& what did your mother doing during the war!
(too old to reply)
brian lamb
2011-11-30 16:33:51 UTC
'Je is moeder is een hoer'

More likely Heinrich's mother was a whore to the Huns in '40 to '45 &
the Canucks in '45/'46!

MoooooooooooooooooseShit's mother was a whore to the Russkies in '45
to '55!

It goes a long way to explaining how fooooooooooked up they both are!

A Moose in Love
2011-11-30 17:42:23 UTC
'Jeis moederis een hoer'
More likely Heinrich's mother was a whore to the Hunsin '40 to '45 &the Canucksin '45/'46!
MoooooooooooooooooseShit's mother was a whore to the Russkiesin '45
to '55!
It goes a long way to explaining how fooooooooooked up they both are!
you know that's knot true. why post drivel which no one believes?
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