise end up being
destroyed. Now this matrix reveals the keyword "annihilation." What
is too become of this?
If we remain passive and pathetic where are things going to go. It
for this reason why we need to reneg the democracy and maybe consider
Fabian democracy, whichever it maybe. Believeing in Gandhi has
to be seriously erroneous and tending toward some type of self
destruction to even trust those of Transcendentalism and Zionism.
This is no good. That too Gandhi is a showcase of a niggardly grand.
He is no good as a model for any type of educational system.
While Gandhi may have been a Transcendentalist and Nathuram Godse a
Zionist both killed each other. Both were hostages of a systemic
nightmare more powerful than their own idiocy or something. They
still go against each other and many have been hostaged into their
idiotic ways toward pride and prejudice. There is no prestige with
Could Gandhi have been a puppet of the Transcendental Jewish occult
while Nathuram Godse a lacky of the Zionist Chink regime? That maybe
as so many of them are obsessed with the abject hells of the world as
paradise. They are useless fellows in that way and brag about it
too. They are that dangerous for humanity. Do they ever have sex
with the Oriental divine pussy of the world? I for one do with
evangelicalism but I am sure as hell convinced they do not. This
I can verify, although it may not be a hundred percent, but
by my estimation a majority.
Beware people, there are many erroneous ways in which a person is
robbed of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property, faith, pride,
prestige in this world to name a few. The level of abject hells is an
abyss not worth patronizing. God bless and God speed for Christ Jesus
is God.