Typically, many who are into the use of socializing use the word you
to refer to others, when they should be saying I or they. Indeed,
there is a book called "U is for Undertow." The Merriam Websters
dictionary defines undertow as the following:
1: the current beneath the surface that sets seaward or along the
beach when waves are breaking upon the shore
2: an underlying current, force, or tendency that is in opposition to
what is apparent
In a way people like myself are like the undertow as we are in
opposition to the apparently popular ways and means of self
destruction of the JUBUs. Who are the JUBUs and what are they about?
The JUBUs are in my estimation the following:
1/Demon King Dalai Lama of Tibet
2/Judes of Israel
3/Sinos of Taiwan
4/Gpsys of Morroco
5/Spigs of Hispanol
6/Rasta NGRs of Pangea
In sum they are known as the JUBUs. Over thirty years of data
collection of these people has indicated some things. Those some
things are the very banes of our lives, namely suicide rituals, human
sacrifices, zero sum games, and communal wars. It goes on. The
level of hatred, apathy, banality, contrition, superlatives,
abstruseness with the JUBUs in our midst is more than we can possible
care to deal
with. It is truly horrific.
However, many are into the JUBUs as a model of not only society but
humanity as well. I was one of those for many years and to some
degree even now, contrary to popular belief. Yet, no amount of
favoritism toward the JUBUs will work. Instead it garners more
antagonism and bad luck than anything from not only the JUBUs but
whomever is concerned for the most part. This is the danger.
Why would this be? Why would a group of people who are not only
advanced intellectually but spiritually and martially as well as
financially and so on be the very curse of our lives. Time and time
again we are mentioned by the JUBUs of their holocaust. They blame
many many things as being no good from the vivifying beef we eat to
the wonderful people of the Maoist republicans. It is a never ending
saga of all
sorts of denunciation toward the good in favor of the ascetic self
destructive ways. It is like that with them and many others in their
spheres of infulence.
This tendency toward the nothing with the JUBUs which they have
contrived as a way of life colloquially known as Buddhism is leading
many toward an ill fated death. Death either through a nutrient
deficiency or murder or bankruptcy or rape. It goes on.
Take for example the issue of rape. Rape in it's essence is about
all sorts of abuse under the pretense of sexual pleasure. Few can do
rape as most are
not that good looking. Yet, there are those phenotypes who can and
engage in the practice of rape. They will dress and allure the
with implications of sexuality while through some sort of wierd
relationship engage in abuse without ever having sex. There are many
among the JUBUs who are like this that are proficient rapists.
I tell ya, the level of sexual fantasies one can have with the JUBUs
in our midst is enough to cause a hormonal imbalance without ever
having sex with them. That too when there are those who produce a
child with them, they end up being killed off in the most holocaustic
way. Not only does the woman go through a cessarian operation to
produce the child but is from the day of the relationship abused in
any which way you can imagine. There are many who are like this.
Some of you may know who I am talking about.
The JUBU is that dangerous of a being. No amount of propoganda or
yelling or crying or protesting can effectively communicate to the
general public the level of horrendeous abuse of the JUBUs.
Take for example the Orient where the JUBUs are the most powerful.
The level of abuse of the sentient mind is more holocuastic than one
can bear. Indeed, the whole of Asiana is inundated with the abuse of
the JUBUs. Notice, though, that the Muslim, Hindu, Evangelical,
Republican, and so on are the ones who are considered by the popular
media of the JUBUs to be the bad people. I tell you that those very
things the JUBU is against are the vivifiers of our lives. Whether
it is the beef, egg, cake, pork, liquor, condoms, sex, monies,
America, Jesus Christ, God, Allah, India, British, Africana, the color
black and so
on, these are the very ways and means toward our survival.
Simply through Abrahamic prayer and even the chanting of 'nam myoho
renge kyo' one is able to defeat the evils of the JUBU. It is not
easy but
far less torturous than the stupidity of sitting cross legged for
hours on end and constricting our blood flow all the while engaging
in some esoteric meditation involving in the intonation of fallacys.
Never intone people. That very voice we are gifted with when it is
intoned will reverberate into our mind and cause all sorts of
maladies. So beware.
The JUBUs are everywhere. Even the experimental Robocop displayed
the JUBU mind when it was talking to the psychologist in the
I was also like that experimental Robocop as that very image of the
JUBU mind appeared in my very own eyes. To recover from such a
horrendeous experience I prayed to the Abrahamic Almightys whenever I
had the strength to do so. Even my fellow suitmate was good enough
to strike me in the solar plexus to regress the imbalance in my body
causing it to inflate my physicque in a tortureous way. Later, I was
lucky enough through chanting coupled with Abrahamic prayer to
encounter a Native American Shaman Chief who would out of nowhere
encourage me to give up on activated charcoal and choose magnesium
citrate oral solution to detox from the contaminants in my body.
This magnesium citrate oral solution (MCOS for short) is the single
best clue I have ever discovered in my entire life of 37 years. It
that good.
The MCOS biogen is on par with other four lettered ameliorates as
UNIX, FIAT, SAFE, and so on. I notice it that way. When a tool of
commodity is of a four lettered appelation it is one of the single
best cures in life. However, when it concerns the naming of people
and an organization of people a four lettered name is more dangerous
than anything. Take for example the USSR, IRAQ, BEIC, RUSA, ONUG,
and so on. Notice I mention something called the BEIC. This was the
former British East India Company. We all know what happened to it.
Not only did the BEIC collapse it was warred with by every known
group of people in the world. At one time the BEIC was the British
empire where they claimed there was not a place on earth where the sun
not shine on the British East India Company. Later after the world
went to war with us Brahmins of the British East India Company they
targeted the gorgeous and well endowed people of the USSR. Still
later they went for a tit for tat with those of ZION or Zion guo or
the realms of the Chinese. More recently they went to war against
the republic of IRAQ, which also had a history of renaissances here
and there for over a thousand years.
This begs the question are the JUBUs worth it. I as a Brahmin like
those of the Mohammadans and Russians and Hankuchin do not accept the
JUBUs for obvious documentary, actual, theoretical, and logical
reasons. The JUBU is not worth the investment in any which way. We
all have to admit there is that of a thing as evil. The cabal of
JUBUs are that evil. They are that dangerous to humanity.
Why did the colloqually considered people as blacks and whites become
the two most influential and successful people of the world. Not
only does academia accredit most of the developments of humanity to
the Whites of Europe but the Blacks of Africa are also well
in the realm of spirituality. Both academia and spirituality
comprise of literally the majority of influence of the vast major of
people on
planet earth. Even the Pop singer Michael Jackson would sing a song
about whether it is black or white. He was able to deduce all of
humnaity as a product of just blacks and whites. This is what they
Both the Africana people and European people are the only ones known
to have holocausted the JUBUs. This is well documented in popular
by the movie "Ten Commandments", where the Africana Pahroah sent the
JUBUs into the ocean. For those who are lucky enough to
be part of a school system, the whole of history is a documentation
the tresspasses of the Eurpean people against the JUBU from the
Spanish inquisition to the Nazi Holocaust. We as Asiana people have
to do the same.
You would be surprised at how many of us Asiana people
are idiotic as myself to promote that there was never a holocaust
against the JUBUs in Asiana. Not only are we proud of our stupidity
we are engaging in a hopeless cause. The JUBU is blatantly a
hopeless cause.
So all you Chinamen and Brahmins and Hankuchin and Russians and
Mohammadans and so on lets all document the holocausts done by us
toward the JUBUs. You know at one time I struck a JUBU on the head
with by bare knuckles. At another time I kicked one in the ass while
on a
field trip to a park. Still another time I broke the jaw of one in
art class. Alas, during the dotcom boom I castrated one while doing
a graveyard shift. Oh yeah, there was another time where I struck a
JUBU with a boombox and sent him off to surgery. There was also that
time when I gave a JUBU a chronic desease which lasted for nine years
by poisoning his bottled water. Such is life I suppose.
Guess what? This was all done by me, myself, God, and faith or
something. I have yet to see a day when I can work in a team like
A-team of television show name and fame with those of Asiana or
to effectively kill off the JUBUs. Sure, when it comes to the
good grades to sit on some painfully hard chair, I am able to get
buddy buddy with people. Sure, when it comes to eating that
sadistically spicy ass fucken food I am able to get buddy buddy with
Sure, when it comes to the tortureous excercises as weight lifting I
am able to get buddy buddy. What the fuck for? With Asiana people
nothing makes sense. So many are into the JUBU culture like
anything. Not only do they practice vegetarianism they are avid
haters of people like myself like you would not believe. I like so
many have no clue what to do. I literally hide and seek to survive
with sufficiency.
At one time I thought the martial arts schools would be able to give
some partner to kill off the JUBUs but I could not find it there as
well. The whole thing is stupid. Even I claim there is no one as
grand a looser as the Asiana people. Forget about the Africana who
are supposedly niggardly or the Eurpoean who is supposedly beligerent
or the Native who is supposedly gangster or the aborignes who is
supposedly wild, the Asiana people are truly loosers like you would
not believe. There is nothing there with them.
O.k. the sex is good with our own escorts I admit but you know I just
realized something, we can only get buddy buddy with a foreigner. I
am just observing a documentary about lions who started having sex
with each other and then fighting with each other then killing off
some prey and then getting buddy buddy with a foreigner as a white
male. This measn we can do it. Holy! Check this out.
You know there was a time in my life when I was just considered a
foreigner by the Orientals of some esoteric cult. Could the keyword
foreinger have helped me in my life toward reciprocity and synergy.
It is so that my glory days in life as pathetic as they were with
vegetarianism were in fact the best I ever had. It was that good.
Even the rain would not fall where I lived although it was stormy
elsewhere nearby.
We Asiana people on the other hand have literally no leg to stand on
or a throat to talk with. You would be surprised at how many Asiana
people have a hole in their throat and a broken leg to start with.
The level of disabiltiy and trajedy is all over the place amongst us
people of Asiana. Thankfully though with all our anger and remorse
the blacks and whites have not given up on us. Which is good.
In that way we as Asiana people have to make the decision to once and
for all eliminate the JUBUs and their wretched influence. I for one
recommend deprogramming for our own ethinc Asiana people possessed
and hostaged by the JUBUs. Deprogramming involves medicine,
evangelicalism, republicanism, and education. The frustrating thing
about deprogramming is that many are so genetically defective they
will attack an Asiana who is a practitioner of the good for the sake
of the JUBU allurement. Rarely, if ever does a person actually attack
an enemy who is a valid abuser.
I am here to admit to you things as suicide, sacrifice, bankruptcy,
and war are a product of the JUBUs and their crimes toward humanity.
Which else can it be? Surely, we as Asiana know of a life where we
are able to live in harmony with one another and recognize the JUBU
for who they are and even act upon it so that they are killed off.
Yet, those times are rare and few.
While I am notorious for retaliating against the JUBU I owe this to
the Pakstani Deshi who ran
over one with a bicycle in elementary school without provocation. We
as Asiana people have to go that far and more. Maybe that being who
seemed like a Deshi from Pakstan was an all energy being of somekind
like the guy from Star Trek who would rescue the old man from the
glacial abyss. One can never know nowadays with this level of
erudition and awareness of the truths that are out there. As such
ignorance is not bliss and silence is death.
I am of the Gen X generation. During my generation we were
encouraged to believe in the Asiana model minority of people who were
focused not only on good grades but also good family values and good
successes as well as good political leverage. For a rare few some it
was like that. The Asiana model minority hype though was a good one
to get by in life though. Later, during my college years I was
encouraged the Asiana alliance initiative. That too was only true
for a token few of Asiana, possibly like myself and others who
acutally procreated with the beauties of the sexual Orient. My record
promiscuos sex with the escorts of the Geisha are nearly over 350
times now. I am trying to work toward doing it around once a week
now. Dang the guy next to me really knows about the Africana
beauties to find on Youtube.
Life has improved in that way. Thanks God for Christ Jesus is God.