Blacks need to be Holocausted
(too old to reply)
2017-02-11 01:30:26 UTC
Blacks are nothing but niggers. They are the worst in the world. Many are institutionalized through mental hospitals, homeless shelters, and county jails. Society needs to go a step further and holocaust the blacks like they did the Jews. There is literally no other way.

Blacks are serious economic burden for anybody. I am telling you now that this war against terrorism will move toward being a war against Black Terrorism. Nobody is more of a terrorist than black people.

Black people are the source of anxiety and depression for many concerned. Their brand of reverse racism is a real detriment to many. It is no wonder why Blacks are disliked by so many for one reason or the other.

As a Desi I strongly discourage aligning with Blacks. Many have tried and failed. I pity the fool who is married to a nigger with children. That in itself is a real stain on ones status.

Blacks simply put need to be killed off. There is no other way. Mark my word just as the Jews were enslaved in Africa and Holocausted in Europe, the Blacks will also be Holocausted after so many years of slavery. This will pave the way for others to take their place like Asians and Indians and the like.

God bless us all toward this endeavor.
2017-02-22 01:48:42 UTC
Post by anon246813579
Blacks are nothing but niggers. They are the worst in the world. Many are institutionalized through mental hospitals, homeless shelters, and county jails. Society needs to go a step further and holocaust the blacks like they did the Jews. There is literally no other way.
Blacks are serious economic burden for anybody. I am telling you now that this war against terrorism will move toward being a war against Black Terrorism. Nobody is more of a terrorist than black people.
Black people are the source of anxiety and depression for many concerned. Their brand of reverse racism is a real detriment to many. It is no wonder why Blacks are disliked by so many for one reason or the other.
As a Desi I strongly discourage aligning with Blacks. Many have tried and failed. I pity the fool who is married to a nigger with children. That in itself is a real stain on ones status.
Blacks simply put need to be killed off. There is no other way. Mark my word just as the Jews were enslaved in Africa and Holocausted in Europe, the Blacks will also be Holocausted after so many years of slavery. This will pave the way for others to take their place like Asians and Indians and the like.
God bless us all toward this endeavor.
Wow, this is really outrageous. Whoever wrote this note must have had a real bad interaction with the Afro-Americans that we call them "Blacks" or "Niggers" with little to no respect - because of their skin color. The note radiates hatred and xenophobia. The note also mentioned "God" without fully understanding about the great warm loving and compassion that God has for everyone - regardless of their skin color.

Whoever wrote this note failed to think properly. I hope by now that the originator of this posting realized his/her thoughtlessness and perhaps issued an apology to the entire world for possessing such ill-thought against humanity.

Wake up and smell the coffee. The Blacks are here to stay no matter how you dislike or hate them. Deal with your problems. Seek professional help. Do not get into politics.
Deng Qi Feng
2017-03-06 05:36:17 UTC
Asians are part Negrito just look at 🇹🇼 Taiwan you racist
2017-03-08 02:21:02 UTC
Post by Deng Qi Feng
Asians are part Negrito just look at 🇹🇼 Taiwan you racist
Your a fucken chink and your telling me I am racist. That is just unheard off. Chinks are the most racist people on planet earth.

If you can hate Indian people, like most Chinks do why cannot you hate the Blacks. There is more reason to hate Blacks than Indians.

Blacks first and foremost are nothing but niggers, just as you are a chink. They deserve to be holocausted.
2017-03-08 02:19:18 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by anon246813579
Blacks are nothing but niggers. They are the worst in the world. Many are institutionalized through mental hospitals, homeless shelters, and county jails. Society needs to go a step further and holocaust the blacks like they did the Jews. There is literally no other way.
Blacks are serious economic burden for anybody. I am telling you now that this war against terrorism will move toward being a war against Black Terrorism. Nobody is more of a terrorist than black people.
Black people are the source of anxiety and depression for many concerned. Their brand of reverse racism is a real detriment to many. It is no wonder why Blacks are disliked by so many for one reason or the other.
As a Desi I strongly discourage aligning with Blacks. Many have tried and failed. I pity the fool who is married to a nigger with children. That in itself is a real stain on ones status.
Blacks simply put need to be killed off. There is no other way. Mark my word just as the Jews were enslaved in Africa and Holocausted in Europe, the Blacks will also be Holocausted after so many years of slavery. This will pave the way for others to take their place like Asians and Indians and the like.
God bless us all toward this endeavor.
Wow, this is really outrageous. Whoever wrote this note must have had a real bad interaction with the Afro-Americans that we call them "Blacks" or "Niggers" with little to no respect - because of their skin color. The note radiates hatred and xenophobia. The note also mentioned "God" without fully understanding about the great warm loving and compassion that God has for everyone - regardless of their skin color.
Whoever wrote this note failed to think properly. I hope by now that the originator of this posting realized his/her thoughtlessness and perhaps issued an apology to the entire world for possessing such ill-thought against humanity.
Wake up and smell the coffee. The Blacks are here to stay no matter how you dislike or hate them. Deal with your problems. Seek professional help. Do not get into politics.
You are so full of shit. Surely you do not live in heaven. You live amongst blacks who are disrespectful, niggardly, and downright abusive. It makes no sense to turn a blind eye toward their hatred in the name of color and preach false faith and love, which you surely do not have.

So get out of you fucken shell and wake up to reality. Blacks simply put need to be holocausted.
Shehreyar Khan
2017-04-06 07:05:00 UTC
Post by anon246813579
Blacks are nothing but niggers. They are the worst in the world. Many are institutionalized through mental hospitals, homeless shelters, and county jails. Society needs to go a step further and holocaust the blacks like they did the Jews. There is literally no other way.
Blacks are serious economic burden for anybody. I am telling you now that this war against terrorism will move toward being a war against Black Terrorism. Nobody is more of a terrorist than black people.
Black people are the source of anxiety and depression for many concerned. Their brand of reverse racism is a real detriment to many. It is no wonder why Blacks are disliked by so many for one reason or the other.
As a Desi I strongly discourage aligning with Blacks. Many have tried and failed. I pity the fool who is married to a nigger with children. That in itself is a real stain on ones status.
Blacks simply put need to be killed off. There is no other way. Mark my word just as the Jews were enslaved in Africa and Holocausted in Europe, the Blacks will also be Holocausted after so many years of slavery. This will pave the way for others to take their place like Asians and Indians and the like.
God bless us all toward this endeavor.
Blacks or white. kill each others, the rest will be in peace in Asia and Africa
Deng Qi Feng
2017-04-15 22:23:21 UTC
I take it back I'm guilty of spite too. The world has all sorts of people whether we choose to get along is entirely up to each person. If a community cannot get along we cannot force people to coexist. I was naive just a kid.

Regardless of why people cannot get along we cannot get along if we cannot get along.