War Cycle 2010-2020
(too old to reply)
2012-11-18 18:59:07 UTC
During the first war cycle of the millennium we notice the English pop
icons were destroyed, such as the World Trade Center, Louisana, Bamyan
Buddha, and Iraq, as well as the Tsunami in Sri Lanka. Now during
this second war cycle of the millennium will we see the idols of the
Latino empire be "annihilated"? Indeed, the major influences of the
western world are the English and the Latin influences. Already,
there is mention of a nuclear war with Iran at the government
representatives portal http://www.davidduke.com. Also, there is a
mention of an economic collapse in America on the famous Robert
Kyosaki's website, http://www.richdad.com.

During World War II when the nuclear bomb was used the world witnessed
the Israelites be holocausted, the Taiwanese exterminated, the
Caribbean tyrannied, and even Morocco ruined. The whole world went
into a shock witnessing the worst known atrocities to humankind. Will
this be the same reiteration of history we are so used to in our

Indeed, in my study of Evangelicalism I feel it was the Indian
diaspora which was holocausted. Nearly every image used in the Nazi
regime is that from Evangelical iconography. Even more alarming is
the consistent trend of Evangelicals to consider the Indian diaspora
and everything which is from them to be Satanic. Already in my
nascent attempt at Evangelicalism I notice literature of Pastors who
document their murder of Indians whom they have encountered. At one
time in my life there was a look amongst European people which struck
me with fear. It was the look of the pinky type of people whom I
recognized as Gypsys. Indeed, many Gypsys are the Pastors and
employees of the Evangelical movement. Later, I read the Gypsys are
also the Roma people of Italy. Colloquially, we refer to them as

Thanks God because kicking their ass will be easy. We have no
choice. Who the Hell are going to Holocausted for them? It makes no
sense. At one time I worked for a boss who was a Gypsy claiming to be
a homosexual. He would talk of the war with Iraq as a war for oil.
He would also talk of the Malaysian towers as penis envy. He was
comical in a way. I must say, working for him was the best time of my
life. He was good in that way. What was not good is what I typically
go through with Euro type of people. Typically, I will fall head over
heals in enthusiasm with them and then they will migrate to some other
shore. This seems to occur for about one year. Nearly for one year,
everything will go exactly as planned. From lilting grace to a world
of abundance life is good for about a year. Then, out of nowhere, the
attacks from the antagonists arrive. Nothing works are we are left
institutionalized in some way or the other.

Obviously, this makes no sense. Why cannot we have a good time for
the longest or forever? From guru to Guru my life is like this.
Things come and go. Luckily with the inundation of the UNIX systems
the issue with change is somewhat negotiable. Now we need to address
the issue with chaos. Maybe the volarization of the Ada programming
environment is a good way to promote synergy. Having studied computer
science for over a decade I notice the Ada programming environment is
where it goes.

So many languages come and go, however, this Ada pragma seems to be
around for the longest time. Let us go with this Ada tool to be able
to ameliorate our life condition with something functional. While the
UNIXes have given us some base reciprocity to allow for a shared
humanity, the Ada tool may allow us for a more viable synergy. At one
time a lady once mentioned that in studying a different subject we
need to learn a new language. As a corollary, some have mentioned
"men are from Mars and women are from Venus." The tower of babel we
are all so familiar with is an issue which maybe resolved through a
tool allowing for divergent pragmas to be coded in a similar

Just recently I came across a few keywords to apply toward this
endeavour. During my initial trials with a guru known as Swami
Vivekanada there was mention of an open source movement known as AWB
Food Bank. An open source fanfare if you will. Later, under the guru
Suma Ching Hai there is a mention of an open source software under GNU/
LINUX. Now under this Guru of all gurus there is indication of an
open source welfare to arrive our way. There are mentionings here and
there of a precedent which will allow for this to occur.

One is the SSDI program so popular in the USA. The other is a trial
at universal welfare in the state of Vermont. Even more interesting
is the mentioning of welfare as a future business in the Economist
magazine. So, I suppose my awesome predictive powers are working as
mentioned by someone claiming to be from the CIA. Luckily, through
the aid of Christ Jesus I am able to use this for the benefit of
myself and others. At one time, I felt frozen much like Han Solo in
"Star Wars". Some how through prayer to Chief Christ Jesus I was able
to encounter a Native American Chief or medicine man to clue me in on
the use of magnesium citrate oral solution. More recently a similar
gentleman of the natives of the Americas clued me in on the use of
something known as MIO Liquid Enhancer. It too is also a cherry
colored drink as the Magnesium Citrate Oral Solution mentioned
previously through a strange waking dream. However, the MIO Liquid
Enhancer seems to have links with cancer. It still is a good mention,
though, which either through induction or deduction will guide us
toward the forbidden. Could the Cocoa oil in some pharmacies be the
one to help us in our quest for a viable means of energy? Or is it
Coca oil? I will report next time after I get the Metrocard to travel
to research.

In any case, I will have to attempt at making a Blog toward our
endeavour toward the Golden Age. As they in the "Field of Dreams",
"build it and they will come." Believe it and it will happen. Pray
for it and it will volarize. There are so many ways to get all that
we desire.

Kindly, check out my website www.gnfisnotfiat.org. Hopefully, it will
lead toward something. Indeed, there are a lot of poisons out there.
Now, the issue is of being threatened. My major issue is that the
antagonists are destroying those things which I need to make this a
reality. Just recently my PPC Mac G4 desktop monitor cable was cut by
a Hispanic woman claiming to be from Puerto Rico. We agents really
need a useful security tool. The major challenge toward this next
phase in open source is security. While there is secret communication
through the Unixs we are lacking in secure transactions. From
identity theft to death of life we are all in danger without a
functional security device.

I was hoping the Ada JGrasp editor would be a good way to encourage
some type of security but it was coincidentally after installing
JGrasp on my Mac G4 PPC desktop when the monitor cable was cut. This
is the danger. Even the switch blade which I bought was taken away
from me by the police when I tried to hide in an ATM booth during a
blackout in the city. We are all in danger in that way.

Dystopia has amassed nearly everywhere I go. Through some universal
effort we are able to communicate but we are not succeeding. Things
come and go. The tragedies have become the lives of the masses. This
is not good. So many are seen as homeless, disabled, destitute, and
abject. It goes on.

My current attempt at objectivism has included a new keyword, which is
Tzadik. At one time during High School a Korean fellow New World
Order member called me a what I thought was a dick. Now I realize he
was trying to tell me about Tzadik, which is a more traditional way of
saying Hasidim. Later, a Korean international student whom I offered
shelter during his stay in America, mentioned to me "I am an alien."
Which could this be? Is he trying to say Aryan or Asian or something
else? Let's pray and chant about it?

Anyway, hopefully, I will be able to survive long enough till I get
paid to buy this water enhancer. If it even works without killing
me. Surely, it was mentioned by a native of the Americas who are the
world's most famous medicine men. Life has been good in that way with
this Christ Jesus to educate me about the blessings of this human
existence. With the European physician, Shamanic pharmacist, and so
on we are so blessed toward good health.

Al Gore mentioned in his book "An Inconvenient Truth", "there is
nothing beyond death and taxes." Somewhat true for many in a post
modern world of darkness and displacement. Yet, analysing my own life
condition indicates I like so many others do not pay taxes while still
acquiring monies through welfare. Could it be proven that someday I
am beyond death as well?

We can do this people. We can make the liberation of humanity a
reality for so many the world over. Travelling here and there I
notice there are brief moments of space and time where the Golden Age
already exists. Surely, you must admit to this as we are advertised
tourism to far off places of enchantment and mystique. As such the
Golden Age is real and here to stay. We just need to expand it's
scope the world over. It can be done and seems to be occurring as
people are connecting through technology.

However, the old axiom still holds, which is "there is no such thing
as a free lunch", which through the grace of the Lord Christ Jesus I
enjoy. Those of propriety and agnosticism are truly the ones we are
threatened by. Where is the love or the enlightenment among them.
Nearly everything they told me and many others were relearned. Jerks
over here and bastards over there are the ruin of the masses.

Luckily, with this GNU/LINUX we are able to communicate in ways never
possible before. For a person like myself to even admit this much was
impossible nearly two decades ago. I still hear the satanic voices of
the demons saying slur words in a foreign language. Truly, a
nightmare for all concerned. Maybe, with this Ada we will be able to
overcome the issues we encounter as a people.

Anyway, let's pray and chant about it as I try to set up this Blog for
now and evermore. God bless and God speed for Christ Jesus is God.
God's will shall be done. Thanks so much.

Please find below some nice techniques toward some good survival
juxtaposed to a world filled with suicide rituals, human sacrifice,
zero sum games, communal war, and slander. May we all live long and
be prosperous.

I try to do the following ablutions to our Lord Christ Jesus:
(108 times vocally)
Falun Dafa Hao

(108 times vocally)
Om Ṇamō arihantāṇaṁ
Om Ṇamō siddhāṇaṁ
Om Ṇamō āyariyāṇaṁ
Om Ṇamō uvajjhāyāṇaṁ
Om Ṇamō lōē savva sāhūṇaṁ
Ēsōpan̄caṇamōkkārō, savvapāvappaṇāsaṇō
Maṅgalā ṇaṁ ca savvēsiṁ, paḍamama havaī maṅgalaṁ

(5 times vocally)
O Hashem,
I love you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I need you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I am sorry for my debts lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
Thank you for listening to my prayers and granting me with blessings
lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
O Heavenly Father Jehova Jireh
Hallowed be thy name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
In this universe
Please give us this day our daily successes
In the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, medicine, monies
And in the Aims of Life of scholarship, reciprocity, functionality,
procreation, and liberation
And in the values of love, compassion, charity, generosity, wisdom
And in the merits of name, fame, prestige, safety, presence
And forgive us for our debts as we forgive our debtors
And do not subject us to the final tests but deliver us from the evil
Thanks God Jehova Shema
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, and Holy
For O Elohim thine is the kingdom, glory, and power, forever and ever
O Rabb-al-alihah please bless us in this task that we are about to
O Ilah al-'alihah please shine thy loving face upon us thy children so
that we may be saved
O Qanna please make us an agent of thy Golden Age
O Hosanna that is being
O Baha-u-llah that thou art
In the name of Allah who is most gracious and merciful

(108 times vocally)
Ashem Vohu Vashistem asti
Ushtã asti Ushtã ahmãi
Hyat ashãi Vahishtãi ashem

(108 times vocally)

(1 time vocally)
0/Sexually I am a Brahmin
1/Ethnically I am a Desi (improved audio)\
2/Socially I am an Asianesque (improved video)\
3/Culturally I am an Americanstaniz (improved diet)\
4/Linguistically I am a Paka (improved language)\
5/Racially I am an Africana
6/Religiously I am a Sanatan
7/Spiritually I am a Musliman
8/Medically I am an Alpha
9/Economically I am a Capitalist
10/Scholarly I am an Evangelical
11/Philosophically I am a Nichiren
12/Politically I am a Coptican
13/Physically I am a Mesomorph
14/Artistically I am a Sikg
15/Historically I am a Dravideanese
16/Functionally I am a Tzadik
17/Pragmatically I am a Rasta
18/Musically I am a Composer

(7 times vocally)
Now I am the voice
I will lead not follow
I will believe, not doubt
I will create, not destroy
I am a force for good
I am a force for God
I am a leader
Defy the odds
Set a new standard
Step up!

(70 times vocally)
I intend, in both mental
and physical function to
improve everyday.

(98 times vocally)
(108 times vocally)
Chiu Tien, Yen Yuan, Rei Sheng, Pu Hua, Tien Tsun

(108 times vocally)
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt

(5 times vocally)
O Hashem,
I love you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I need you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I am sorry for my debts lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
Thank you for listening to my prayers and granting me with blessings
lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
O Heavenly Father Jehova Jireh
Please grant us the serenity
To accept the things we cannot change
The courage to change the things we can
And the wisdom to know the difference
Thanks God Jehova Shema
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, and Holy
For O Elohim thine is the kingdom, glory, and power, forever and ever
O Rabb-al-alihah please bless us in this task that we are about to
O Ilah al-'alihah please shine thy loving face upon us thy children so
that we may be saved
O Qanna please make us an agent of thy Golden Age
O Hosanna that is being
O Baha-u-llah that thou art
In the name of Allah who is most gracious and merciful

(108 times vocally)
Yemaya assesu
Assesu yemaya
Yemaya olodo
Olodo yemaya

(108 times vocally)
La illahah illa Allah

(1 time vocally)
0/Sexually I am a Brahmin
1/Ethnically I am a Desi (improved audio)\
2/Socially I am an Asianesque (improved video)\
3/Culturally I am an Americanstaniz (improved diet)\
4/Linguistically I am a Paka (improved language)\
5/Racially I am an Africana
6/Religiously I am a Sanatan
7/Spiritually I am a Musliman
8/Medically I am an Alpha
9/Economically I am a Capitalist
10/Scholarly I am an Evangelical
11/Philosophically I am a Nichiren
12/Politically I am a Coptican
13/Physically I am a Mesomorph
14/Artistically I am a Sikg
15/Historically I am a Dravideanese
16/Functionally I am a Tzadik
17/Pragmatically I am a Rasta
18/Musically I am a Composer

(7 times vocally)
Now I am the voice
I will lead not follow
I will believe, not doubt
I will create, not destroy
I am a force for good
I am a force for God
I am a leader
Defy the odds
Set a new standard
Step up!

(70 times vocally)
I intend, in both mental
and physical function to
improve everyday.

(98 times vocally)
(108 times vocally)
Nam myoho renge kyo

(108 times vocally)

(5 times vocally)
O Hashem,
I love you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I need you lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
I am sorry for my debts lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissi
Thank you for listening to my prayers and granting me with blessings
lord and savior El Elyon Christ Jesus Nissie
O Heavenly Father Jehova Jireh
May good befall all
May there be peace for all
May all be fit for perfection
May all experience that which is auspicious
O Jehova Rophe
May all be happy
May all be healthy
May all experience that which is good and let no one suffer
O Jah peace, peace, peace
Thanks God Jehova Shema
In the name of Christ Jesus our Almighty living Father, Son, and Holy
For O Elohim thine is the kingdom, glory, and power, forever and ever
O Rabb-al-alihah please bless us in this task that we are about to
O Ilah al-'alihah please shine thy loving face upon us thy children so
that we may be saved
O Qanna please make us an agent of thy Golden Age
O Hosanna that is being
O Baha-u-llah that thou art
In the name of Allah who is most gracious and merciful

(108 times vocally)
Hagalaz uruz laguz

(108 times vocally)

(1 time vocally)
0/Sexually I am a Brahmin
1/Ethnically I am a Desi (improved audio)\
2/Socially I am an Asianesque (improved video)\
3/Culturally I am an Americanstaniz (improved diet)\
4/Linguistically I am a Paka (improved language)\
5/Racially I am an Africana
6/Religiously I am a Sanatan
7/Spiritually I am a Musliman
8/Medically I am an Alpha
9/Economically I am a Capitalist
10/Scholarly I am an Evangelical
11/Philosophically I am a Nichiren
12/Politically I am a Coptican
13/Physically I am a Mesomorph
14/Artistically I am a Sikg
15/Historically I am a Dravideanese
16/Functionally I am a Tzadik
17/Pragmatically I am a Rasta
18/Musically I am a Composer

(7 times vocally)
Now I am the voice
I will lead not follow
I will believe, not doubt
I will create, not destroy
I am a force for good
I am a force for God
I am a leader
Defy the odds
Set a new standard
Step up!

(70 times vocally)
I intend, in both mental
and physical function to
improve everyday.

(98 times vocally)
Some good ways to detox are the following:

Hispanic - Magnesium Citrate Oral Solution
Hindustani- Hajmola
African - Aspirin with Ibuprofen
European - Homeopathy
Israeli - Cheese
Persian - Areca nut or Betal nut
Russian - Liquor
Malaysian - Tiger balm
Oriental - Vaccine
Australian - Dettol
Antartica - Hand sanitizer
2012-12-14 13:39:12 UTC

you can try this sourceforge.net/projects/alsasimple/ in the particular case
of Jesus;
Also, Thanks to Jesus and its association with the christ verity, it is certainly
appropriate to decrease the salvation of the christ with brand-new
innovations and the relationship with the love efficiently ;
I must also mention that you can find some ideas at http://sourceforge.net/projects/clockloop/;
Also, it should be helpful to talk about the covenant of the christ with great
why did you organize the jesus worthiness?

May The Lord be with you
