2013-05-07 23:02:10 UTC
In a way when it concerns a model of relationship with whichever
concerned any known pragma needs a form of protection from serious
maladies, so to say as they say. In that way, the invention of the
latex condom has revolutionized the whole of the sexual services
industry and ameliorated it for the better. As a corrollary the
information technology may have what it needs when it concerns dealing
with the various operating systems of the world. Namely, the CYGWIN
unix terminal maybe the profos of choice to help whomever to realize
the bliss of technology. It is lietally that good.
I remember at one time I used to use a DOS telnet terminal to login
into my NYU unix account to access the internet and various other
tools of the trade. Tining to various USENET newsgroups was really a
pleasure as I was first exposed to it by reading porn diaries on
certain newsgroups. What is even more interesting was that I was able
to get an interest from some Chini acquantance of mine through the
TALK program. Out of nowhere a Chini pal of mine would sent a TALK
request to me. This was unheard of as my life was very much about
silence and ignorance from my own so call Asian society. Even more
interesting was that I was able to send a love letter to some Russian
man, whom I later found out was a woman. Also, I was able to respond
through the PINE program to some Persian person who was seriously
distrubed by my comment about a semetic nose. I tell ya, the
happiness I found with UNIX was such that I was able to compose this
response to this Persian person with shear goodwill.
Now, as you may know I eat Halal and am able to join in the
evangelical services at various missions I have been too. Getting
back to what I was trying to communicate. The whole issue of
whichever when it concerns a relationship is all about the profos or
protection tool, as I see it, anyway. Others may say otherwise but
then again not all religions are the same.
Indeed the following have been helpful when it concerns protection
during a relationship, physical or metaphysical or spiritual or
existential or so on.
concerned any known pragma needs a form of protection from serious
maladies, so to say as they say. In that way, the invention of the
latex condom has revolutionized the whole of the sexual services
industry and ameliorated it for the better. As a corrollary the
information technology may have what it needs when it concerns dealing
with the various operating systems of the world. Namely, the CYGWIN
unix terminal maybe the profos of choice to help whomever to realize
the bliss of technology. It is lietally that good.
I remember at one time I used to use a DOS telnet terminal to login
into my NYU unix account to access the internet and various other
tools of the trade. Tining to various USENET newsgroups was really a
pleasure as I was first exposed to it by reading porn diaries on
certain newsgroups. What is even more interesting was that I was able
to get an interest from some Chini acquantance of mine through the
TALK program. Out of nowhere a Chini pal of mine would sent a TALK
request to me. This was unheard of as my life was very much about
silence and ignorance from my own so call Asian society. Even more
interesting was that I was able to send a love letter to some Russian
man, whom I later found out was a woman. Also, I was able to respond
through the PINE program to some Persian person who was seriously
distrubed by my comment about a semetic nose. I tell ya, the
happiness I found with UNIX was such that I was able to compose this
response to this Persian person with shear goodwill.
Now, as you may know I eat Halal and am able to join in the
evangelical services at various missions I have been too. Getting
back to what I was trying to communicate. The whole issue of
whichever when it concerns a relationship is all about the profos or
protection tool, as I see it, anyway. Others may say otherwise but
then again not all religions are the same.
Indeed the following have been helpful when it concerns protection
during a relationship, physical or metaphysical or spiritual or
existential or so on.