On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 19:10:47 +0100, Dumb Heini, the Dutch resident Nazi
Post by A Moose in LoveGermany, Britain would have lost big time. The same goes for France.
The same goes for CCCP. You sissies needed help from all over.
well saaid moose, itr took the fuckers five years
...and Germany achieved NONE of its goals and was split in half and was the
object of contempt and derision for decades to come! And if it should ever
act up in the same way (which it doesn't dare because of the COMPLETE
victory of the Allies), the world will finish it off for good (as was
planned by some right after the war)!
Dumb Dutch Nazi Heini displaying the power of his intellect: "the artivcle
saays that the muslims express their gratitude for weltyers for
supporeting them in their battle against the buqa ban"
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