In playing any game to win one needs to know the rules. You would be
surprised at how many wins one can have simply by calling upon the
rules of the game. I remember a time when I was in a Tennis Team of
some high school. In that team I noticed us call upon the rules of
the game time and time again. In so doing, we won the city finals
and got to meet the mayor of the city. In fact we were a misfit group
people with very few skills. Although we were somewhat academically
gifted and talented we were not really the sporty type. A number of
the members in our team were disabled either physically or
psychologically. In that way, this open source cloned fiat welfare
environment will expose to the general public the rules of whichever
financial game.
Garnering monies is like that. Most of the reserved monies in the
world are based on the fiat currency. The fiat currency, not to brag
about it, as many of would know, is literally the most sought out
currency in the world. Not only does one have to word until a
of a 100K is invested into a social security trust fund of some kind,
an individual has to go through more torture, torment, struggle,
suffer than anything. The scars on my body are a testament to such
To top it all off the whole of religion cum spirituality is hidden
from us so that the JUBU ways of Chan sickness are encouraged to
justify the whole madcap abject hellish life not worth living.
Contrary to the everlasting life or reincarnation mind game, we in
fact only have one life to live. Some from dust to dust. Others say
"what happens to ash?" Indeed, it is like that, as so many are
into a life which is not their own.
The prolific author Ayn Rand exposes this in the most brutal way. To
practice Ayn Rands postulates seriously educates a person about the
various machinations of hatred, apathy, contrition, fallacys,
abstruseness, superlatives which are looming in our lives. Much of
Republicanism is based on the writings of authors as Ayn Rand, who
expose the whole issues of self destruction inherent in a world
without faith, rhyme, reason, and rationale. This is the danger we
are possessed with.
Imagine a world where people are actually aware of the rules or laws
of the fiat financial system to be able to garner it or acquire it
whichever use. There are a lot of fiats out there just sitting by
collecting dust. More more more more than the sum of the human
population. Why do I even say this?
Well, as the old adage goes "if it can be thought of it can be done."
Why not? Life can be good in that way. We can do this. Later on I
will post a kit for a virtual machine based on Minix3, Ada, TVM, and
Profos. It will be something to something. To all of you out there,
this Minix is the one when it concerns programming. I tell ya, the
psychosomatic affect is good with Minix when is involves coding of
some kind or the other. It is quite enjoyable.
The following is a legend of computer tools for the appropriate use
for the sake of enjoyment and functionality:
Multimedia - Apple Macintosh OS X desktop computer
Networking - Sun Solaris workstation computer
Databasing - GNU Linux laptop computer
Productivity - IBM Xenix PC terminal computer
Telecommuting - 3Com Android PDA computer
Programming - Profos Minix Virtual Machine Computer
I chose this keyword Profos to encourage yet another pragma toward the
Golden Age. I noticed Steve Jobs who is of Persian origin was
instrumental in encouraging the trade of his people which is the Halal
diet and Islam. For me the Halal diet and Islam have been a wonderful
boon, which I am lucky enough to even know of and practice. It is for
that reason why I can even call myself a Brahmin, unlike many of my
people who are hostaged by the JUBU empire of abject hell as paradise.
In reading the book "The Question of God" regarding the ways of C.S.
Lewis and Sigmund Freud I discovered our primal instincts are sex and
food. This sex and food modus operandi to life is somewhat different
to what I was used to hearing which was sex and aggression. Somehow
food has been sidlined so that the JUBU ways of sex and aggression are
encouraged, which basically is rape. In other words, with the sex and
aggression mind game no procreation occurrs. Yet, under the pretense
of sexuality all sorts of abuse occurrs. This is no good and has been
the reason d'etre for the ever increasing divorce rate here in the
RUSA and other parts of the world. Like, oh my, Wow!
In that way, I would like to encourage the development of a Virtual
Machine computer called Profos. Once again, I take my inspiration
from the Chinese people as the founder of Wang Computers and Lotus
Corporation. While the founder of the Wang computer was instrumental
in creating a viable word processing tool, it like so many other tools
of information technology have become not only bankrupt but lost in
history. In that way, I suppose our title of Brahmins may be the
viable one to promote this notion of sexuality within reason as our
title is mentioned in the Kama sutra. Paradoxical as it may seem, the
sex trade is very much influenced by the Geishas of the Orient.
However, for some reason us Brahmins were mentioned in the Kama sutra,
which also is an Oriental publication. Life is like that. It like
upside down loop de loop.
To even establish some notion of truth we need at least four major
proofs, which are documentary, actual, theoretical, and logical. So
to say as they say. There are of course more but to start with we
need at least this much. So let's do it. Let's try to deprogram this
conflict amongst us through the gift blessed to us by God, namely the
very eros we are imbibed with.
As a Brahmin who considers myself as scholarly an evangelical and of
faith in the Guru Shema Christ Jesus, I feel the time is at hand to do
such a thing as introduce into the cosmic consciousness the notion of
a computer, for the said purpose of programming, named Profos.
Already, I have been lucky enough to purchase a domain called
With it I seek to deprogram this incessant cycle of hatred and apathy
in literally any known set of people or psychosis of an individual.
Our world is that dark and dystopic.
Let us all pray and chant about it. God bless and God speed for
Christ Jesus is God. God's will shall be done. Always a pleasure.
Thanks so much. May we all be healthy and secure.