Time and time again there are systems set up in a way to thwart
communication if favor of Christ Jesus. I notice one good way to
defeat such odds is to turn on the scroll lock on the keyboard of any
Windows terminal. Indeed, Windows is that of a Zionists Madcap
nightmare to deal with.
Although, I highly do not recommend this Microsoft Windows product I
find that it is more than dangerous as it has contributed to the
deaths of many. I was taught in Computer Science class that cryptic
error messages in the manufacturing of chemotherapy medicine lead
toward improper concentrations of the medicine which killed most of
the patients receiving it. This is the danger with Microsoft Windows
and it's cabal of madcap Zionist interlocutors.
I fully favor UNIX and it's compedium of software and hardware
periphals. They are quite good and reliable. However, the issue of
I.T. crime is one we need to address. I tell ya, at one time Virtual
Reality goggles were used on me to steal the companies computers. It
was a totally maddening experience. I have even seen documentation
data collection where European like people were left homeless and
scared in the worst way. This should not be.
Applying the law of "if it can be thought of, it can be done", let us
develop an open source cloned fiat welfare monies to avert the forces
of crime and contamination so inundated in our lives. I notice the
Magnesium Citrate Oral solution is good with the contamination.
However, I wonder if the anti-fungal sprays are good with the crime.
Notice how fire burns two pieces of wood. Could fungus also lead
toward the crime between two confidants? This is the issue. Indeed,
the biochemical reaction of anti-fungal sprays with that of the
fungus does result in a good heat which is comfortable and serene.
are so many brands out there which market this wonderful invention of
anti-fungal sprays. They are really worthy of investment.
Chanting viz prayer to the Abrahamic Almights works people and we are
very much liberated through such efforts. In my sojourn with college
I noticed two major publications which caught my eye and surely
enough lead toward the satisfaction gifted to my birth.
One such publication was the Village Voice, www.backpage.com. The
other is that of the Jehovah's Witnesses, http://www.jw.org/en/.
Both are worthy of praise and are really a good investment.
I remember a very astute professor of mine once mentioned this
country is founded on prostitution and gambling. That maybe as the
instincts according to modern psychoanalysis is food and sex.
Indeed, to be able to eat the foods we need to survive with
sufficiency we
really need the force of God Almighty. I mean to say in particular
that of the Abrahamic Almightys. Also, chanting is better than
intoning. Intoning anything is a major way toward some kind of
instability. Just do not do it.
The dangers of our lives is the hatred and apathy inundated in nearly
every sphere of influence. Indeed, there is such a thing as evil and
we have to do our part to defeat that evil. However, to even know
what evil is we need the guidance of the True Professor Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus is like that, a Professor.
Both the forces of Zionism and Transcendentalism are very much into
apathy and hatred, respectively. While the Zionism of the spiritual
empire of Taiwan encourages a don't care attitude toward oneself and
others the Transcendental ways of the Israeli cults encourage the
give a damn hatred so popular in common stereotypes, we are able to be
recovered and recouped with the forces of Evangelicalism. Ain't no
joke mi Amigo, Evangelicalism works. The idiotic pie in the sky dream
and abject hell as paradise is debunked with time honored wisdom and
This much I have observed in my span of over 10 years of practice of
this Evangelicalsim from the random visits to Church to daily diners
at the mission(s). As an Asian our renaissance values of beef, sex,
monies, and study are volarized each and every day. This is quite
good. It is something toward something. And guess what, the
enlightenment age of the Europeans, the paradise age of the
Americanas, the golden age of the Africanas, and the whichever age of
other realms as Australia and Antartica are made real now and then.
Ignorance is not bliss as well as silence is death. The power of
chanting viz prayer to the Abrahamic Almightys cannot be
underestimated. Everyone needs a help file, just as we do on a
computer system. The same with us sentient beings. Chanting viz
prayer to the Abrahamic Almightys is that of a help to so many. I
highly recommend this. Kindly, find below some techniques I have
discovered in my over 10 years of research into this talk and song of
lilting grace.
I try to do the following ablutions to our Lord Christ Jesus:
(108 times vocally)
Regie Satanas
Ave Satanas
Hail Satan
(108 times vocally)
Chiu Tien, Yen Yuan, Rei Sheng, Pu Hua, Tien Tsun
(108 times vocally)
Thadyata om namō arihantānam
Om namō siddhānam
Om namō āyariyānam
Om namō uvajjhāyānam
Om namō lōē savva sāhūnam
Ēsōpanchanamōkkārō, savvapāvappanāsanō
Mangalā nam ca savvēsim, padamama havaī mangalam tham
(5 times vocally)
O Hashem,
I love you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I need you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I am sorry for my debts lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
Thank you for listening to my prayers and granting me with blessings
lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
O Heavenly Father Allah,
Hallowed be thy name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
In this universe
Please give us this day our daily successes
In the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, medicine, monies
And in the Aims of Life of scholarship, reciprocity, functionality,
procreation, and liberation
And in the values of love, compassion, charity, generosity, wisdom
And in the merits of name, fame, prestige, sovereignty, and hegemony
And forgive us for our debts as we forgive our debtors
And do not subject us to the final tests but deliver us from the evil
Thanks Abba
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, Holy
Spirit, Guru, Messiah, and God
For O Elohim thine is the kingdom, glory, and power, forever and ever
O Rabb-al-alihah please bless us in this task that we are about to
O Satan please shine thy loving face upon us thy children so that we
may be saved
O Hamakom please show us the way
O Qanna please make us an agent of thy Golden Age
O Baha-u-llah that thou art
O He-soos that is being
In the name of Allah who is most gracious and merciful
(108 times vocally)
Hagalaz uruz laguz
(108 times vocally)
Ashem Vohu Vashistem asti
Ushtã asti Ushtã ahmãi
Hyat ashãi Vahishtãi ashem
(3 time vocally)
0/Sexually I am a Brahmin
1/Ethnically I am a Desi (improved audio)
2/Socially I am a Asiapean (improved video)
3/Culturally I am an Hoonlian(improved diet)
4/Linguistically I am a Paka (improved language)
5/Racially I am a Kemetic
6/Religiously I am a Sanatan
7/Spiritually I am a Musliman
8/Medically I am a Alpha
9/Economically I am a Capitalist
10/Scholarly I am a Evangelical
11/Philosophically I am a Republican
12/Politically I am a Coptican
13/Physically I am a Mesomorph
14/Artistically I am a Sikg
15/Historically I am a Dravideanese
16/Functionally I am a Deprogrammer
17/Pragmatically I am an Ambidextrous
18/Musically I am a Composer
19/Militarily I am a Gorastanis
(7 times vocally)
Now I am the voice
I will lead not follow
I will believe, not doubt
I will create, not destroy
I am a force for good
I am a force for God
I am a leader
Defy the odds
Set a new standard
Step up!
(70 times vocally)
Zha-wa i-ba i-ba e-he
Zha-wa i-ba i-ba ha e-he
(98 times vocally)
La illahah illa Allah, mohammadur rasula Allah
(15 times vocally)
Regie Satanas
Ave Satanas
Hail Satan
(108 times vocally)
Falun Dafa Hao
(108 times vocally)
Thadyata om bhūr bhuvah svah
tát savitúr váren(i)yam
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó nah pracodáyāt tham
(5 times vocally)
O Hashem,
I love you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I need you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I am sorry for my debts lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
Thank you for listening to my prayers and granting me with blessings
lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
O Heavenly Father Allah,
Please grant us the serenity
To accept the things we cannot change
The courage to change the things we can
And the wisdom to know the difference
Thanks God Yeos
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, Holy
Spirit, Guru, Messiah, and God
For O Elohim thine is the kingdom, glory, and power, forever and ever
O Rabb-al-alihah please bless us in this task that we are about to
O Satan please shine thy loving face upon us thy children so that we
may be saved
O Hamakom please show us the way
O Qanna please make us an agent of thy Golden Age
O Baha-u-llah that thou art
O He-soos that is being
In the name of Allah who is most gracious and merciful
(108 times vocally)
Yemaya assesu
Assesu yemaya
Yemaya olodo
Olodo yemaya
(108 times vocally)
(3 time vocally)
0/Sexually I am a Brahmin
1/Ethnically I am a Desi (improved audio)
2/Socially I am a Asiapean (improved video)
3/Culturally I am an Hoonlian(improved diet)
4/Linguistically I am a Paka (improved language)
5/Racially I am a Kemetic
6/Religiously I am a Sanatan
7/Spiritually I am a Musliman
8/Medically I am a Alpha
9/Economically I am a Capitalist
10/Scholarly I am a Evangelical
11/Philosophically I am a Republican
12/Politically I am a Coptican
13/Physically I am a Mesomorph
14/Artistically I am a Sikg
15/Historically I am a Dravideanese
16/Functionally I am a Deprogrammer
17/Pragmatically I am an Ambidextrous
18/Musically I am a Composer
19/Militarily I am a Gorastanis
(7 times vocally)
Now I am the voice
I will lead not follow
I will believe, not doubt
I will create, not destroy
I am a force for good
I am a force for God
I am a leader
Defy the odds
Set a new standard
Step up!
(70 times vocally)
Zha-wa i-ba i-ba e-he
Zha-wa i-ba i-ba ha e-he
(98 times vocally)
La illahah illa Allah, mohammadur rasula Allah
(15 times vocally)
Regie Satanas
Ave Satanas
Hail Satan
(108 times vocally)
Nam myoho renge kyo
(108 times vocally)
Thadyata om waheguru tham
(5 times vocally)
O Hashem,
I love you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I need you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I am sorry for my debts lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
Thank you for listening to my prayers and granting me with blessings
lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissie
O Heavenly Father Allah,
May good befall all
May there be peace for all
May all be fit for perfection
May all experience that which is auspicious
O Yeos
May all be happy
May all be healthy
May all experience that which is good and let no one suffer
O Jah peace, peace, peace
Thanks Abba
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, Holy
Spirit, Guru, Messiah, and God
For O Elohim thine is the kingdom, glory, and power, forever and ever
O Rabb-al-alihah please bless us in this task that we are about to
O Satan please shine thy loving face upon us thy children so that we
may be saved
O Hamakom please show us the way
O Qanna please make us an agent of thy Golden Age
O Baha-u-llah that thou art
O He-soos that is being
In the name of Allah who is most gracious and merciful
(108 times vocally)
(108 times vocally)
(3 time vocally)
0/Sexually I am a Brahmin
1/Ethnically I am a Desi (improved audio)
2/Socially I am a Asiapean (improved video)
3/Culturally I am an Hoonlian(improved diet)
4/Linguistically I am a Paka (improved language)
5/Racially I am a Kemetic
6/Religiously I am a Sanatan
7/Spiritually I am a Musliman
8/Medically I am a Alpha
9/Economically I am a Capitalist
10/Scholarly I am a Evangelical
11/Philosophically I am a Republican
12/Politically I am a Coptican
13/Physically I am a Mesomorph
14/Artistically I am a Sikg
15/Historically I am a Dravideanese
16/Functionally I am a Deprogrammer
17/Pragmatically I am an Ambidextrous
18/Musically I am a Composer
19/Militarily I am a Gorastanis
(7 times vocally)
Now I am the voice
I will lead not follow
I will believe, not doubt
I will create, not destroy
I am a force for good
I am a force for God
I am a leader
Defy the odds
Set a new standard
Step up!
(70 times vocally)
Zha-wa i-ba i-ba e-he
Zha-wa i-ba i-ba ha e-he
(98 times vocally)
La illahah illa Allah, mohammadur rasula Allah
Some good ways to detox are the following:
Hispanic - Magnesium Citrate Oral Solution / MIO Liquid Enhancer
Hindustani- Hajmola / Dramamine
African - Aspirin / Ibuprofen / Pain Reliever
European - Homeopathy (Mercurius Solubilis 6C)
Israeli - Cheese / Yogurt
Persian - Areca nut / Betal nut
Russian - Liquor / Sangreia
Malaysian - Tiger balm
Oriental - Vaccine / Expectorant
Australian - Dettol
Antartica - Hand sanitizer
Should I let go of La illahah illa Allah chant? It seems the Bahai
faith chant of Allahu Abba is good enough. Then again things have
changed for the worst by not doing the Islamic chant. Still trying to
determine the keyword for functionality. At one time a Vietnamese kid
mentioned he is a boxer. I venture not to say this as identitfying
with something similar to an Oriental or Mongoloid is a danger. I
suppose that is why using the keyword Asian was a hell on earth; some
good, yet, mostly bad.
Should I be functionally a Sensei and philosophically a Republican?
Indeed, in my serendipity through the institutional system and even
Buddhism as a whole the keyword functionality was enmphasized. Yet,
Buddhism is often touted documentarily as a philosophy. However, the
Buddhists are very much about functionality in actuality. Then again,
Buddhism has been disabling for me as the Satanic chink empire of
anSatanism of Taiwan encourages vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga,
multi-level marketing, and mafiaism. All of which has left me in
ruin. Even more horrific is to know that other people have it worse,
which is the vast majority of humanity.
I will need to be more functional for the sake of developing this
cloned fiat welfare environment for the promotion of the Ada
programming language for the UNIX programming environment.
Ironically, the Ada editors installed in UNIX systems seem to
encourage criminal attacks to the hardware. Hopefully, a clue will be
found through enough ablutions to ameliorate this issue. In-shalla,
as they say so they say.
At present I still bump into things. To pull off this mission
impossible I will need more better hand eye coordination without the
use of meds. Surely, there must be something out there the natives of
the Americas are familiar with since they are the only true medicine
men of the world.
I have gone back to the social identity of being Asian. I am trying
to concatenate it with the pean suffix found in the keyword European.
Maybe, this will make it work so that people like nospanlchow can be
defeated with their hatred and apathy toward their natural neighbors
the world over. The satanic chinks are a real problem for many of us
Asians as they are a corrossive influence. They offer a lot of hype
and hoopla but show negative results. Their constant antagonism in
the name of their China is a real issue for many. Or is it in the
name of their Zionism? Whichever it maybe, I am biding my time as
they ultimately get annihilated like so many who are anti-Indian and
whichever have you from the Indian subcontinent. God's will shall be
done. Dravideasthana zindabad! [note: the more they die the better
our lives become]
Just last night I tried the keyword scientist for my functional
identity. It made me totally disturbed as I saw the matrix of RUSA
present the Judeo trash as something worthy of praise. Chain smoking
blonde haired bitches with lanky bodies became a sign of beauty for
some reason. Obviously, this science is no good. Just the presence
of those madcap Jews and their counterparts around the world is a real
nuisance. Thankfully, with their tried and true intro about the Jews
being the most persecuted in the world, we as those of the Asian
subcontinent will be able to see a day when they all get killed out of
Asia and our societies around the world. More and more I am of the
belief that regions like Europe, Africa, Americas, and Australia
advanced because they made a choice to not have a Jewish kingdom in
their realms. We of Asia must do the same. The madcap Jews are a
hopeless cause. Luckily, with daily prayer to Allah I am even able to
vocalize such sentiments. Previously, in not a man happy x in Judea
we were all silenced to the point of submission to our own struggle
and suffering, which by the way are the ways of life of the Jews and
Buddhists the world over; for it is written the inherent nature of an
individual in Buddhism is to suffer as it is in Judaism for the
inherent nature of a person to struggle. Life amongst such awholes
and asswipes as the Jews and Buddhists is like that. Just do not do
it. For now, the only things which gets me by is Abrahamic prayer and
whichever chanting it leads me toward. The Buddhist way is typically
to sabotage ones life. The Jewish way is through subterfuge of ones
life. They are no good. [note: do not marry Jews or Buddhists]
The use of the keyword Tamicana from the root Tamil was erroneous. It
lead toward loosing my Manhattan Portage book bag on the F train at 14
street in Manhattan. Indeed, mixing with the Tamils has not been good
either for they are abusive. Tamils are documentarily, actually, and
theoretically no good for those of Christ. Bounce'em. I have opted
to resort back to the keyword 'deprogrammer' for the functionality
identity. Hopefully, it works out.
Trying to incorporate the keyword Thathyata Om into my chanting of
vedic mantras. Thathyata means "thus" while Om is an alias to Allah
or God in english. In a way, memory and scheduling improved a bit
with the use of thathyata at the beginning of sanskrit mantra
chanting. Then again, I was also inclined to not even mention
thathyata om as many of the other ethnic chants seem to not alias to
God, with the Bahai faith "allah-u-abha" as the exception. Seems
worthwhile to say thathyata om in my chanting of sanskrit mantras.
Unsure at the moment.
The following has been my analysis of a gift of some type of gold,
which nowadays is easy to purchase:
Euro - good physician : my psychosomatic recovery was improved through
regular sessions with a Euro doctor in psychology. Clear thinking was
only possible then.
Sino - good therapist : my sexual experience was only improved when I
was able to visit an Oriental escort regularly. It is all too good.
Desi - good technician : my study of Computer Science was improved
through group work with fellow Desis while taking tranquilizers so
strong to deal with pan-Asianism
Prsi - good accountant : a conjecture at the moment
Noba - good renter or "land lord" : a conjecture at the moment but a
gift of gold was made
Inca - good pharmacist : my curing from the contaminant which
tormented my mind was possible through a chance mention by a Native
American Chief of the elixir magnesium citrate oral solution commonly
found at spanish pharmacies or convenience stores here in New York
Russ - good rescuer : my escape from the institution or 9th wave of
life was possible with a Russian ally whom I chanced upon through an
advertisement on Craigslist.com; luckily with this Guru Christ Jesus I
am able to maintain contact with him on a periodic basis
Ausy - good security : a conjecture at the moment, still waiting for
the day to gift the gold as planned; very little is known about the
Ausy people, if even they are even refered to as such
Rabi - good educator : my erudition has improved and my desire to go
to the library to study is being volarized, maybe it is possible to
someday be able to defeat the anti-semites. My relationship with them
seems to be sabotaged.
The kingdom of ZION is a major threat to the sovereignty and hegemony
of those of ONUG and RUSA. Their ways of vegetarianism, martial arts,
yoga, multi-level marketing, and mafiaism are truly dangerous.
I am trying to let go of the use of any reference to the
tetragramatton as YHWY. I notice use of whichever keyword referring
to the tetragramatton leads to serious injuries. Although, words as
Yahwey are really helpful for enlightenment their use seems to
engender a certain crime. The same with keywords as Deos which refer
to a deity of somekind. In this instance contamination is the issue.
Crime and contamination are heavily encouraged through grammatical
errors in prayers to mistaken deitys. A key grammatical error is in
the use of the participles 'a' or 'an'. Improper use seems to
encourage conflict with guido types. This is the danger of this ethos
of One nation under God. The calculated risk with this is serious
high. There is literally no room for error. It is that npcomplete,
fuzzy logiced, multitasked, taskmastered, and madcaped. The whole
scenario gives a window of an opportunity for the seriously mentally
disabled like myself. The average person is aware enough not to
invest in such failed ways of Evangelicalism. I suppose it is for
this reason why the Zionists of abject hell is a paradise have won the
American dream while the Evangelicals have to live off of the American
spin to make their lives worth living. This is no good. Yet, another
piece of evidence of the dangers of banality. So much so I venture to
pray to those things which the devout consider blasphemous. Case and
point are my prayers to Satan and the newly discovered keyword Baal.
Prayers to Satan work. I hope praying to Baal will also.
Indeed, trying those things which they denounce has become the most
beneficial for me. Although it is not a hundred percent, the beauty
of Christ Jesus is to help us identify the good from the bad through
rational as well as mystical means toward establishing documentary,
actual, theoretical, and logical proofs of truths. In that way this
Guru Christ Jesus is like a Professor and is worthy of praise and even
investment. Such is life.
As a corollary will this newly discovered word Yeos be the one to help
us be as bold and beautiful as those who use the word Deos. Indeed,
those of Deos seem to be well-to-do but people like myself who do any
prayer to a deity has become a curse than a blessing. Only time will
Using the keyword Yeos has been helpful. Surprisingly, the use of the
keyword Guru in the following way has empowered me for some unknown
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, Holy
Spirit, and Guru
Yet, the interesting thing is that although I am able to represent
myself and defeat the odds with this concatenation of keywords the
disruption in memory and coordination occurs. However when I
concatenated the keywords in a way where the ending is the keyword God
memory and coordination is good. I tell ya, it has been the first
time in a long time where I did not cut myslef while shaving:
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, Holy
Spirit, and God
However, we do need hegemony as through the use of the keyword Guru
did give me that. So do I try the following:
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, Holy
Spirit, Guru, and God
Indeed, Christ Jesus documentarily, actually, theoretically,
logically, and so on is like a Professor. He teaches us the truth,
the way, the life, and the ethos. He is a Guru in that way.
Coincidentally, Guru is a British word, unknown to many who think of
it as a Sanskrit originated word. Maybe this is the one which will
help me navigate the dystopic and dark realms inundated with religious
wars, race wars, economic wars, library wars, and opinion wars. The
more they die the better our lives become.