2013-02-14 20:02:04 UTC
During every stage of life I go through as in democracy, capitalism,
evangelicalism, and republicanism there is a mention of a color of
some kind which is considered to look good on me from a fashion
standpoint. Initially, during the days of influence by democracy the
color which was recommended was blue. Later, the color which was
recommended was pink during my stage of life influenced by
capitalism. Nowadays, the color of choice for the evangelical
influence in my current stage of influence is black. "Which is going
to be", as the Irish mad-dog police officer would say to his
The legend is as follows:
Blue - 3 mile island nuclear attack in Pennsylvania
Pink - World Trade Center destruction in New York City
Black - ?ofGod;
In a way, the blue color is indicative of the Jewish diaspora. The
pink color is anologous with the Gypsy tribes. The black color on the
other hand is a bit of an issue as there are many who are considered
black. Nearly everyone from Black Irish to the Black Negros to the
Blacks of whichever status of a pyramid scheme social order are the
target of this current round of war in 2010-2020. Then again could it
be just the Black Irish?
In a way, the Irish presence in this cycle of war is as new as the
Gypsy presence during the influence of capitalism during my early
20s. So, it maybe that the Irish maybe the target of this most
heinous of an attack under the keyword annihilation. The keyword
during the 911 destruction of the world trade center was destruction
as some Zionist Jew lover would boast of GOD as generation, operation,
and destruction. That maybe as the World Trade Center, Louisana,
Tamil Tiger strongholds, Bamyan Province Buddha, Iraq, Haiti were
destroyed. Yes! Destroyed! They are no more.
The once proud and boasted Iraq of the conquer which was never to be
is now and forever gone with the end game of Zionist history. Indeed,
Zionism is a game of endings. Anywhich you choose Zionism or
concatenate with it you will end up into ash. Ask yourself this.
What happens to ash? I knew of a Zionist master once like so many the
world over who would arrogantly claim of a last life for her
disciples. In this world of advancement anything is possible. The
Zionist spiritual empire of Taiwan talks of a life essence whose
formula is supposedly known. It is quite conceivable for a Zionist to
be able to even destroy the very life essence of a sentient being. A
scary world, indeed.
Such is the nature and nurture of this earth planet filled with all
sorts of hatred in the name of Zionism or pan-Judeo supremacy. Amidst
all this what is one to do? I have discovered in my over 30 years of
existence in this earth planet, which by some measure is very young,
that chanting viz prayer to the Abrahamic Almightys is a good way to
improve our life condition from the self destructive affects of
Zionism. Surely, you must of such affects as so many are into some
form of extremity, such as body piercing, fasting, spicy food,
tattooing, dread locks, full body hair removal, abstinence of one kind
or the other. It goes on. I tell ya, the intensity is grand and is a
concern for many.
This is the strangeness of this ethos. This Republic of the United
States of America has for over 300 years been the harbingers of hatred
toward those of the Indian subcontinent. They have amassed all sorts
of ways and means toward this end. What is to become of them?
Indeed, the USSR and IRAQ are no more. They were destroyed fully.
Remnants of such people who have lived in such republics are here and
there hiding in Christian congregations with all sorts of
strangeness. I encountered a woman of the USSR once who had facial
hair like that of a man. Previously, I encountered a man of IRAQ who
evangelicalism, and republicanism there is a mention of a color of
some kind which is considered to look good on me from a fashion
standpoint. Initially, during the days of influence by democracy the
color which was recommended was blue. Later, the color which was
recommended was pink during my stage of life influenced by
capitalism. Nowadays, the color of choice for the evangelical
influence in my current stage of influence is black. "Which is going
to be", as the Irish mad-dog police officer would say to his
The legend is as follows:
Blue - 3 mile island nuclear attack in Pennsylvania
Pink - World Trade Center destruction in New York City
Black - ?ofGod;
In a way, the blue color is indicative of the Jewish diaspora. The
pink color is anologous with the Gypsy tribes. The black color on the
other hand is a bit of an issue as there are many who are considered
black. Nearly everyone from Black Irish to the Black Negros to the
Blacks of whichever status of a pyramid scheme social order are the
target of this current round of war in 2010-2020. Then again could it
be just the Black Irish?
In a way, the Irish presence in this cycle of war is as new as the
Gypsy presence during the influence of capitalism during my early
20s. So, it maybe that the Irish maybe the target of this most
heinous of an attack under the keyword annihilation. The keyword
during the 911 destruction of the world trade center was destruction
as some Zionist Jew lover would boast of GOD as generation, operation,
and destruction. That maybe as the World Trade Center, Louisana,
Tamil Tiger strongholds, Bamyan Province Buddha, Iraq, Haiti were
destroyed. Yes! Destroyed! They are no more.
The once proud and boasted Iraq of the conquer which was never to be
is now and forever gone with the end game of Zionist history. Indeed,
Zionism is a game of endings. Anywhich you choose Zionism or
concatenate with it you will end up into ash. Ask yourself this.
What happens to ash? I knew of a Zionist master once like so many the
world over who would arrogantly claim of a last life for her
disciples. In this world of advancement anything is possible. The
Zionist spiritual empire of Taiwan talks of a life essence whose
formula is supposedly known. It is quite conceivable for a Zionist to
be able to even destroy the very life essence of a sentient being. A
scary world, indeed.
Such is the nature and nurture of this earth planet filled with all
sorts of hatred in the name of Zionism or pan-Judeo supremacy. Amidst
all this what is one to do? I have discovered in my over 30 years of
existence in this earth planet, which by some measure is very young,
that chanting viz prayer to the Abrahamic Almightys is a good way to
improve our life condition from the self destructive affects of
Zionism. Surely, you must of such affects as so many are into some
form of extremity, such as body piercing, fasting, spicy food,
tattooing, dread locks, full body hair removal, abstinence of one kind
or the other. It goes on. I tell ya, the intensity is grand and is a
concern for many.
This is the strangeness of this ethos. This Republic of the United
States of America has for over 300 years been the harbingers of hatred
toward those of the Indian subcontinent. They have amassed all sorts
of ways and means toward this end. What is to become of them?
Indeed, the USSR and IRAQ are no more. They were destroyed fully.
Remnants of such people who have lived in such republics are here and
there hiding in Christian congregations with all sorts of
strangeness. I encountered a woman of the USSR once who had facial
hair like that of a man. Previously, I encountered a man of IRAQ who