In trying to find my alliances in whichever respective sphere of
influences I notice the following seem to be bode well for me as a
Dravideanese from South Asia:
Koreans - good for sexual services
Andeans - good for vocational efforts
Ivoreans - good for spiritual practices including socializing
Scandinaveans - unfamiliar at the moment
Australeans - unknown at the moment
Dravideans - good for nothing
However, instead of the Dravideanese I notice the Muslims are a good
fit for survival with sufficiency. I just cannot say enough about
the awesome benefit of the Muslim diaspora. We are so lucky to be
influenced by the Muslims of the world. I highly encourage so many
to pray to Allah daily at least five times per day.
Interestingly, many Dravideanese are part of the Transcendental cum
Zionist conglomeration which is heavily influenced by the Israel
madcap Jews and the Taiwanese SOB chinks. Indeed, the world has
taken a turn for the worst as so many are into some form of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, and
or arguementation. Their end game of death by a towering inferno and
castration from existence itself is the nature of their ethos.
While the Jew has developed the atomic bomb and the Chink the Sarin
gas, both work effortless to kill the lives of so many the world
over. Both Israel and Taiwan are in the business of killing human
lives. Yet, this is the most champoined as if it were the rule of
thumb to go by in life.
Few, irrespective of the support they are given venture to even
practice evangelicalism. I tell ya, so many Asians are into some
form of stupidity grand. They claim family values while practicing
sports, chess, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, and
You would be surprised to know they have all the time in the world to
go off to some hidden part of the world and disappear in search for
enlightenment but cannot even venture to a church or library on a
regular basis. Vast majority of Asians with strange and esoteric
diets practices all sorts of physical torture and are proud of it.
Check this out! They actually build up their bodies while starving
themselves with whey powder. So many are like this.
Many times I could only reiterate, there is no grand a looser than an
Asian. They have no communal values, reciprocity, synergy,
reinforcement, nurturing, and support system. Basically, they have
no friends. Although it is not a hundred percent they do as far as I
have observed waste their life away sleeping. They have grand don't
give a damn and don't know attitude so inundated throughout society.
This is the danger.
Why did the developed world advanced. Basically, they did everything
which Asians rejected. Not only did they reject Christ Jesus but
also beef, pork, liquor, egg, cake, condoms, and so on. Their
ways of life as paradise have become the quid pro quo toward a state
of hell. This much I have known.
So many Asians are scrawny and stupid. Even the ones who claim to
have gone to some Ivy League University are into some form of
debauchery as pilgrimaging to an Ashram frequently. Their idiocy is
never enough. So watch out people.
The two most dangerous demons in our lives are the transcendentalists
of Israel and the zionsits of Taiwan. Both the Transcendental occult
empire of Israel and the Zionist spiritual cults of Taiwan are a
danger to humanity. Both encourage suicide rituals, human sacrifice,
zero sum games, and communal war viz the very reverse engineering of
evangelical truism as meditation. Notice meditation which by many
evangelicals is considered to be no more than developing awareness
through erudition or the reading of books has become twisted by the
Transcendentalists and Zionists to be no more than torturing oneself
by sitting cross legged in some lotus posture of the Oriental masters
idiotic guidance of no-mind, no-self, and nothingness.
Sounds very similar to the idiotic Judeo-Ghandian banality of self-
reliance, political correctness, non-alignment, passive resistance.
While the Chan Buddhists encourage sovereignty the Gandians encourage
hegemony but are not successful.