Maoist Republican Hindus
(too old to reply)
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 19:24:06 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 19:31:29 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 19:38:45 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and White.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 19:48:58 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and

The typical woes of the Asiana people are the blighted ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism,
argumentation, sports and so on. What made us of Asiana this way
whether past, present, future, or now? It has been due to the
constant and persistent possession by the forces of the Demon King
Dalai Lama and the useless Rasta NGR politicians of Judea. Which else
can it be? Indeed there are others as in the Gpsys of Morroco, Judes
of Israel, Spigs of Hispanol, Sinos of Taiwan, Shahs of Trinidad,
Gujus of Kalistan.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 20:04:37 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and

The typical woes of the Asiana people are the blighted ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism,
argumentation, sports and so on. What made us of Asiana this way
whether past, present, future, or now? It has been due to the
constant and persistent possession by the forces of the Demon King
Dalai Lama and the useless Rasta NGR politicians of Judea. Which else
can it be? Indeed there are others as in the Gpsys of Morocco, Judes
of Israel, Spigs of Hispanyol, Sinos of Taiwan, Shahs of Trinidad,
Gujus of Kalistan.

Most as the Gujus and the Judes are staunch "pure vegetarians" as they
boast of. They are also proud promoters of the Kosher diet which
leads one to a nihilism not worth patronizing. However, when we are
in favor of Halal the whole world turns upside down. All sorts of wars
ensue in the name of Israel and Judea, whose headquarters is Brooklyn,
New York, RUSA of Tawa-ntin-suyo. Both Israel and Judea take up most
of the time slots for media promotion. Nearly every sphere of
influence is heavily brainwashed and conditioned by the propaganda of
the Israel viz Judean marketing regime. From television to newspaper
to public debate to board meetings so many are immersed into the
conspiracy of the Isreali-Judean mind game. It is literally never
enough for them to work their lives away for an investment which does
not return.

So many complain of taxes which are the only way to invest into a
government social security trust fund. Mind you the government social
security trust fund when reaped returns more than a whopping 3 million
dollar CD from a brokerage house of your choosing. Not only do I brag
about this but I also am trying to make this open source. However, I
wonder, as the old saying of Howard Stern goes, if "nobody gives a
shit." I write this because just the other day I had a conversation
with a useless nigger who their typical holier than though affect was
not even interested in the work I have just established toward a
cloned fiat welfare environment. He apparently did not have enough
time out of his waste of life schedule to listen to just 30 seconds
worth of audio script. This is what they are.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 20:11:54 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and

The typical woes of the Asiana people are the blighted ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism,
argumentation, sports and so on. What made us of Asiana this way
whether past, present, future, or now? It has been due to the
constant and persistent possession by the forces of the Demon King
Dalai Lama and the useless Rasta NGR politicians of Judea. Which else
can it be? Indeed there are others as in the Gpsys of Morocco, Judes
of Israel, Spigs of Hispanyol, Sinos of Taiwan, Shahs of Trinidad,
Gujus of Kalistan.

Most as the Gujus and the Judes are staunch "pure vegetarians" as they
boast of. They are also proud promoters of the Kosher diet which
leads one to a nihilism not worth patronizing. However, when we are
in favor of Halal the whole world turns upside down. All sorts of wars
ensue in the name of Israel and Judea, whose headquarters is Brooklyn,
New York, RUSA of Tawa-ntin-suyo. Both Israel and Judea take up most
of the time slots for media promotion. Nearly every sphere of
influence is heavily brainwashed and conditioned by the propaganda of
the Israel viz Judean marketing regime. From television to newspaper
to public debate to board meetings so many are immersed into the
conspiracy of the Isreali-Judean mind game. It is literally never
enough for them to work their lives away for an investment which does
not return.

So many complain of taxes which are the only way to invest into a
government social security trust fund. Mind you the government social
security trust fund when reaped returns more than a whopping 3 million
dollar CD from a brokerage house of your choosing. Not only do I brag
about this but I also am trying to make this open source. However, I
wonder, as the old saying of Howard Stern goes, if "nobody gives a
shit." I write this because just the other day I had a conversation
with a useless nigger who their typical holier than though affect was
not even interested in the work I have just established toward a
cloned fiat welfare environment. He apparently did not have enough
time out of his waste of life schedule to listen to just 30 seconds
worth of audio script. This is what they are.

The irony of the whole thing is that the useless nigger is literally
the one who has it so good. Most of the evangelical places of worship
which serve meals fit for a king of the round-table are inundated with
useless niggers. They are all over the place. Any place which is of
God, an exclusively Abrahamic Almighty keyword, is heavily laden with
all sorts of useless niggerism. In that way our Brahmin heritage has
been defiled.

Most mandirs refer to the vigraham or murti or diety as god, which is
not true. So much is done to reverse engineer and spin doctor each
and everything to that of god. In that way I appreciate the Chinese
for being so inclined to make a stand on the whole thing to even
encourage the Buddha as a sage and wiseman rather than god. God is
god and is only for the Abrahamic people. The Abrahamic people are
those of God. We Brahmin people are those of the deity. The
Hankuchin people are those of the sage. The Americana people are
those of the Kahuna, or king in english.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 20:20:06 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and

The typical woes of the Asiana people are the blighted ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism,
argumentation, sports and so on. What made us of Asiana this way
whether past, present, future, or now? It has been due to the
constant and persistent possession by the forces of the Demon King
Dalai Lama and the useless Rasta NGR politicians of Judea. Which else
can it be? Indeed there are others as in the Gpsys of Morocco, Judes
of Israel, Spigs of Hispanyol, Sinos of Taiwan, Shahs of Trinidad,
Gujus of Kalistan.

Most as the Gujus and the Judes are staunch "pure vegetarians" as they
boast of. They are also proud promoters of the Kosher diet which
leads one to a nihilism not worth patronizing. However, when we are
in favor of Halal the whole world turns upside down. All sorts of wars
ensue in the name of Israel and Judea, whose headquarters is Brooklyn,
New York, RUSA of Tawa-ntin-suyo. Both Israel and Judea take up most
of the time slots for media promotion. Nearly every sphere of
influence is heavily brainwashed and conditioned by the propaganda of
the Israel viz Judean marketing regime. From television to newspaper
to public debate to board meetings so many are immersed into the
conspiracy of the Isreali-Judean mind game. It is literally never
enough for them to work their lives away for an investment which does
not return.

So many complain of taxes which are the only way to invest into a
government social security trust fund. Mind you the government social
security trust fund when reaped returns more than a whopping 3 million
dollar CD from a brokerage house of your choosing. Not only do I brag
about this but I also am trying to make this open source. However, I
wonder, as the old saying of Howard Stern goes, if "nobody gives a
shit." I write this because just the other day I had a conversation
with a useless nigger who their typical holier than though affect was
not even interested in the work I have just established toward a
cloned fiat welfare environment. He apparently did not have enough
time out of his waste of life schedule to listen to just 30 seconds
worth of audio script. This is what they are.

The irony of the whole thing is that the useless nigger is literally
the one who has it so good. Most of the evangelical places of worship
which serve meals fit for a king of the round-table are inundated with
useless niggers. They are all over the place. Any place which is of
God, an exclusively Abrahamic Almighty keyword, is heavily laden with
all sorts of useless niggerism. In that way our Brahmin heritage has
been defiled.

Most mandirs refer to the vigraham or murti or diety as god, which is
not true. So much is done to reverse engineer and spin doctor each
and everything to that of god. In that way I appreciate the Chinese
for being so inclined to make a stand on the whole thing to even
encourage the Buddha as a sage and wiseman rather than god. God is
god and is only for the Abrahamic people. The Abrahamic people are
those of God. We Brahmin people are those of the deity. The
Hankuchin people are those of the sage. The Americana people are
those of the Kahuna, or king in english, the European people are those
of the Rune,

Ethnic Abrahamic people are from the realm of Africa. TIme and time
again one will see a T-shirt which will mention "Jesus is a Black
man." Just as the Oriental Vihars are populated with Chinese of all
types so are the Churches populated with Africana people of all types
as our Mandirs are populated with Brahmins of all types. It goes on.

I have no clue why but those who are foreign to Africa do better in
Abrahamic religions than Africana people themselves. This much I have
observed, which is a direct opposite to that of the Orientals who
commercialize everything to only make themselves worthy of praise
irrespective of their retardation.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 20:24:34 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and

The typical woes of the Asiana people are the blighted ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism,
argumentation, sports and so on. What made us of Asiana this way
whether past, present, future, or now? It has been due to the
constant and persistent possession by the forces of the Demon King
Dalai Lama and the useless Rasta NGR politicians of Judea. Which else
can it be? Indeed there are others as in the Gpsys of Morocco, Judes
of Israel, Spigs of Hispanyol, Sinos of Taiwan, Shahs of Trinidad,
Gujus of Kalistan.

Most as the Gujus and the Judes are staunch "pure vegetarians" as they
boast of. They are also proud promoters of the Kosher diet which
leads one to a nihilism not worth patronizing. However, when we are
in favor of Halal the whole world turns upside down. All sorts of wars
ensue in the name of Israel and Judea, whose headquarters is Brooklyn,
New York, RUSA of Tawa-ntin-suyo. Both Israel and Judea take up most
of the time slots for media promotion. Nearly every sphere of
influence is heavily brainwashed and conditioned by the propaganda of
the Israel viz Judean marketing regime. From television to newspaper
to public debate to board meetings so many are immersed into the
conspiracy of the Isreali-Judean mind game. It is literally never
enough for them to work their lives away for an investment which does
not return.

So many complain of taxes which are the only way to invest into a
government social security trust fund. Mind you the government social
security trust fund when reaped returns more than a whopping 3 million
dollar CD from a brokerage house of your choosing. Not only do I brag
about this but I also am trying to make this open source. However, I
wonder, as the old saying of Howard Stern goes, if "nobody gives a
shit." I write this because just the other day I had a conversation
with a useless nigger who their typical holier than though affect was
not even interested in the work I have just established toward a
cloned fiat welfare environment. He apparently did not have enough
time out of his waste of life schedule to listen to just 30 seconds
worth of audio script. This is what they are.

The irony of the whole thing is that the useless nigger is literally
the one who has it so good. Most of the evangelical places of worship
which serve meals fit for a king of the round-table are inundated with
useless niggers. They are all over the place. Any place which is of
God, an exclusively Abrahamic Almighty keyword, is heavily laden with
all sorts of useless niggerism. In that way our Brahmin heritage has
been defiled.

Most mandirs refer to the vigraham or murti or diety as god, which is
not true. So much is done to reverse engineer and spin doctor each
and everything to that of god. In that way I appreciate the Chinese
for being so inclined to make a stand on the whole thing to even
encourage the Buddha as a sage and wiseman rather than god. God is
god and is only for the Abrahamic people. The Abrahamic people are
those of God. We Brahmin people are those of the deity. The
Hankuchin people are those of the sage. The Americana people are
those of the Kahuna, or king in english, the European people are those
of the Rune or is it fair to say hieroglyph? Hence the "image is
everything" slogan of Andre Agassi, a quintessential Eurho athlete.

Ethnic Abrahamic people are from the realm of Africa. TIme and time
again one will see a T-shirt which will mention "Jesus is a Black
man." Just as the Oriental Vihars are populated with Chinese of all
types so are the Churches populated with Africana people of all types
as our Mandirs are populated with Brahmins of all types. It goes on.

I have no clue why but those who are foreign to Africa do better in
Abrahamic religions than Africana people themselves. This much I have
observed, which is a direct opposite to that of the Orientals who
commercialize everything to only make themselves worthy of praise
irrespective of their abuse.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 20:28:08 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and

The typical woes of the Asiana people are the blighted ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism,
argumentation, sports and so on. What made us of Asiana this way
whether past, present, future, or now? It has been due to the
constant and persistent possession by the forces of the Demon King
Dalai Lama and the useless Rasta NGR politicians of Judea. Which else
can it be? Indeed there are others as in the Gpsys of Morocco, Judes
of Israel, Spigs of Hispanyol, Sinos of Taiwan, Shahs of Trinidad,
Gujus of Kalistan.

Most as the Gujus and the Judes are staunch "pure vegetarians" as they
boast of. They are also proud promoters of the Kosher diet which
leads one to a nihilism not worth patronizing. However, when we are
in favor of Halal the whole world turns upside down. All sorts of wars
ensue in the name of Israel and Judea, whose headquarters is Brooklyn,
New York, RUSA of Tawa-ntin-suyo. Both Israel and Judea take up most
of the time slots for media promotion. Nearly every sphere of
influence is heavily brainwashed and conditioned by the propaganda of
the Israel viz Judean marketing regime. From television to newspaper
to public debate to board meetings so many are immersed into the
conspiracy of the Isreali-Judean mind game. It is literally never
enough for them to work their lives away for an investment which does
not return.

So many complain of taxes which are the only way to invest into a
government social security trust fund. Mind you the government social
security trust fund when reaped returns more than a whopping 3 million
dollar CD from a brokerage house of your choosing. Not only do I brag
about this but I also am trying to make this open source. However, I
wonder, as the old saying of Howard Stern goes, if "nobody gives a
shit." I write this because just the other day I had a conversation
with a useless nigger who their typical holier than though affect was
not even interested in the work I have just established toward a
cloned fiat welfare environment. He apparently did not have enough
time out of his waste of life schedule to listen to just 30 seconds
worth of audio script. This is what they are.

The irony of the whole thing is that the useless nigger is literally
the one who has it so good. Most of the evangelical places of worship
which serve meals fit for a king of the round-table are inundated with
useless niggers. They are all over the place. Any place which is of
God, an exclusively Abrahamic Almighty keyword, is heavily laden with
all sorts of useless niggerism. In that way our Brahmin heritage has
been defiled.

Most mandirs refer to the vigraham or murti or diety as god, which is
not true. So much is done to reverse engineer and spin doctor each
and everything to that of god. In that way I appreciate the Chinese
for being so inclined to make a stand on the whole thing to even
encourage the Buddha as a sage and wiseman rather than god. God is
god and is only for the Abrahamic people. The Abrahamic people are
those of God. We Brahmin people are those of the deity. The
Hankuchin people are those of the sage. The Americana people are
those of the Kahuna, or king in english, the European people are those
of the Rune or is it fair to say hieroglyph? Hence the "image is
everything" slogan of Andre Agassi, a quintessential Eurho athlete.

Ethnic Abrahamic people are from the realm of Africa. TIme and time
again one will see a T-shirt which will mention "Jesus is a Black
man." Just as the Oriental Vihars are populated with Chinese of all
types so are the Churches populated with Africana people of all types
as our Mandirs are populated with Brahmins of all types. It goes on.

I have no clue why but those who are foreign to Africa do better in
Abrahamic religions than Africana people themselves. This much I have
observed, which is a direct opposite to that of the Orientals who
commercialize everything to only make themselves worthy of praise
irrespective of their abuse.

BTW, check out this Youtube video of the potential of a mobile ATM
beeper. In it is Cable an X-Men mutant. With him he carries a
rectangular cube with a holographic display and artificial
intelligence among other things.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 20:36:45 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and

The typical woes of the Asiana people are the blighted ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism,
argumentation, sports and so on. What made us of Asiana this way
whether past, present, future, or now? It has been due to the
constant and persistent possession by the forces of the Demon King
Dalai Lama and the useless Rasta NGR politicians of Judea. Which else
can it be? Indeed there are others as in the Gpsys of Morocco, Judes
of Israel, Spigs of Hispanyol, Sinos of Taiwan, Shahs of Trinidad,
Gujus of Kalistan.

Most as the Gujus and the Judes are staunch "pure vegetarians" as they
boast of. They are also proud promoters of the Kosher diet which
leads one to a nihilism not worth patronizing. However, when we are
in favor of Halal the whole world turns upside down. All sorts of wars
ensue in the name of Israel and Judea, whose headquarters is Brooklyn,
New York, RUSA of Tawa-ntin-suyo. Both Israel and Judea take up most
of the time slots for media promotion. Nearly every sphere of
influence is heavily brainwashed and conditioned by the propaganda of
the Israel viz Judean marketing regime. From television to newspaper
to public debate to board meetings so many are immersed into the
conspiracy of the Isreali-Judean mind game. It is literally never
enough for them to work their lives away for an investment which does
not return.

So many complain of taxes which are the only way to invest into a
government social security trust fund. Mind you the government social
security trust fund when reaped returns more than a whopping 3 million
dollar CD from a brokerage house of your choosing. Not only do I brag
about this but I also am trying to make this open source. However, I
wonder, as the old saying of Howard Stern goes, if "nobody gives a
shit." I write this because just the other day I had a conversation
with a useless nigger who their typical holier than though affect was
not even interested in the work I have just established toward a
cloned fiat welfare environment. He apparently did not have enough
time out of his waste of life schedule to listen to just 30 seconds
worth of audio script. This is what they are.

The irony of the whole thing is that the useless nigger is literally
the one who has it so good. Most of the evangelical places of worship
which serve meals fit for a king of the round-table are inundated with
useless niggers. They are all over the place. Any place which is of
God, an exclusively Abrahamic Almighty keyword, is heavily laden with
all sorts of useless niggerism. In that way our Brahmin heritage has
been defiled.

Most mandirs refer to the vigraham or murti or diety as god, which is
not true. So much is done to reverse engineer and spin doctor each
and everything to that of god. In that way I appreciate the Chinese
for being so inclined to make a stand on the whole thing to even
encourage the Buddha as a sage and wiseman rather than god. God is
god and is only for the Abrahamic people. The Abrahamic people are
those of God. We Brahmin people are those of the deity. The
Hankuchin people are those of the sage. The Americana people are
those of the Kahuna, or king in english, the European people are those
of the Rune or is it fair to say hieroglyph? Hence the "image is
everything" slogan of Andre Agassi, a quintessential Eurho athlete.

Ethnic Abrahamic people are from the realm of Africa. TIme and time
again one will see a T-shirt which will mention "Jesus is a Black
man." Just as the Oriental Vihars are populated with Chinese of all
types so are the Churches populated with Africana people of all types
as our Mandirs are populated with Brahmins of all types. It goes on.

I have no clue why but those who are foreign to Africa do better in
Abrahamic religions than Africana people themselves. This much I have
observed, which is a direct opposite to that of the Orientals who
commercialize everything to only make themselves worthy of praise
irrespective of their abuse.

BTW, check out this Youtube video of the potential of a mobile ATM
beeper. In it is Cable an X-Men mutant. With him he carries a
rectangular cube with a holographic display and artificial
intelligence among other things. Try this search in Youtube:

X-Men TAS Season 2 Episode 7-Time Fugitives(Part 1)Part 1

and this url:

This energon cube is the prototype for the mobile automated teller
machine beeper to arrive from the future. As an agent I relay this to
said conspirators to foster a pragma toward it's development. I go by
Sri and my alias is Ravana. Yes, I am a Brahmin.
Chang Dao
2013-05-30 20:57:11 UTC
In a world filled with useless niggers and village idiots what is one
to do for the sake of survival with sufficiency. In a way the way of
the village idiot is eclipsed and made obsolete by the forces of the
evangelical movement known as Indian Ikhwan Muslims. Yet when it
concerns the useless nigger whom do we call upon. As much as those of
God talk of omnipotence we do see in our own life conditions a sense
of banal limits made superlative. It is like that as we tread the
oceans of this cosmic consciousness we are forever laden with issues
concerning hatred, apathy, contrition, abstruseness. It goes on.

In that sense we are in need of a sovereignty and hegemony which can
for sure guarantee us a place in this world. To do so would require a
pragma which is mutually beneficial. Having mixed with so many of
this earth planet I see no group of people as eloquent in their style
and fashion consciousness as those of the Chinese. Lucky are those to
even have even procreated with one. That maybe as we are forever
wandering this earth planet in a darkness and dystopia lighted only
through the peace, comfort, reciprocity, and synergy of destiny.

Both Islam and Maoism have been the heralding cry of the Asiana
people. Yet, for some reason the good is ousted for the bad. This is
much the fave with many whom we encounter as proud adherents to a
faith and ethos riddled with success. I remember a time when I said
to the quandry "how are you doing?" In response I mentioned "I am
doing well." The useless nigger who heard my response went into a
tirade inquisition wondering what is well. They are like this.

The more they die the better our lives become. This is the shear and
utter beauty of Islam and Maoism. With Islam garners the perennial
sword of Islam, which to some maybe the Kirpan of the Sikhs. With
Maoism engenders a place in this world. Things as hatred and apathy
for the sake of the enemy or foreigner are no more and are made for
the benefit of our own. It is for this reason why those of the Judeo-
Aryan blight seek to destroy the very things us Asiana people find
worthy of praise.

Those of Judea and Israel are quite the confident lot in their quest
for power as those of Israel are investing in their presence. No two
equals are the same. While the Judeans are heavily overbearing with
their onslaughts against those considered good the Israelis are
covertly assassinating the very things we admire and give us hope.
Here amidst this cacophony of criminal voices which modern medicine
has labeled as auditory hallucinations I am amazed at how much I am
able to communicate the very clues which I want to and that too with
an eloquence unbecoming of the "Elements of Style" by Strunk and

The typical woes of the Asiana people are the blighted ways of
vegetarianism, martial arts, yoga, multi-level marketing, mafiaism,
argumentation, sports and so on. What made us of Asiana this way
whether past, present, future, or now? It has been due to the
constant and persistent possession by the forces of the Demon King
Dalai Lama and the useless Rasta NGR politicians of Judea. Which else
can it be? Indeed there are others as in the Gpsys of Morocco, Judes
of Israel, Spigs of Hispanyol, Sinos of Taiwan, Shahs of Trinidad,
Gujus of Kalistan.

Most as the Gujus and the Judes are staunch "pure vegetarians" as they
boast of. They are also proud promoters of the Kosher diet which
leads one to a nihilism not worth patronizing. However, when we are
in favor of Halal the whole world turns upside down. All sorts of wars
ensue in the name of Israel and Judea, whose headquarters is Brooklyn,
New York, RUSA of Tawa-ntin-suyo. Both Israel and Judea take up most
of the time slots for media promotion. Nearly every sphere of
influence is heavily brainwashed and conditioned by the propaganda of
the Israel viz Judean marketing regime. From television to newspaper
to public debate to board meetings so many are immersed into the
conspiracy of the Isreali-Judean mind game. It is literally never
enough for them to work their lives away for an investment which does
not return.

So many complain of taxes which are the only way to invest into a
government social security trust fund. Mind you the government social
security trust fund when reaped returns more than a whopping 3 million
dollar CD from a brokerage house of your choosing. Not only do I brag
about this but I also am trying to make this open source. However, I
wonder, as the old saying of Howard Stern goes, if "nobody gives a
shit." I write this because just the other day I had a conversation
with a useless nigger who their typical holier than though affect was
not even interested in the work I have just established toward a
cloned fiat welfare environment. He apparently did not have enough
time out of his waste of life schedule to listen to just 30 seconds
worth of audio script. This is what they are.

The irony of the whole thing is that the useless nigger is literally
the one who has it so good. Most of the evangelical places of worship
which serve meals fit for a king of the round-table are inundated with
useless niggers. They are all over the place. Any place which is of
God, an exclusively Abrahamic Almighty keyword, is heavily laden with
all sorts of useless niggerism. In that way our Brahmin heritage has
been defiled.

Most mandirs refer to the vigraham or murti or diety as god, which is
not true. So much is done to reverse engineer and spin doctor each
and everything to that of god. In that way I appreciate the Chinese
for being so inclined to make a stand on the whole thing to even
encourage the Buddha as a sage and wiseman rather than god. God is
god and is only for the Abrahamic people. The Abrahamic people are
those of God. We Brahmin people are those of the deity. The
Hankuchin people are those of the sage. The Americana people are
those of the Kahuna, or king in english, the European people are those
of the Rune or is it fair to say hieroglyph? Hence the "image is
everything" slogan of Andre Agassi, a quintessential Eurho athlete.

Ethnic Abrahamic people are from the realm of Africa. TIme and time
again one will see a T-shirt which will mention "Jesus is a Black
man." Just as the Oriental Vihars are populated with Chinese of all
types so are the Churches populated with Africana people of all types
as our Mandirs are populated with Brahmins of all types. It goes on.

I have no clue why but those who are foreign to Africa do better in
Abrahamic religions than Africana people themselves. This much I have
observed, which is a direct opposite to that of the Orientals who
commercialize everything to only make themselves worthy of praise
irrespective of their abuse.

BTW, check out this Youtube video of the potential of a mobile ATM
beeper. In it is Cable an X-Men mutant. With him he carries a
rectangular cube with a holographic display and artificial
intelligence among other things. Try this search in Youtube:

X-Men TAS Season 2 Episode 7-Time Fugitives(Part 1)Part 1

and this url:


This energon cube is the prototype for the mobile automated teller
machine beeper to arrive from the future. As an agent I relay this to
said conspirators to foster a pragma toward it's development. I go by
Sri and my alias is Ravana. Yes, I am a Brahmin.

The mention of this energon cube as I refer to it is at the 2:10 time
stamp of the video reel at the above url which I shall reiterate


In my Gen X time line there was a report of a holocube for the purpose
of data storage during the early 1990s possibly in the New York Times
tuesday edition of the Science Times section. Later, in the science
times of the Tuesday section of the New York Times newspaper there was
mention of the progress of the awakening of an artificial intelligence
in the works for the past 10 years.
