Some National Socialists may have said "Herrenvolk"
"'Herrenvolk' can be translated into "noble race" and/or "superior
race". Yet for some reason the English speaking translators chose and
made popular the term 'master race.'"
Rudolf Hess, on May 25, 1948, was asked by Dr. Maurice Walsh, U.S.
psychiatrist, if he believed in a Master Race. Hess smiled and replied
that "he had never used the expression", and that they were not used
in Germany.
The speeches of National Socialists are known. All you have to do is
put "Hitler speeches" or "Goebbels Speeches" in your search engine.
But apparently "master race" is not to be found in them anywhere.
The closest thing in Mein Kampf is at the end of the book and simply
tells the truth:
"A State which, in an epoch of racial adulteration, devotes itself
to the duty of preserving the best elements of its racial stock must
one day become ruler of the Earth."
Goebbels wrote:
"The German nation will be the intellectual leader of civilized
Joseph Goebbels, "Das Jahr 2000," Das Reich, 25 February 1945, pp.