another jew whines about Auschwitz
(too old to reply)
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-25 16:50:17 UTC
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:55:04 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 15:05:33 +0200, "Heinrich"
Israel-born footballer Maor Melikson, who was reported to be set to play for
the Polish national team.
Writing for the paper, Melikson's former trainer Eli Sohar called Poland
"the state of Auschwitz" and questioned whether the midfielder "should
represent a country in which 70 years ago, the majority of its citizens
carried out the murder of his grandfather and grandmother and the Jewish
community in general."
A jew football player?  Fucking hilarious!
  How so?
WE aks the questions, gook.
Your failure to answer the question is noted, nithing.
 Will he expect reparations
every time his team loses?  
Yes, he will.  Don't you know that jews are perpetual victims?
Jews are not perpetual victims.
And they'd better count the goalposts
before and after each game!  LOL
WE aks the questions, gook.
Once again, your failure to answer the question is noted.

You are a Nazi.

As a Nazi, you are, above all else, a craven coward.

You are afraid to compete with others as equals because you know
you can not measure up.

You are afraid of your own inadequacy, so you want to murder your

You are afraid of the truth, so you want to murder those who would
tell it.

You are afraid of history, so you want to murder the past, to wipe
out the knowledge of the degeneracy, cowardice and failure of

Finally, you are afraid of the power of educated, informed adults.
Freedom of choice terrifies you... which is why you choose minor
children as sexual partners. You can not interact with competent
adults in a consensually sexual
way. You need to be able to impose yourself on a helpless victim, be
it a prepubescent
boy, or a patient in a mental hospital.

That is what you are, a Nazi, and there is nothing polite or
honest about it.

Michael Ejercito
2011-10-25 16:51:24 UTC
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:58:36 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 10:51:50 -0400, "Tony Owens"
Heinie, you trivialize the Holocaust?
It never happened, Ovens.
  Yes, it did happen.
No, it never did.
Yes, it happened.
The following article explains how it
How does a Holocaust happen?
by Jeff Jacoby
More jew lies from a jew asshole.
The following article explains how the Holocaust affected one

The day the Nazis came for my father's family

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
April 7, 1994


FIFTY YEARS AGO this week, the Nazis came for my father's family.

The Jakubovics -- there were seven of them in the house -- were
awakened before dawn when the SS pounded on their window. Like the
other Jews in Legina, a village on the Czechoslovak-Hungarian border,
they were ordered to gather their belongings and prepare to leave at

Thirty minutes later they were put on horse-drawn wagons and carted
out of Legina. In the nearest large Hungarian town, a place called
Satoraljaujhely, Jews from all over the region were being herded into
a ghetto. The walls were still going up around it as the Jakubovic
family arrived.

It was the day after Passover, the ancient Jewish festival celebrating
freedom and redemption.

For several weeks the ghetto grew increasingly crowded as more and
more Jews were brought in. Then it began to empty, as Jews were taken

About 3,000 at a time, they were marched to the train station. The
waiting boxcars were filled with families. The doors were chained and
locked. There were no seats inside, no windows, no water. The only
toilet was a bucket on the floor.

For three days, the train moved -- three days of suffocation, thirst,
and filth. When it stopped, David and Leah Jakubovic and their five
youngest children, ages 21 to 8 -- Franceska, Markus, Zoltan, Yrvin,
and Alice -- were in Auschwitz.

* * *

A few years ago, I decided to chart a family tree.

I unrolled a great length of blank wrapping paper and began with my
father's four grandparents, the Weisses and the Jakubovics, writing
their names in the center. Those two couples had a total of 12
children, most of them born between 1880 and 1910. I was able to track
down the names of 11 -- two of them being David Jakubovic and Leah
Weiss, who married each other -- and inscribed them on the sheet.

I learned the names of spouses and filled them in. Then the names of
their children, and their children's spouses, and their children. I
traced the genealogy as best as I could through five generations,
handwriting names and dates on my big piece of wrapping paper.

It was more paper than I needed. This family tree has stumps where
branches ought to be. It gets narrower, not wider, as it grows. One
line after another stops abruptly, and all with a similar date

Alexander Weiss, wife Kati, son Tomasz -- d. 1942.

Regina Jakubovic, husband Herschel, five daughters -- d. 1944.

Gizella Weiss, husband surnamed Kraus -- d. 1944.

Freida Weiss, sons Robert, Laszlo, Mihaly -- d. 1944.

Leopold Weiss, wife Yolana, four children -- d. 1942.

I have no faces to put to these names, no stories to tell about them,
no remarks to attribute to them, no heirlooms to connect to them. All
I know is that they were my father's aunts, uncles, and cousins, and
like two out of every three Jews alive in Europe in 1938, they were
dead before 1946.

If I lose my piece of paper, there will be nothing to prove they ever

* * *

This is how my father, who with rare exceptions speaks about the
Holocaust only when he is asked, remembers his first day in Auschwitz:

"We arrived in Birkenau" -- part of the Auschwitz complex -- "on
Sunday morning. It was still dark, so it must have been before 5
o'clock. All of a sudden the train stops. The doors open. People
started shouting and dogs were barking. There were guards yelling
'Raus! Raus!' " -- 'Out! Out!'

"I remember going up the platform. We had to line up, men and women
separately, and go in front of Mengele. He had a little crop in his
hands and was waving, left, right, left, right. There were two or
three other guys, and they were pushing you, whichever way he pointed
with his crop.

"So my parents had to go to the right. Also my youngest brother and
sister; they were not much more than babies, small children. What it
meant -- left, right -- I didn't know. You just went where you were

"I went in the other direction. I tried to stay together with my
brother Zoli. We had to get undressed, and they gave us the uniforms,
and tattooed us. And that was it. But within a few hours Zoli and I
were separated, and that was the last I ever heard of him.

"I guess they killed off my family that day, but I didn't know it
until later."

* * *

On his first day in the camp, Markus Jakubovic lost his parents and
four siblings. He would survive three more concentration camps before
liberation in May 1945. By the end he was disease-ridden, emaciated
from starvation, and close to death. He still remembers the crematoria
chimneys belching smoke day and night and the pits filled with

He endured a forced march from Poland into Austria, when the Nazis
shot on the spot anyone who faltered or paused to rest. He saw Jews
hanged when they were caught trying to escape, their bodies left to
twist on the rope all day. He used to grab and swallow insects when he
saw them on the ground, so intense was his hunger.

But my father is shy about telling his story.

"I feel I had it not so bad as some of the others who suffered in the
camps," he says. "I did not go through hell like the others did. You
hear about infamous Auschwitz, the horrible stories. I did not have
any horrible stories."

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe.)
The Revd
2011-10-25 17:31:11 UTC
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:51:24 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:58:36 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 10:51:50 -0400, "Tony Owens"
Heinie, you trivialize the Holocaust?
It never happened, Ovens.
  Yes, it did happen.
No, it never did.
Yes, it happened.
Of course it didn't. Look at how many jews there are in the world
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article explains how it
How does a Holocaust happen?
by Jeff Jacoby
More jew lies from a jew asshole.
The following article explains how the Holocaust affected one
The day the Nazis came for my father's family
by Jeff Jacoby
It's a pity they never came for Jeff Jakobstein.
The Peeler
2011-10-25 18:00:13 UTC
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 13:31:11 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article explains how the Holocaust affected one
The day the Nazis came for my father's family
by Jeff Jacoby
It's a pity they never came for Jeff Jakobstein.
It's pity they didn't euthanize your parents, The Rectum. They DEFINITELY
were suffering from inferior genes, as you and your abnormal "life" keep
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-26 01:29:46 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:51:24 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:58:36 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  Yes, it did happen.
No, it never did.
  Yes, it happened.
Of course it didn't.  Look at how many jews there are in the world
That is because the Holocaust was suspended.
Post by The Revd
The following article explains how it
How does a Holocaust happen?
by Jeff Jacoby
More jew lies from a jew asshole.
  The following article explains how the Holocaust affected one
The day the Nazis came for my father's family
by Jeff Jacoby
It's a pity they never came for Jeff Jakobstein.  
Not for lack of trying.

The following article is about seeking justice for the crimes of
the past.

Seeking justice for crimes of the past

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
September 27, 1994


LAST WEDNESDAY, exactly one year from the day that John (Ivan)
Demjanjuk was released from an Israeli prison and allowed to return to
the United States, the Justice Department moved to revoke the
citizenship of Aleksandras Lileikis, an elderly Lithuanian immigrant
who lives in Norwood, Mass. Perhaps the timing was a hint that the
government will not let the outcome of the Demjanjuk case -- in which
an indisputably guilty war criminal was set free on a technicality --
derail its efforts to root out Nazi collaborators living in America.

Like Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian, Lileikis is charged with having been one
of the legion of East Europeans who willingly joined the Nazis in
effecting the Final Solution, then immigrated to the United States
under fraudulent pretenses. Unlike Demjanjuk, an ignorant peasant
trained by the Nazis to kill Jews at the Sobibor and Treblinka death
camps, Lileikis was an officer and an intellectual, with power and
prestige and scores of men at his command. The Demjanjuk prosecution
turned on the testimony of aging eyewitnesses and evidence supplied by
the KGB, but the case against the Lithuanian rests on a solid paper
trail, with every damning document is signed by Lileikis himself.

A university graduate who earned a law degree and speaks several
languages, Lileikis made his mark in the Lithuanian secret police --
the "Saugumas." By 1939, he was chief of the Saugumas in Vilna,
Lithuania's largest city. When the Soviet Union occupied the Baltic
States in 1940, Lileikis ran away to Nazi Germany. He returned to his
homeland after Germany invaded Lithuania in June of 1941, and was
reinstalled by the Nazis in his former position.

The Saugumas was a major component of the Nazi killing operation in
Lithuania, which began immediately following the invasion. The Germans
relied on Lileikis and his officers to round up Jews and transport
them to the Ponary Woods, a forest about six miles outside Vilna.
There, they were stripped, robbed of their belongings, lined up 10 or
20 at a time at the edge of deep pits, and shot.

Jewish victims of mass murder in the Ponary Woods near Vilna,

The killing was done by death squads called "Einsatzgruppen." The term
is German. But the killers at the Ponary pits were largely Lithuanian.

For Lithuanians had welcomed the Nazi invasion, greeting the Germans
with flowers and cheers. Many Lithuanians (like many Poles, Latvians,
and Ukrainians) were anti-Semitic to the core, only too glad to
participate in killing their Jewish neighbors. With the collaboration
of the Saugumas and the Lithuanians who volunteered to commit mass
murder at places like Ponary, the Nazis, in just three years, were
able to exterminate 96 percent of Lithuanian Jewry.

Before the war, Vilna was a vibrant center of Jewish learning,
culture, and literature, so renowned that it was nicknamed "the
Jerusalem of Lithuania." Some 80,000 Jews lived in Vilna when the
Nazis entered. By the time they departed, the Jerusalem of Lithuania
was virtually Jew-free.

History books and Nazi records are replete with statistics: 5,000
Vilna Jews massacred at Ponary in the first 12 days of the German
occupation; 35,000 in the first two months; 48,000 by the end of 1941.

Dr. Jacob Wigodsky was one of these statistics. A former member of the
Polish Senate, a longtime leader of Vilna's Jewish community, he was
arrested by the Saugumas, presumably at Lileikis' command, and shot at
Ponary on Aug. 31, 1941. He was 86 years old, killed for the crime of
being a Jew. Lileikis is 87.

Abba Kovner, a Vilna resident who survived the war, described two more
of these statistics at the Eichmann trial in 1961:

"At midnight, I saw from the other side of the street, it was 39
Ostrashun Street, a woman was dragged by the hair by two soldiers -- a
woman who was holding something in her arms. One of them directed a
beam of light into her face; the other one dragged her by her hair and
threw her on the pavement.

"Then the infant fell out of her arms. One of the two, the one with
the flashlight, I believe, took the infant, raised him into the air,
grabbed him by the leg. The woman crawled on the earth, took hold of
his boot, and pleaded for mercy. But the soldier took the boy and hit
him with his head against the wall -- once, twice, smashed him against
the wall."

On Aug. 31, 1941, alone, according to the Nazis' meticulous
bookkeeping, precisely 2,019 Jewish women, 864 men, and 817 children
were shot at Ponary.

It is difficult, 50 years on, to see faces or recall names in these
statistics. Far easier to see Lileikis' face -- to see the extremely
old man he has become, with little left in this world but his thick
glasses, his ailing wife, and his dilapidated house on Sumner Street.
Why pursue him? Why dig up papers he signed long ago -- citing musty
statistics, disturbing his peace - when the end of his life is so

Why? Because a man remains accountable for his life even at the end of
his life. Because civilization depends on reinforcing the idea of
justice, even when justice itself can no longer be meted out. Because
only by keeping open the window of memory can we protect ourselves
against the hells of our past.

If the Justice Department is correct, the man who helped turn
thousands of men, women, and children into statistics entered the
United States in 1955 and became an American citizen in 1976. The
crimes he abetted in Vilna cannot be undone. But his presence in this
country is one abomination that can still be reversed.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe.)
The Revd
2011-10-26 09:57:33 UTC
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:29:46 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:51:24 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:58:36 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  Yes, it did happen.
No, it never did.
  Yes, it happened.
Of course it didn't.  Look at how many jews there are in the world
That is because the Holocaust was suspended.
Jeff Jakobstein needs to be suspended. By the nuts (if any).
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
The following article explains how it
How does a Holocaust happen?
by Jeff Jacoby
More jew lies from a jew asshole.
  The following article explains how the Holocaust affected one
The day the Nazis came for my father's family
by Jeff Jacoby
It's a pity they never came for Jeff Jakobstein.  
Not for lack of trying.
They should have kept trying.
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about seeking justice for the crimes of
the past.
Seeking justice for crimes of the past
by Jeff Jacoby
More like seeking reparations for a 'holocaust'®™ that never happened,
The Peeler
2011-10-26 10:10:41 UTC
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 05:57:33 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
That is because the Holocaust was suspended.
Jeff Jakobstein needs to be suspended. By the nuts (if any).
We already HAVE a picture of you suspended, The Rectum:

The Rectum, hung by a rope:
Loading Image.../

<snip rest of the usual idiotic and psychotic bullshit>
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-26 14:50:59 UTC
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:29:46 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:51:24 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  The following article explains how the Holocaust affected one
The day the Nazis came for my father's family
by Jeff Jacoby
It's a pity they never came for Jeff Jakobstein.  
  Not for lack of trying.
They should have kept trying.
A nithing like you would write that.
  The following article is about seeking justice for the crimes of
the past.
Seeking justice for crimes of the past
by Jeff Jacoby
More like seeking reparations for a 'holocaust'®™ that never happened,
The Holocaust was suspended.

For some people, it did not end.

A suspension of barbarity

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
April 27, 1995


FIFTY YEARS AGO, they keep saying. Fifty years ago, Auschwitz was
liberated. Fifty years ago, the Nazis were defeated. Fifty years ago,
the survivors emerged from the ash and bones and hell of the death
camps. Fifty years ago, the world, sickened to discover how
unspeakably deep and black was the abyss into which one of the most
cultured nations on earth had systematically ground up 6 million Jews,
swore: Never again. Fifty years ago, the Holocaust ended.

Fifty years ago.


In the Cleveland synagogue I grew up in, there was a woman named
Esther, a survivor of the camps. Over the years I watched her mind
slowly disassemble, pulled apart by memories too violent to endure.
She would burst into shouts during the rabbi's sermon and madly rush
to kiss the Torah scroll as it was carried to the ark. When charity
appeals were made from the pulpit, she would wave in the air, of all
things, Czechoslovak stamps, crying out that she had something of
great value to donate. I got hold of one of those stamps once and
looked it up in a catalog. It was worthless.

When, exactly, did the Holocaust end for Esther?

In the same synagogue was a man called B--, an envelope maker who had
no children and who we all somehow knew never would. What B-- lost in
the camps wasn't his life, but something even more precious: all hope
of giving life. During the war, he had been sterilized in one of Dr.
Mengele's sadistic experiments.

When did his Holocaust end?

When did my father's?

On May 7, 1945, the concentration camp at Ebensee, an Austrian town
between Linz and Salzburg, was abandoned by its Nazi guards. Among the
Jews not yet dead in that place was my father. He was 19 years old, he
weighed 65 pounds, and he was nearly gone with starvation and typhoid
fever. Thirteen months and three camps earlier, on his first day in
Auschwitz, he had seen his parents sent to the gas chamber, along with
his 10-year-old brother Yrvin and his little sister Alice, who was 8.
My father's teen-age brother Zoltan was murdered a few days later; his
older sister Franceska by the following spring.

When the Nazis fled Ebensee on that May morning 50 years ago, my
father was left with nothing but the rags he was wearing and a
greenish-blue tattoo on his arm: A-10502.

And feelings of guilt that have lasted for decades.

"I had dreams and nightmares about what happened," he said to me once.
"I always feel sort of guilty, even until now, about not protecting my
younger brother. I was with him together for a just a few hours; then
we were separated. I wonder -- could I have insisted that he stay with
me? I don't know. Coming from a farm, I was naive. I was not

Between 1940 and 1945, it was a central aim of the German Reich to
exterminate every Jew in Europe -- to bring about, once and for all, a
"Final Solution" to the Jewish "problem." To carry out this policy,
which was given a higher priority than even the war effort, the Nazis
constructed a vast and elaborate machinery, employing tens of
thousands of people and requiring the most detailed and complicated
logistics. It was an industry whose raw material was Jews, which it
imported from lands as far-flung as Greece and Norway, and whose final
product was Jewish corpses, or the greasy smoke of Jewish corpses. To
ensure its success, the Nazis drew on all the resources of wealth,
science, engineering, transportation and manpower at their command.

And my father has felt guilty for 50 years because he didn't know how
to save his brother.

Has his Holocaust ended?

I mistrust this number, this 50. It seems too definitive a milestone,
too complete, too over-and-done-with. When I hear the words "ended 50
years ago," it seems to me I also hear: "Enough already." "Let it go."
"It's history."

Is it?

On an NPR broadcast two weeks ago, an articulate skinhead named Tracy
Gilson was asked why he has Hitler's face tattooed on his neck.

"The Holocaust," replied the young man, who became a skinhead at 13.
"You know what? If it did happen, good. I don't care. I'm glad. I
really -- that's good. That's great. Swell, good. Kill 6 million more,
somebody, please. . . . I wish somebody would do that here, freakin'
decide that they need to get rid of all the trash and start building
death camps. That would be fine with me."

The Holocaust didn't end 50 years ago; it was only suspended. What
separates us from 8-year-old girls gulping death in gas chambers is
nothing more than a thin veneer of civilization, stretched like a
bandage over a bleeding wound, capable of being stripped away in a
twinkling. Germany is the land of Bach and Durer and Goethe, after
all. Yet how readily it became the land of Buchenwald and crematoria
and pits filled with naked, machine-gunned Jews.

There is nothing so evil, so demonic, that people cannot be induced to
do it, or to look the other way while it is being done. Not only storm
troops and skinheads. Nice people. Cultured people. People like us.

Fifty years ago, the Holocaust was suspended. How long it stays
suspended depends on how long we remember to never forget. Fifty years
after the spring of 1945, when even those who survived are almost all
gone and wildflowers grow where dead parents and dead children were
once piled high, we need to remember more urgently than ever.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe).
The Revd
2011-10-26 18:34:21 UTC
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:50:59 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:29:46 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:51:24 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  The following article explains how the Holocaust affected one
The day the Nazis came for my father's family
by Jeff Jacoby
It's a pity they never came for Jeff Jakobstein.  
  Not for lack of trying.
They should have kept trying.
A nithing like you would write that.
A gook like you would suck his fat jew rectum.
Post by Michael Ejercito
  The following article is about seeking justice for the crimes of
the past.
Seeking justice for crimes of the past
by Jeff Jacoby
More like seeking reparations for a 'holocaust'®™ that never happened,
The Holocaust was suspended.
How can something that never happened be suspended, gook?
Post by Michael Ejercito
For some people, it did not end.
For YOU, it will never end.
The Peeler
2011-10-26 18:48:23 UTC
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 14:34:21 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

<BG> Sooo proud of being a complete idiot, The Rectum? LOL
Tony Owens about The Rectum: "I do know about a stupid sow named Revd who is
the main reason why abortion remains legal in the USA."
MID: <4e961210$0$4325$***@cv.net>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-26 22:34:34 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:50:59 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:29:46 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  Not for lack of trying.
They should have kept trying.
  A nithing like you would write that.
A gook like you would suck his fat jew rectum.
I suck no rectums.
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about seeking justice for the crimes of
the past.
Seeking justice for crimes of the past
by Jeff Jacoby
More like seeking reparations for a 'holocaust'®™ that never happened,
  The Holocaust was suspended.
How can something that never happened be suspended, gook?
The Holocaust happened and was suspended.
Post by The Revd
  For some people, it did not end.
For YOU, it will never end.
My showing everyone what a nithing you are will never end under
your current course of choices and conduct.

The following article is about the terrible crimes of Ivan.

The terrible crimes of Ivan

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
September 28, 1995


IT WAS two years ago this week that John (Ivan) Demjanjuk flew back to
Cleveland, Ohio. His return came 12 years after he had been stripped
of his US citizenship for lying about his past as a Nazi collaborator;
six years after he had been extradited to Israel to stand trial for
murder; five years after he was convicted by an Israeli court of
committing "cruel and torturous acts" in the Treblinka death camp; and
two months after he was set free on a technicality by the Israeli
Supreme Court.

Demjanjuk's presence in this country is obscene. He was an accessory
to the most awful evil of the 20th century; the blood of unnumbered
victims stains his hands. He entered America in the first place under
false and illegal pretenses. His re-entry two Septembers ago was a
travesty, one that only grows more rancid with the passage of time.

To this day, Demjanjuk's partisans protest that he was the victim; the
real travesty, they say, was that a harmless man should have been put
through such an ordeal. Pat Buchanan -- a ready defender of exposed
Nazi criminals -- has labeled Demjanjuk a modern "Dreyfus" and
compared him to the martyrs hanged by "the Salem judges."

A more deliberate perversion of history is hard to imagine. Dreyfus
and the Salem "witches" were innocent, blamed for crimes they never
committed. Demjanjuk's guilt, by contrast, is undeniable, and the
evidence of his enormities overwhelming.

Like many other Ukrainians, Demjanjuk was glad to help the Nazis
massacre Jews. In 1942, he volunteered to be a wachmann, a member of
the extermination crews the Nazis set up in Poland and the Soviet
Union. He was sent for training to the Trawniki concentration camp,
where he took an oath of loyalty to the SS, and received its official
tattoo. Like the other wachmanner trained at Trawniki, Demjanjuk
mastered -- in the words of Israel's high court -- "every stage of the
extermination process," from rounding up Jews in ghettoes to pumping
carbon monoxide into gas chambers.

Demjanjuk's Nazi-issued ID card
In Trawniki, Demjanjuk was issued ID card No.1393. The 5-by-7-inch ID,
complete with photo and official stamps, still exists. It establishes
beyond any whisper of doubt that Demjanjuk was a Nazi-trained
accomplice to genocide. Though his lawyers loudly proclaimed the
document a forgery, its authenticity was tested and confirmed by every
court that heard the case.

On March 27, 1943, Demjanjuk was posted to the Sobibor death camp, one
of three erected by the Germans to carry out "Operation Reinhard" --
the liquidation of the Jews of Poland and the eastern lands. Between
March 1942 and October 1943, some 2,250,000 human beings were gassed
to death in these camps. Most of the killing was committed by non-
German collaborators, especially Lithuanians, Latvians -- and
Ukrainians like Demjanjuk.

At some point in 1943, Demjanjuk was transferred to Treblinka. So
infamous was his sadism there that he was nicknamed "Ivan Grozhny" --
Ivan the Terrible. Forty years later, survivors of Treblinka
remembered him vividly. Seven Jewish eyewitnesses, some of them
trembling and weeping, identified Demjanjuk as Ivan the Terrible, and
testified in court to his brutalities. He would stab Jews as they were
herded to the gas chambers; he would slice off noses and ears with a
saber; he would cut women between their legs; he would lash victims
with a whip.

"One day he ordered a prisoner to lie face down on the ground
and . . . took a tool for drilling wood and drilled a hole into the
prisoner's buttocks," a survivor testified. Another recalled: "Ivan
split one head after another. I heard screams, crying. There were no
words to describe it."

The eyewitnesses' words were transfixing. The evidence of Demjanjuk's
crimes overwhelmed the defense. The Israeli Supreme Court found the
testimony -- which was given under oath and subjected to cross-
examination -- "effective corroboration," "reliable," and
"convincing." What led the justices to vacate Demjanjuk's sentence was
no weakness in the powerful and unimpeached evidence against him.

After the trial had ended, a batch of old depositions found in KGB
files in Kiev -- statements made by long-dead guards at Treblinka --
suddenly materialized. No one knows who took these depositions, under
what circumstances they were taken, or even what questions were asked.
But in several of the statements a wachmann named Ivan Marchenko --
not Demjanjuk -- is mentioned as the gas chamber operator at
Treblinka. Of course the statements might be false or mistaken. Or
Marchenko and Demjanjuk might have been gas chamber operators at
different times. Or the depositions could be phony.

"We do not know how these statements came into the world and who gave
birth to them," the justices wrote. By normal standards of evidence,
they should have been deemed worthless and inadmissible.

But unwilling to convict even a sadistic Nazi wachmann unless every
detail of the case against him were perfect, the court let him go.

Justice miscarried. But there is no debating Demjanjuk's unspeakable
past, and he has no business being on American soil. There is only one
place where Demjanjuk belongs. He's 75; with any luck, he'll be there
The Revd
2011-10-27 10:21:49 UTC
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:34:34 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:50:59 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:29:46 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  Not for lack of trying.
They should have kept trying.
  A nithing like you would write that.
A gook like you would suck his fat jew rectum.
I suck no rectums.
Yes, you do, gook. The evidence is all over Usenet.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about seeking justice for the crimes of
the past.
Seeking justice for crimes of the past
by Jeff Jacoby
More like seeking reparations for a 'holocaust'®™ that never happened,
  The Holocaust was suspended.
How can something that never happened be suspended, gook?
The Holocaust happened and was suspended.
It never happened and therefore couldn't be suspended.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
  For some people, it did not end.
For YOU, it will never end.
My showing everyone what a nithing you are will never end under
your current course of choices and conduct.
MY showing everyone what a craven gook you are will never end as long
as you keep sucking jew rectums.
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about the terrible crimes of Ivan.
Ivan? Ivan is innocent! Dimitri did it! LOL
The Peeler
2011-10-27 10:30:18 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 06:21:49 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

LOL! SHINING with your retardation again, The Rectum? Is there simply
nothing else you could ever do? LMAO!
Tony Owens about The Rectum: "I do know about a stupid sow named Revd who is
the main reason why abortion remains legal in the USA."
MID: <4e961210$0$4325$***@cv.net>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-27 15:27:57 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:34:34 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:50:59 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  The Holocaust was suspended.
How can something that never happened be suspended, gook?
  The Holocaust happened and was suspended.
It never happened and therefore couldn't be suspended.
It did happen and it was suspended.
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
  For some people, it did not end.
For YOU, it will never end.
  My showing everyone what a nithing you are will never end under
your current course of choices and conduct.
MY showing everyone what a craven gook you are will never end as long
as you keep sucking jew rectums.
I suck no rectums, peter breath.
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about the terrible crimes of Ivan.
Ivan?  Ivan is innocent!  Dimitri did it!  LOL
There were so many accomplices to the Holocaust.

'The killers were so many'

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
April 16, 1996


THERE IS LITTLE I can tell you about my father's murdered family. I
know that my father's father, David Jakubovic, was a pious Jew who had
a small farm in a tiny village in eastern Czechoslovakia. I know that
his mother, Leah, came from a larger town called Snina. I know that
his brother Zoltan was permanently injured as a child when an animal
kicked him in the head. Of his older sister Franceska and his two
youngest siblings, Yrvin and Alice, I know only their names.

I do know where the family was killed: at the Nazi death camp at
Auschwitz. And I know how: in a crowded gas chamber, by asphyxiation
from hydrogen cyanide. And I know when: May 28, 1944. And I know, of
course, why.

But who killed them -- that I don't know.

The killers were so many.

There were the Nazi officers supervising the murder operations at
Auschwitz that spring morning in 1944. There was the SS doctor who
"selected" the arriving Jews -- deciding who would be gassed at once
and who would be worked until they died of starvation and disease.
There were the guards who crammed the victims into the gas chambers
and screwed the airtight doors shut behind them. There were the
"disinfectors" who poured the Zyklon-B crystals into the ventilation
shafts. There was the camp commander, SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Rudolf
Hoss. There was Adolf Hitler.

But the blood of my father's parents, brothers, and sisters was shed
by far more people than that.

David and Leah, Franceska and Alice, Zoltan and Yrvin were wiped out
as part of a genocidal enterprise whose dimensions still numb the
mind. It was the goal of the Germans to exterminate every Jew in
Europe -- to do so systematically, zealously, comprehensively. Never
before or since has the annihilation of an entire people been so
central to the ideology of a great power, or so ruthlessly and
efficiently pursued.

It was a huge undertaking. From every corner of the continent, from
the stylish cafes of Paris to the backward villages of Ukraine, Jews
were herded to their deaths. They were killed by shooting and by
gassing, by hanging and by drowning, by beating and by starving, by
burning and by electrocuting and by torture. Between 1938 and 1945,
the Nazis and their collaborators murdered two-thirds of Europe's
Jews. My father's father and mother and brothers and sisters made up 1
one-millionth of the total.

Fifty years on, the Holocaust is sometimes seen in caricature: as the
evil work of Hitler, Goebbels, and the Gestapo, with death camp guards
and a goose-stepping chorus of Storm Troops in the background. But
these were only the most notorious villains. They could have done
little without the tens of thousands of men and women -- murderers and
accessories to murder -- who staffed the Third Reich's immense
bureaucracy of persecution, isolation, and destruction.

Who killed David and Leah, Franceska and Alice, Zoltan and Yrvin? The
train engineers who transported them to Auschwitz. The railway
managers who provided the rolling stock. The local police who helped
the Germans round up Jews for deportation. The collectors and civil
servants who forced the Jews to surrender their valuables and
property. Accessories, all of them.

My father's loved ones were murdered by the men who released the
Zyklon-B into the gas chamber, but also by the men who ordered the
Zyklon-B. And by the firm that supplied it. And by the lawyers who
drew up the contract. And by the accountants who paid the bill.

For lawyers and accountants, too, played a role in liquidating 6
million Jews. The Holocaust was a complicated and expensive project.
It required lawyers and accountants no less than it required
crematorium operators. Auschwitz and Buchenwald and Treblinka didn't
spring into existence at the snap of Hitler's finger. Architects had
to draft the blueprints. Builders had to follow them. Engineers had to
install the equipment. Property agents had to acquire the land.

Not all of the perpetrators were sadistic SS men. Many -- very many --
were ordinary people doing "ordinary" jobs: Scheduling trains. Cutting
payroll checks. Sewing uniforms. Delivering mail. Part of the Final
Solution was machine-gunning children into the ravine at Babi Yar.
Part of it was ordering more bullets when supplies ran low.

When the Jakubovices stepped out of that stinking cattle car to be
hustled off to die, who pushed them up the ramp? Wasn't it the
legislators who had written laws stripping Jews of every legal
protection? Wasn't it the schoolteachers who taught German children
that Jews were pestilential vermin, the enemies of the Fatherland?
Wasn't it the "journalists" who wrote for Der Sturmer, the grotesquely
anti-Semitic newspaper whose single theme was vileness of Jews? Wasn't
it the German church leaders, who not only refused to speak out in
defense of the victims but actively helped the Nazis by supplying
"Certificates of Aryan Descent" to their members?

"The destruction of the Jews was not centralized," writes Raul
Hilberg, the eminent Holocaust scholar. "The anti-Jewish work was
carried out in the civil service, the military, business, and the Nazi
party. All components of German organized life were drawn into this
undertaking. Every agency was a contributor; every specialization was
utilized; and every stratum of society was represented in the
envelopment of the victims."

Who killed David and Leah, Franceska and Alice, Zoltan and Yrvin? It
would be easier to say who didn't.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe).
The Revd
2011-10-27 15:35:57 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:27:57 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:34:34 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:50:59 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  The Holocaust was suspended.
How can something that never happened be suspended, gook?
  The Holocaust happened and was suspended.
It never happened and therefore couldn't be suspended.
It did happen and it was suspended.
It never happened. You should be suspended - by the nuts (if any).
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
  For some people, it did not end.
For YOU, it will never end.
  My showing everyone what a nithing you are will never end under
your current course of choices and conduct.
MY showing everyone what a craven gook you are will never end as long
as you keep sucking jew rectums.
I suck no rectums, peter breath.
You suck any jew rectum within sucking distance, diarrhoea breath.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about the terrible crimes of Ivan.
Ivan?  Ivan is innocent!  Dimitri did it!  LOL
There were so many accomplices to the Holocaust.
Oy vey! So many!
Post by Michael Ejercito
'The killers were so many'
by Jeff Jacoby
The reparations for the non-existent 'holocaust'®™ were so many!
The Peeler
2011-10-27 16:32:17 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 11:35:57 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

...and nothing's left again! LOL
Tony Owens about Dumb Heini and The Rectum:
"the kings of rectums, Revd and Heinie, the biggest braindeads to ever
inhabit newsgroups."
MID: <4ea84522$0$28374$***@cv.net>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-27 16:59:21 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:27:57 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:34:34 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  My showing everyone what a nithing you are will never end under
your current course of choices and conduct.
MY showing everyone what a craven gook you are will never end as long
as you keep sucking jew rectums.
  I suck no rectums, peter breath.
You suck any jew rectum within sucking distance, diarrhoea breath.
I suck no rectums, you mangina.
  The following article is about the terrible crimes of Ivan.
Ivan?  Ivan is innocent!  Dimitri did it!  LOL
  There were so many accomplices to the Holocaust.
Oy vey!  So many!
Yes, there were many accomplices to the Holocaust.
'The killers were so many'
by Jeff Jacoby
The reparations for the non-existent 'holocaust'®™ were so many!
The Holocaust happened.

The following article is about embers from the Holocaust.

Embers from the Holocaust

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
August 18, 1996


DRESDEN, Germany -- I stood for the first time before the charred
ruins of the Frauenkirche, the magnificent Church of Our Lady that was
pounded to rubble in the Allied firebombing here in 1945, and I was
glad. For a few seconds -- I cannot deny it -- it gave me satisfaction
to view the bleak and jagged remains of Dresden's once-mighty Baroque
masterpiece. The shattered Frauenkirche is a desolating sight and the
appalling raid that caused it arguably served no military purpose. But
in my mind's eye, I saw the flames and smashed glass of Kristallnacht,
the 1938 pogrom that served as the curtain-raiser for the Holocaust,
and I thought: This is what you get for burning synagogues.

I had come to Dresden as part of a two-week stay in Germany that also
included visits to Bonn, Frankfurt, Berlin, and Potsdam. I was one of
a group of 18 North Americans who had been invited by the University
of Bonn and the German Academic Exchange Service to experience what
the university's rector called "a brief but intense encounter with

For me, any encounter with Germany would be intense: I am the son of a
Holocaust survivor. In the spring of 1944, my father's parents, his
brothers, and two of his sisters were fed to the ovens at Auschwitz.
When Germany surrendered in May 1945, my father himself was nearly a
corpse, starved and disease-ridden. Had the war lasted even a few days
longer, he would have died. The Final Solution just missed him -- and
therefore me.

I cannot remember a time when I was not aware of the Holocaust. As a
small boy, no more than 6 or 7 years old, I would write "Hitler" on
the bottom of my shoe -- so I could wipe out his name as I walked.
Germany I always thought of as a land poisonous to Jews; for a long
time I insisted I would never step foot there.

At some point I abandoned that taboo, and when I was invited to take
this trip, no one had to twist my arm. Still, there were qualms. I
joked grimly that the only German I knew was "Guten Morgen" and "Sieg
Heil." I made a point of packing Daniel Goldhagen's scorching new
history of the Holocaust, Hitler's Willing Executioners -- as a
prophylactic, I suppose, against liking Germans too much.

The ruins of the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) after the Allied
firebombing of Dresden in 1945

Not that I expected Germany 1996 to resemble Germany 1936. Not that I
wasn't aware of Germany's contrite and conscientious effort,
especially in recent decades, to come to grips with its Nazi crimes. I
knew perfectly well that the vast majority of Germans today are
committed democrats, not crypto-fascists. But I also knew that the
ghosts and echoes of my family's past would be with me. I set off to
"encounter" Germany with goodwill and an open mind. Yet what kind of
goodwill could I feel toward the nation that murdered my father's

These contradictory impulses tugged at me throughout my fortnight in

I would find myself searching for evidence of antisemitism -- but
alert for evidence that antisemites aren't tolerated. Jewish sites in
Germany, I quickly noticed, are guarded round-the-clock by the police.
To attend Sabbath services at the synagogue on Berlin's
Joachimstalerstrasse, I had to get past an armed guard and a metal
detector. Is it good news that Jews in Germany today are well-
protected when they worship? Or is it bad news that Jews in Germany --
even today -- require protection when they worship?

It reassured me when politicians and academics explained that certain
German policies -- generous treatment of refugees, for instance, or a
fervent commitment to European unity -- grow out of the nation's
horror over what it did in 1933-45. But even as I was reassured, I was
suspicious: Do they really mean it? Or are they saying it because they
have to?

My internal tension reflects the duality of the Second Generation --
the children of those who were the victims of the Holocaust. On the
one hand, it is our job to move on, to live for those who died, to
build a future for our families and our people. On the other hand, we
are charged to remember the past, to cry out against forgetting, to
warn that nothing can prevent the rise of a new Auschwitz except
undimmed rage and grief over what took place in the old one.

It was a dichotomy I wrestled with repeatedly.

At the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn, a new museum of modern German
history, the section on 1945 devotes considerably more attention to
the condition of Germany's bombed cities and the discomforts of food
rationing than to the liberation of the concentration camps and the
exposure of the Nazis' savagery. Why, I wondered indignantly, were the
curators trying to downplay Dachau and Buchenwald?

But at a panel session later with representatives of Germany's major
political parties, I was struck by the honesty and anguish with which
they confronted the legacy of the Third Reich.

"I don't feel patriotism when I see German soldiers," said Friedbert
Pfluger, a member of parliament from the conservative Christian
Democratic Union. "I don't feel pride from German warplanes in the
air, or German warships in the Aegean." Try to imagine a US senator
saying such a thing about America's armed forces.

Particularly impassioned was Wolf Poulet, the military-affairs
spokesman for the Free Democratic Party. When some of the visiting
North Americans suggested that German troops ought to play a greater
role in international peacekeeping, Poulet warned of the backlash it
would provoke. "Do you think the world wants to see German troops in
other countries?" he asked. "We always know that we are hated. Always.
Even after 50 years! And we know why. The world is alarmed when
Germans put on uniforms. We can't escape this."

President Reagan visits the German military cemetery at Bitburg, where
49 SS men are among the 2000 troops buried.

Fifty-five years ago, the Wehrmacht was conquering Europe and
exterminating innocents. Today German politicians recoil instinctively
from any form of martial self-assertion. And even I, a Jew whose
family was so scarred by German brutality, could be moved by their
sincerity and sorrow.

And yet . . .

At one point, to illustrate that distrust of Germany is never far
below the surface, Poulet brought up President Reagan's 1985 visit to
the military cemetery at Bitburg. Just look, he said, at the uproar
set off in America because the president was going to a cemetery where
"it happened that two SS were buried."

Something snapped in my skull. "Fifty-four!" I exploded, abrupt and
hot and angry, startling everyone in the room, myself included, with
my vehemence. "Not two! Fifty-four!" I knew he wasn't trying to deny
the SS contamination of that cemetery. But hearing a German minimize
anything about the Nazis -- even unintentionally -- prompted a
visceral reaction, and proved the point Poulet was making: that the
scars of the Hitler years are still painfully tender.

(As it happened, I was in error, too. The actual number of SS men
buried in Bitburg -- I looked it up afterward -- is 49.)

At times, the creepiest things -- creepy to me, anyway -- came out of
the mouths of people I met. Hansjurgen Rosenbauer, the polished and
influential director of East German Radio Brandenburg in Potsdam,
argued for generous government subsidies to a wide range of
industries, including his own. "After all," he said, "in many ways we
are still developing. You know, during the war, most of the Jews were
killed or they left. This was a terrible brain drain, and we are still
catching up from it." Aha. We perpetrated genocide, so now we need
government handouts. His brazenness repelled me.

In this Berlin villa in 1942, senior officials of the Third Reich met
to coordinate Hitler's "Final Solution" -- the destruction of European

And yet I also met Germans whose decency is manifest, and whose shame
and misery over the Holocaust -- though it began and ended before they
were born -- never leaves them. Annegret Ehmann has transformed the
House of the Wannsee Conference -- the Berlin villa where in 1942 the
Third Reich's senior bureaucrats met to coordinate the slaughter of
the Jews -- into a reference library on the Holocaust. She has made it
her life's work to explore how something as sinister as genocide could
have been planned and carried out so routinely. Tirelessly, she runs
seminars for German civil servants, sensitizing them to the moral
consequences of bureaucratic behavior -- and using the Wannsee
Conference as a case study.

Why, I asked. Why make this your career?

"I am a German," she answered after a pause. "I grew up in the 1960s.
We had many questions. Many questions." Another pause. She struggled
to explain herself. "I am a German. What else can I do?"

Whether Germans today, in their heart of hearts, are more like
Annegret Ehmann or more like the Nazis who convened at Wannsee, I
cannot say. Nor can I judge the permanence of Germany's transformation
from the Gestapo state of the 1940s to the democracy of today. But
this I can say, as the child of a Holocaust survivor seeing Germany
for the first time:

There is no forgiving and no forgetting. But neither is there blind

The firebombed Frauenkirche lies in ruins in Dresden, and it was a
sight I was glad to see. Now the great church is being reconstructed;
it should be finished in 2006. That is a sight I will also be glad to
see. Who knows? Perhaps I shall travel to Germany to see it.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe).
The Revd
2011-10-27 17:01:21 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 09:59:21 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:27:57 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:34:34 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  My showing everyone what a nithing you are will never end under
your current course of choices and conduct.
MY showing everyone what a craven gook you are will never end as long
as you keep sucking jew rectums.
  I suck no rectums, peter breath.
You suck any jew rectum within sucking distance, diarrhoea breath.
I suck no rectums, you mangina.
Yes, you do, gook. Your mouth SMELLS of jew rectums.
Post by Michael Ejercito
  The following article is about the terrible crimes of Ivan.
Ivan?  Ivan is innocent!  Dimitri did it!  LOL
  There were so many accomplices to the Holocaust.
Oy vey!  So many!
Yes, there were many accomplices to the Holocaust.
Of course there weren't. It never happened, gook!
Post by Michael Ejercito
'The killers were so many'
by Jeff Jacoby
The reparations for the non-existent 'holocaust'®™ were so many!
The Holocaust happened.
No, it didn't.
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about embers from the Holocaust.
Embers from the Holocaust
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should be an ember.
The Peeler
2011-10-27 17:26:15 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:01:21 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

BEGGING again to get slapped around the place, The Rectum, you hilarious
miserable masochist and psycho? LMAO!
Tony Owens about Dumb Heini and The Rectum:
"the kings of rectums, Revd and Heinie, the biggest braindeads to ever
inhabit newsgroups."
MID: <4ea84522$0$28374$***@cv.net>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-27 19:03:06 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 09:59:21 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:27:57 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
There were so many accomplices to the Holocaust.
Oy vey! So many!
  Yes, there were many accomplices to the Holocaust.
Of course there weren't.  It never happened, gook!
Yes, it did happen, nithing.
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
'The killers were so many'
by Jeff Jacoby
The reparations for the non-existent 'holocaust' were so many!
  The Holocaust happened.
No, it didn't.
Yes, it did.
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about embers from the Holocaust.
Embers from the Holocaust
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should be an ember.
There is not even an ember of your honor, decency, and integrity.

The following article is about the horror at Ebensee.

Horror at Ebensee

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
April 28, 1998


Markus Jakubovic, a Czechoslovak Jew, entered the Nazi
concentration camp at Ebensee, Austria, in March 1945. By that point
he had already been through Auschwitz, witnessed the murder of his
family, and survived a death march out of Poland. Ebensee was meant to
finish him off. By V-E Day, May 8, he was close to death.

Meanwhile, William V. McDermott, a young Boston surgeon, was
serving in the mobile 30th Field Hospital of Patton's 3rd Army. By
1945, he had been in the Normandy invasion, at Verdun and the Bulge,
and through the Siegfried Line. On May 8, his medical unit -- about a
dozen doctors -- received orders to join the 3rd Cavalry, which was on
its way to Ebensee. What he found there he described in vivid letters
home -- and now in a gripping new book, A Surgeon in Combat.

* * *

AS WE ROLLED through the town of Ebensee on May 10, we came to the
gates of the concentration camp, where the French prisoners had hung a
sheet with the words "Les francais saluent leurs allies!" As we
entered the gates, we faced a horror story. Words couldn't approach
the actual facts that hit our eyes, ears, and noses.

If ever there was a place created with calculated sadism,
frightfulness, and horror, this was it.

Ebensee was technically a death camp for Mauthausen, the largest of
the concentration camps in Austria. No one who entered the camp was
supposed to survive, but while they lived, they were forced to work on
excavations in the mountains.

On entering the camp, everything was taken from them and they were
given a thin shirt and trousers with prison-stripe design and a winter
"overcoat" of equally thin texture. Each man was assigned one-half of
a double-decker bunk in one of the barracks. The bunks were so jammed
together that hundreds of men slept in one small building.

There was no water, no heat, no latrines, and no cooking or eating
facilities. The prisoners had no shoes and went barefoot even in
winter. Rations consisted of six ounces of bread per person per day
with some potato-peeling soup. A man does not survive long on that

For thousands of prisoners, the liberation of Ebensee came too late.
US officers ordered Austrian civilians to bury the bodies of the

The prisoners were worked all day every day until they were too weak
to climb the steps of the excavations, at which point one of two
things happened. Most were sent to the "hospital", where the Germans
put them on half rations in order to speed up death. If someone
lingered too long, he was disposed of.

Gas chambers were constructed to resemble a shallow room. The doomed
men were given a small piece of soap and told to take a shower. The
door was closed behind them and the gas turned on. The eventual
disposal of all bodies was theoretically carried out in the
crematorium. The German genius miscalculated, however, because the
crematorium could only handle two hundred bodies per day. When we
arrived, we found a large room next to the crematorium in which
hundreds of bodies were stacked to the ceiling. Outside were several
mass graves in which thousands of prisoners had been interred.

Doctors become more or less accustomed to the sight of illness,
suffering, and death, but we were all physically sick after our first
view of the camp. These men were walking skeletons, every bone of the
skull and trunk standing out sharply. Their bodies were bent, twisted,
and shrunken by disease and torture. They all had horribly diseased
skin, huge running sores, areas of osteomyelitis where wide sections
of bone were exposed and discharging pus, and a number of large open
empyemas draining from their chests.

There were cases of typhus, tuberculosis (men racked with coughs and
bringing up blood), and dysentery so severe that the men were
completely incontinent. Almost every one of these thousands had at
least several terrible conditions and all had some degree of dysentery
and were wasted by starvation. They presented the grotesque picture of
a distended abdomen and feet and ankles swollen by nutritional edema,
with the rest of the body shrunken literally to skin and bones.

Any one of these cases would have been unbelievable. When they were
lying, crawling, or walking around by the thousands, it surpassed
anything the human mind could imagine. It was an endless panorama of
such calculated sadism as has never before been seen in this world.

U.S. troops found the emaciated survivors at Ebensee crammed into
disease-ridden, overcrowded barracks.

These men had been normal, healthy, happy human beings once upon a
time. Driven to their desperate state by months of insensate
brutality, they groveled and pleaded for food, which they wolfed down
like beasts. When we began feeding them light meals, they would
cluster around the containers afterwards, scrape the sides with their
fingers, and gnaw at their nails to get what had collected there. I
set down a box of soap for a few minutes and when I came back, half of
it had been eaten!

Medically speaking, we were faced with an impossible situation. You
could watch men die by the dozens as you walked around. Five fell dead
as they waited in line for the first meal we served. There were not
enough medical supplies, vitamins, plasma, or doctors to give all
these men what they needed in the way of immediate individual
treatment. They were dying by the hundreds.

Even though we had read and heard of such horrors for the past few
weeks, the reality was a staggering blow. This was such a sad
commentary on a race supposedly civilized and exposed to centuries of
Christianity, but I had given up even attempting to answer the
question of how human beings could do all this. The whole damn country
was pathological, and I am no psychiatrist.

* * *

Miraculously, Markus Jakubovic survived. He immigrated to America,
and became a US citizen in 1953, changing his name to Mark Jacoby. He
lives today in Cleveland, a father of five and grandfather of 12.
William McDermott returned from Europe to a stellar medical career in
Boston. There he became the Cheever Professor of Surgery at Harvard
and the head of surgery at New England Deaconess Hospital. He doesn't
specifically remember Mark Jacoby, and Mark Jacoby doesn't
specifically remember him.

But the next time my father is in Boston, I hope to re-introduce


(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe. His website is
www.JeffJacoby.com. The excerpt from A Surgeon in Combat (Bauhan
Publishers) is condensed with the author's permission.)
The Revd
2011-10-27 20:18:29 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:03:06 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 09:59:21 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:27:57 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
There were so many accomplices to the Holocaust.
Oy vey! So many!
  Yes, there were many accomplices to the Holocaust.
Of course there weren't.  It never happened, gook!
Yes, it did happen, nithing.
No, it never happened, gook.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
'The killers were so many'
by Jeff Jacoby
The reparations for the non-existent 'holocaust' were so many!
  The Holocaust happened.
No, it didn't.
Yes, it did.
No, it never did.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about embers from the Holocaust.
Embers from the Holocaust
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should be an ember.
There is not even an ember of your honor, decency, and integrity.
What the fuck do you know about honour, decency or integrity, gook?
You suck jew rectums, for fuck's sake.
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about the horror at Ebensee.
Horror at Ebensee
Oy vey! Such an horror already! LOL
The Peeler
2011-10-27 20:33:40 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 16:18:29 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

...and nothing's left again! LOL
Quotes about The Rectum:
Jimbo: "You're an abortion that should have happened."
Attila: "Are you a corpse that has not died yet?"
Virgil: "The world would be a better place if we could go
back in time and abort some idiots like formby before they were hatched."
Ejercito:"If he believed in racial hygiene, he would gas himself."
Ray Fischer: "We're not interested in your sexual fantasies, pervert."
Doug: "Pitiful diarrhea is the Revd's real name."
The Chief Instigator: "You've all the strength of wet toilet paper."
W.T.S.: "You are a liar. You are an obvious liar. You are a liar who has no
talent for making a lie believable."
Doug: "Your posts are nothing but written diarrhea."
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-27 21:20:32 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:03:06 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 09:59:21 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
The Holocaust happened.
No, it didn't.
  Yes, it did.
No, it never did.
Yes, it did. Your denial will not change that.
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about embers from the Holocaust.
Embers from the Holocaust
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should be an ember.
  There is not even an ember of your honor, decency, and integrity.
What the fuck do you know about honour, decency or integrity, gook?
More than a Nazi nithing like you would.
Post by The Revd
You suck jew rectums, for fuck's sake.
I suck no rectums, peter breath.
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about the horror at Ebensee.
Horror at Ebensee
Oy vey!  Such an horror already!   LOL
The following article is about a Holocaust survivor and what was
important to him at the time.

My father's shoes

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
April 15, 1999


Markus Jakubovic in 1946
THEY WERE NICE TO MY FATHER the second time he went to Auschwitz.

It was in September 1997, during a trip he'd always insisted he
wouldn't take. He never wanted to go back to his native
Czechoslovakia, he'd said; never wanted to revisit Auschwitz, where
his parents, his brothers, and his two younger sisters were murdered
by the Germans in 1944.

But in recent years my father's hard line had softened. He began to
talk about showing us the world he had come from. And so here he was,
back at Auschwitz, arriving not in a sealed boxcar but in a rented van
with a driver, accompanied not by his father and mother and hundreds
of dazed and famished Jews but by his wife, three of his children, and
a guide.

We entered the main administration building, where we hoped to find
some documentation of my father's entry into Auschwitz. But Krysztof
Antonczyk, head of the computer unit, had bad news -- his staff hadn't
been able to locate any records for Markus Jakubovic, as my father was
called in 1944. Disappointing. Suddenly we remembered something.
Immediately after the "selection" at the train platform in Auschwitz,
those who were not sent to the gas chambers -- the lucky ones, the
ones who were merely going to be starved and enslaved -- were
registered and tattooed with a number. On an impulse, my father at
that moment gave a last name that wasn't his own.

"Try looking up his number," we said to Antonczyk. "A-10502."

Whereupon my father, to make sure we'd gotten it right, rolled up his
sleeve, put on his glasses, and peered at the number in his familiar
farsighted way. "Mmm -- yeah -- A-1-0-5-0-2."

As if he needed to look.

A staff member went to chase down A-10502. We were ushered into a
little room to wait. There was a table and some chairs, a colorful
tablecloth, framed pictures of kittens and puppies on the wall. A
woman poked her head in and asked if we we'd like some tea or coffee.
Sure, my father said, he'd have some coffee, and she returned with it
a few minutes later. And as he sat there, sipping his coffee in the
cheery room with kittens and puppies on the wall, I got up restlessly,
walked over to the window, and looked out. Below me was the main
entrance, and the words over the gate said: ARBEIT MACHT FREI.

In the end Antonczyk wasn't able to find documentation of my father's
arrival at Auschwitz. But he did turn up evidence of his departure: a
page from one of the long lists of Jews who were herded out of
Auschwitz on death marches in January 1945. Page 630, Line 21:
"Jakubovic, Markus -- Slovak Jude." And something more: a copy of the
card recording my father's entry into Mauthausen, a concentration camp
in Austria.

Written evidence. Markus Jakubovic of Legina, Czechoslovakia, had been
in Auschwitz; on a death march; at Mauthausen. There it was, in black
and white.

After so many years, we had a piece of paper. What we never had, my
siblings and I, was a grandfather and a grandmother. What we never had
were two uncles and two more aunts. What we never had was a family
tree with living branches instead of withered stumps. What we never
had were the cousins who would have been born, the stories that would
have been told, the memories that would have been preserved.

What we never even had was graves to visit.

Between 1938 and 1945, while the world looked the other way, the
Germans and their collaborators murdered one-third of all the Jews on
earth. Six million of them. And my father's family -- David and Leah
Jakubovic and their children Franceska, Zoltan, Yrvin, and Alice --
accounted for 1 one-millionth -- 0.000001 -- of the total.

* * * * *

Once I asked my father what had been uppermost in his mind when he was
in the camps. Had there been something he always concentrated on, a
mantra he clung to, a goal he never lost sight of?

I was hoping, I suppose, for something lapidary. Something like the
exhortation of Simon Dubnov, the renowned Jewish historian, who was
murdered by a Latvian guard in the Riga ghetto in 1941. Dubnov's last
words were, Yiddin, schreibt un farschreibt -- "Jews, write it all
down." Perhaps my father would say that he had never stopped thinking
about one day bearing witness to what he had seen. Or that he was
always looking for ways to sabotage the Nazis. Or that he dreamed of
revenge. Or that every morning and evening he whispered the Sh'ma, the
timeless Jewish credo -- "Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the
Lord is One."

This is what my father told me: "I was always careful to watch my
shoes. I slept with my shoes under my head, because if you lost your
shoes you wouldn't survive for long."

It was hardly the answer I had imagined. Shoes? He's in the middle of
the Holocaust, and he's thinking about his shoes?

But I have come to understand that my father was right. If shoes were
utterly essential -- and when you are force-marched from Poland to
Austria in the middle of winter and you will be shot dead if you fall
or stumble, they are -- then shoes were precisely what he had to think
about. The Jakubovic family, awash in blood, was nearly extinct. My
father had to survive. The Jews had to survive. Somehow, despite
everything, they had to go on, and if shoes could keep this Jew alive,
then nothing was more important than shoes.

My father, God willing, will turn 74 this year. He has five children
and -- so far -- 13 grandchildren. He keeps the Sabbath and fasts on
Yom Kippur and eats matza on Passover. Every morning and every
evening, he says the Sh'ma. He is a Jew who survived, and who survived
as a Jew. May the memory of those who perished be a blessing.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe.)
The Revd
2011-10-27 21:42:15 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:20:32 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:03:06 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 09:59:21 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
The Holocaust happened.
No, it didn't.
  Yes, it did.
No, it never did.
Yes, it did. Your denial will not change that.
No, it didn't. Your sucking of jew rectum will not change that.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about embers from the Holocaust.
Embers from the Holocaust
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should be an ember.
  There is not even an ember of your honor, decency, and integrity.
What the fuck do you know about honour, decency or integrity, gook?
More than a Nazi nithing like you would.
Don't be absurd, gook. You people don't even have words for those
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
You suck jew rectums, for fuck's sake.
I suck no rectums, peter breath.
You suck jew rectums, rectum breath.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about the horror at Ebensee.
Horror at Ebensee
Oy vey!  Such an horror already!   LOL
The following article is about a Holocaust survivor and what was
important to him at the time.
There are too far many jew 'survivors' for a 'holocaust'®™ to have
Post by Michael Ejercito
My father's shoes
Should have been used to kick Jeff Jakobstein up the ass.
The Peeler
2011-10-27 21:47:34 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:42:15 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

LOL!!!! Sooo proud of being a complete retard, The Rectum?
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-28 00:31:26 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:20:32 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:03:06 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  There is not even an ember of your honor, decency, and integrity.
What the fuck do you know about honour, decency or integrity, gook?
  More than a Nazi nithing like you would.
Don't be absurd, gook.  You people don't even have words for those
Of course I have words for those concepts. I JUST USED THEM.
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
You suck jew rectums, for fuck's sake.
  I suck no rectums, peter breath.
You suck jew rectums, rectum breath.
I suck no rectums, peter breath.
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about the horror at Ebensee.
Horror at Ebensee
Oy vey!  Such an horror already!   LOL
  The following article is about a Holocaust survivor and what was
important to him at the time.
There are too far many jew 'survivors' for a 'holocaust'®™ to have
There would have been no survivors if the Allies had not defeated
Post by The Revd
My father's shoes
Should have been used to kick Jeff Jakobstein up the ass.
Too bad you never got the ass-kicking you deserved.

The following article is about faith in the depths of Hell.

Faith in the depths of hell

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
April 18, 2004


THE ORDER to kill every pregnant Jewish woman had been issued that
morning. So when a Nazi guard patrolling the Jewish ghetto in Kovno
noticed a pregnant Jew walking past the local hospital, he shot her at
point-blank range. She died on the spot.

Hoping to save the baby, some passersby rushed the dead woman into the
hospital. An obstetrician determined that she had been in her last
weeks of pregnancy, and said that if surgery were performed
immediately, her baby might be rescued.

Jews moving into the Kovno ghetto in Lithuania, 1941

But could such surgery be squared with Jewish law, which is stringent
in its concern for the dignity of the dead? If the baby didn't make
it, the mother's body would have been mutilated for nothing.

The question was put to Rabbi Ephraim Oshry, a young rabbinical
scholar. He didn't hesitate. "When saving a life is involved, we are
not concerned with the desecration of the dead," he ruled. Besides, if
the murdered mother could speak, wouldn't she welcome the
"desecration" of her body if it would assure her baby's survival? He
ordered the operation to proceed at once, and the baby was born alive.

Then came a horrifying postscript. "The cruel murderers . . . came
into the hospital to write down the name of the murdered woman. . . .
When they found the baby alive, their savage fury was unleashed. One
of the Germans grabbed the infant and cracked its skull against the
wall of the hospital room. Woe unto the eyes that saw this!"

This case from May 1942 was one of many that Rabbi Oshry was called
upon to decide during the Nazi occupation of Kovno, Lithuania's second-
largest city. He recorded the heart-rending questions that were
brought to him in brief notes on scraps of paper, then buried the
scraps in tin cans. Someday, he hoped, those scraps might be found --
evidence that even in the midst of the Nazi inferno there were Jews
who clung to their God and His law, refusing to abandon Him even as
they must have wondered whether He had abandoned them.

More than 90 percent of Kovno's 40,000 Jews were killed in the
Holocaust -- either by the Germans or by their Lithuanian
collaborators. Rabbi Oshry was one of those who survived. After the
war he retrieved his notes and began writing them out as full-length
rabbinical rulings, or responsa. These were ultimately published in
five Hebrew volumes; in 1983 a book of excerpts in English -- Responsa
from the Holocaust -- was published by Judaica Press.

I read Responsa from the Holocaust soon after it came out, and found
it deeply moving. With the approach of Holocaust Remembrance Day,
which occurs this year on April 19, I took it down from the bookshelf
last week -- and again found it powerful and affecting. The questions
laid before Rabbi Oshry can reduce you to tears, but what is really
extraordinary, I saw now, was that anyone would care enough to ask
such questions in the first place.

In October 1941, "one of the respected members of the community" asked
Rabbi Oshry if he could commit suicide. His wife and children had been
seized by the Nazis, and he knew that their murder was imminent. He
feared that the Nazis would force him to watch as his family was
killed, and the prospect of witnessing their deaths was a horror he
couldn't bear to face. He begged for permission to take his own life
and avoid seeing his loved ones die.

Later that month, the head of another household came to Rabbi Oshry
"with tears of anguish on his face." His children were starving to
death and he was desperate to find food for them. His query was about
a bit of property that had been left behind by the family in the next
apartment. The entire family had been butchered a few days earlier,
and there were no surviving relatives. Under Jewish law, could he take
what remained of their belongings and sell them to raise cash for

Next to such questions, answers seem almost superfluous. (The rabbi
did not permit the suicide; he allowed the neighbors' property to be
taken.) What is stunning is that men and women in the throes of such
hideous suffering and brutality were still concerned about adhering to
Jewish law. In the lowest depths of the Nazi hell, in a place of
terror and savagery that most of us cannot fathom, here were human
beings who refused to relinquish their faith -- who refused even to
violate a religious precept without first asking if it was allowed.

Violence, humiliation, and hunger will reduce some people to animals
willing to do anything to survive. The Jews who sought out Rabbi Oshry
-- like Jews in so many other corners of Nazi Europe -- were not
reduced but elevated, reinforced in their belief, determined against
crushing odds to walk in the ways of their fathers.

Some Jews fought the Nazis with guns and sabotage, Rabbi Oshry would
later say; others fought by persisting in Jewish life. In the end,
Responsa from the Holocaust is a chronicle of courage and resistance
-- and a profound inspiration to believers of every faith.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe).
The Revd
2011-10-28 10:47:56 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:31:26 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:20:32 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:03:06 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  There is not even an ember of your honor, decency, and integrity.
What the fuck do you know about honour, decency or integrity, gook?
  More than a Nazi nithing like you would.
Don't be absurd, gook.  You people don't even have words for those
Of course I have words for those concepts. I JUST USED THEM.
Your using your HOST COUNTRY's words, gook.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
You suck jew rectums, for fuck's sake.
  I suck no rectums, peter breath.
You suck jew rectums, rectum breath.
I suck no rectums, peter breath.
You do suck rectums, shit breath.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about the horror at Ebensee.
Horror at Ebensee
Oy vey!  Such an horror already!   LOL
  The following article is about a Holocaust survivor and what was
important to him at the time.
There are too far many jew 'survivors' for a 'holocaust'®™ to have
There would have been no survivors if the Allies had not defeated
In other words, there was no 'holocaust'®™.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
My father's shoes
Should have been used to kick Jeff Jakobstein up the ass.
Too bad you never got the ass-kicking you deserved.
If anyone needs an ass-kicking (apart from Jeff Jakobstein), it's YOU,
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about faith in the depths of Hell.
Faith in the depths of hell
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should experience Hell for himself before spouting jew
The Peeler
2011-10-28 11:08:24 UTC
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 06:47:56 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual predictable hysterical and psychotic

You have qualms AT ALL about presenting yourself to the international public
as the sick subnormal degenerate swine that you are, eh, The Rectum? It IS
genetic, right? LOL!
The top 5 truths about our resident psychopath, The Rectum:

the desperate psycho can't SLEEP anymore,
he can't get out of the house anymore,
he got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
he can't FUCK anymore,
he got no life outside Usenet AT ALL!
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-28 17:18:56 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:31:26 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:20:32 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about a Holocaust survivor and what was
important to him at the time.
There are too far many jew 'survivors' for a 'holocaust' to have
  There would have been no survivors if the Allies had not defeated
In other words, there was no 'holocaust' .
Yes, there was a Holocaust.
Post by Michael Ejercito
My father's shoes
Should have been used to kick Jeff Jakobstein up the ass.
  Too bad you never got the ass-kicking you deserved.
If anyone needs an ass-kicking (apart from Jeff Jakobstein), it's YOU,
And who is going to deliver it?
  The following article is about faith in the depths of Hell.
Faith in the depths of hell
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should experience Hell for himself before spouting jew
Hell is the ultimate destination of your course of choices and

The following article is about one of the factories for death.

A factory for death

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
January 27, 2005


BY THE TIME the Soviet Army reached Auschwitz on Jan. 27, 1945 -- 60
years ago this week -- my father was no longer there. Ten days
earlier, the Nazis had evacuated about 67,000 of the death camp's
inmates, dispatching them on brutal forced marches to the west. My
father, then 19, was in a group sent into Austria. He ended up at the
concentration camp in Ebensee, near Mauthausen. Liberation there
didn't come until May 9, with the arrival of US soldiers from the 80th
Infantry Division.

My father had entered Auschwitz the previous spring, together with his
parents, his two brothers, and two of his three sisters. They, too,
were gone by the time the camp was liberated. Unlike my father, they
didn't leave on foot. They "left" through the chimney. For the
overwhelming majority of the more than 1.1 million Jews who were sent
to Auschwitz, there was no other exit.

Jews were not the only victims. Nearly 75,000 Poles, more than 20,000
Gypsies, 15,000 Soviets, and 10,000 members of other nationalities
were murdered at Auschwitz as well. The Nazis first used the camp, in
fact, as a prison for Polish dissidents, and Birkenau, the huge 1941
addition that became the main Auschwitz killing center, was originally
designed to hold Soviet POWs.

But beginning in the spring of 1942, Auschwitz became first and
foremost a slaughterhouse for Jews. From every corner of Europe, Jews
were sent there – from France in the west to Ukraine in the east, from
as far north as Norway and as far south as Greece. Many, like my
father and two of his siblings, were forced into slave labor, in the
expectation that the ghastly conditions and starvation rations would
kill them soon enough. But most of the Jews entering Auschwitz – like
my father's parents and his youngest brother and sister – were
murdered as soon as they arrived.

Auschwitz was a vast factory of death, the site of the greatest mass
murder in recorded history. Even now, two generations later, it is
almost impossible to grasp the scale on which the Nazis committed
homicide there. It is suggested by a detail: From 1942 to 1944, the
train platform in Birkenau was the busiest railway station in Europe.
It held that distinction despite the fact that, unlike every other
train station in the world, it saw only arrivals. No passengers ever

But Auschwitz was not only a place of murder. It was also a place of

Jews were robbed of everything they owned – the luggage they came
with, the clothes on their backs, the hair on their heads, even the
gold in their teeth. The stolen goods were stored in 35 warehouses,
where they were sorted and packed for shipment to Germany. Before
fleeing in January 1945, the Nazis burned 29 of the warehouses, but in
just the six that remained, the Soviets found 348,820 men's suits,
836,255 dresses, and 43,525 pairs of shoes. There were seven
trainloads of bedding, waiting to be shipped. And 7.7 tons of human
hair. And that was merely what remained at the very end.

The very worst thing about Auschwitz was -- what? The staggering death
toll? The gas chambers disguised as showers, in which thousands of
naked Jews went daily to agonizing deaths? The endless cruelty and
torture? The diseases that ravaged those the Nazis didn't kill first?

Was it the inhuman medical experiments carried out by doctors like
Josef Mengele, such as the deliberate destruction of healthy organs,
or the sadistic abuse of twins and dwarfs? Was it the willing
exploitation of Jewish slave labor by German corporations? The tens of
thousands of murdered children and babies?


The very worst thing about Auschwitz is that, for all its evil
immensity, it was only a fraction of the total. Even if it had never
been built, the Holocaust would still have been a crime without
parallel in human history. It would still have been something so
monstrous that a new word – genocide – would have had to be coined to
encompass it. Never before and never since has a government made the
murder of an entire people its central aim. And never before or since
has a government turned human slaughter into an international
industry, complete with facilities for transportation, selection,
murder, incineration. And none of it as a means to an end, but as an
end in itself: The reason for wiping out the Jews was so that the Jews
would be wiped out.

In the end, 6 million of them were killed. But only one-sixth died at

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe.)
The Revd
2011-10-28 17:40:42 UTC
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 10:18:56 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:31:26 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:20:32 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about a Holocaust survivor and what was
important to him at the time.
There are too far many jew 'survivors' for a 'holocaust' to have
  There would have been no survivors if the Allies had not defeated
In other words, there was no 'holocaust' .
Yes, there was a Holocaust.
No, there wasn't, you dumb gook.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
My father's shoes
Should have been used to kick Jeff Jakobstein up the ass.
  Too bad you never got the ass-kicking you deserved.
If anyone needs an ass-kicking (apart from Jeff Jakobstein), it's YOU,
And who is going to deliver it?
WE aks the questions, gook.
Post by Michael Ejercito
  The following article is about faith in the depths of Hell.
Faith in the depths of hell
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should experience Hell for himself before spouting jew
Hell is the ultimate destination of your course of choices and
A jew rectum is YOUR ultimate destination, gook!
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article is about one of the factories for death.
A factory for death
The Peeler
2011-10-28 17:52:31 UTC
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 13:40:42 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

<BG> "Shining" with your retardation again, The Rectum, you hilarious
housebound abnormal psycho with obviously no life AT ALL?
The top 5 truths about our resident psychopath, The Rectum:

the desperate psycho can't SLEEP anymore,
he can't get out of the house anymore,
he got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
he can't FUCK anymore,
he got no life outside Usenet AT ALL!
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-28 18:24:47 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 10:18:56 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:31:26 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  Too bad you never got the ass-kicking you deserved.
If anyone needs an ass-kicking (apart from Jeff Jakobstein), it's YOU,
  And who is going to deliver it?
WE aks the questions, gook.
Your failure to answer the question is noted.
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about faith in the depths of Hell.
Faith in the depths of hell
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should experience Hell for himself before spouting jew
  Hell is the ultimate destination of your course of choices and
A jew rectum is YOUR ultimate destination, gook!
No, it is not.
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about one of the factories for death.
A factory for death
The following article is about the silence of God.

The silence of God

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
June 4, 2006


NOTE: This column is available through the New York Times Syndicate.
For permission to reprint it, please contact ***@nytimes.com or
call 800-535-4425.

"WHERE WAS God in those days?" asked Pope Benedict XVI as he stood in
Auschwitz last week. "Why was he silent? How could he permit this
endless slaughter, this triumph of evil?"

It is the inevitable question in Auschwitz, that vast factory of death
where the Nazis tortured, starved, shot, and gassed to death as many
as a million and a half innocent human beings, most of them Jews. "In
a place like this, words fail," Benedict said. "In the end, there can
be only a dread silence, a silence which itself is a heartfelt cry to
God: Why, Lord, did you remain silent?"

News reports emphasized the pope's question. Every story noted that
the man who voiced it was, as he put it, "a son of the German people."
No one missed the intense historical significance of a German pope, on
a pilgrimage to Poland, beseeching God for answers at the
slaughterhouse where just 60 years ago Germans broke every record for
shedding Jewish blood.

And yet some commentators accused Benedict of skirting the issue of
anti-Semitism. The national director of the Anti-Defamation League
said that the pope had "uttered not one word about anti-Semitism; not
one explicit acknowledgment of Jewish lives vanquished simply because
they were Jews." The National Catholic Register likewise reported that
he "did not make any reference to modern anti-Semitism."

In fact, the pope not only acknowledged the reality of Jew-hatred, he
explained the pathology that underlies it. Anti- Semites are driven by
hostility not just toward Jews, he said, but toward the message of God-
based ethics they first brought to the world.

"Deep down, those vicious criminals" -- he was speaking of Hitler and
his followers -- "by wiping out this people, wanted to kill the God
who called Abraham, who spoke on Sinai and laid down principles to
serve as a guide for mankind, principles that are eternally valid. If
this people, by its very existence, was a witness to the God who spoke
to humanity and took us to himself, then that God finally had to die
and power had to belong to man alone -- to those men, who thought that
by force they had made themselves masters of the world."

The Nazis' ultimate goal, Benedict argued, was to rip out Christian
morality by its Jewish roots, replacing it with "a faith of their own
invention: faith in the rule of man, the rule of the powerful." Hitler
knew that his will to power could triumph only if he first destroyed
Judeo-Christian values. In the Thousand-Year Reich, God and his moral
code would be wiped out. Man, unencumbered by conscience, would reign
in his place. It is the oldest of temptations, and Auschwitz is what
it leads to.

"Where was God in those days?" asked the pope. How could a just and
loving Creator have allowed trainload after trainload of human beings
to be murdered at Auschwitz? But why ask such a question only in
Auschwitz? Where, after all, was God in the Gulag? Where was God when
the Khmer Rouge slaughtered 1.7 million Cambodians? Where was God
during the Armenian holocaust? Where was God in Rwanda? Where is God
in Darfur?

For that matter, where is God when even one innocent victim is being
murdered or raped or abused?

The answer, though the pope didn't say so clearly, is that a world in
which God always intervened to prevent cruelty and violence would be a
world without freedom -- and life without freedom would be
meaningless. God endows human beings with the power to choose between
good and evil. Some choose to help their neighbor; others choose to
hurt him. There were those in Nazi Europe who herded Jews into gas
chambers. And there were those who risked their lives to hide Jews
from the Gestapo.

The God "who spoke on Sinai" was not addressing himself to angels or
robots who could do no wrong even if they wanted to. He was speaking
to real people with real choices to make, and real consequences that
flow from those choices. Auschwitz wasn't God's fault. He didn't build
the place. And only by changing those who did build it from free moral
agents into puppets could he have stopped them from committing their
horrific crimes.

It was not God who failed during the Holocaust or in the Gulag, or on
9/11, or in Bosnia. It is not God who fails when human beings do
barbaric things to other human beings. Auschwitz is not what happens
when the God who says "Thou shalt not murder" and "Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself" is silent. It is what happens when men and women
refuse to listen.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe).
The Revd
2011-10-28 20:44:20 UTC
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:24:47 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 10:18:56 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:31:26 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  Too bad you never got the ass-kicking you deserved.
If anyone needs an ass-kicking (apart from Jeff Jakobstein), it's YOU,
  And who is going to deliver it?
WE aks the questions, gook.
Your failure to answer the question is noted.
Your sucking of jew rectum is noted, gook. Shabbat shalom!
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about faith in the depths of Hell.
Faith in the depths of hell
by Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jakobstein should experience Hell for himself before spouting jew
  Hell is the ultimate destination of your course of choices and
A jew rectum is YOUR ultimate destination, gook!
No, it is not.
Yes, it IS.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about one of the factories for death.
A factory for death
The following article is about the silence of God.
The silence of God
by Jeff Jacoby
Duh. Well of course God was silent. The jew cocksuckers killed His
only son! LOL
The Peeler
2011-10-28 20:58:17 UTC
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 16:44:20 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

...and nothing's left! LOL
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-28 22:25:55 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:24:47 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 10:18:56 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  Hell is the ultimate destination of your course of choices and
A jew rectum is YOUR ultimate destination, gook!
  No, it is not.
Yes, it IS.
No, it is not.
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about one of the factories for death.
A factory for death
  The following article is about the silence of God.
The silence of God
by Jeff Jacoby
Duh.  Well of course God was silent.  The jew cocksuckers killed His
only son!   LOL
Those of them who acted in concert with some Romans to kill Jesus
have long since died.

The following article explains that Hitlerism lives on.

Hitler is dead. Hitlerism lives on

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
May 1, 2011


NOTE: This column is available through the New York Times Syndicate.
For permission to republish it, please contact ***@nytimes.com or
call 732-390-4480.

ON JANUARY 30, 1945, shortly after Soviet troops liberated the
Auschwitz death camp, a Polish doctor from nearby Oświęcim entered the
vast Nazi complex to help care for the survivors. In his chronicle of
what he saw that day, Dr. Tadeusz Chowaniec described his first view
of Block 11, one of the 28 barracks that comprised the oldest part of
the camp:

"We walked down the cement stairs to the cellar. The stairs were
slippery, and splattered with blood and mud. Strips of underclothing,
soiled with excrement, lay everywhere. The corpses of men and women
filled the corridor, which was almost 40 meters long. The corpses were
naked, and their rib cages and hip bones jutted out. The skin, which
was all that held the bones together, was thin, greenish, and
pale. . . . The dead lay in a bloody liquid. The people carrying out
the corpses, clad in rubber boots, were up to their ankles in it. We
looked on, stupefied."

The Germans slaughtered 1.3 million human beings in Auschwitz, of whom
1.1 million were Jews. Six of those Jews were my father's parents,
David and Leah Jakubovic, and their children Franceska, Zoltan, Yrvin,
and Alice. Gassed to death in 1944, they represent 1 one-millionth --
0.000001 -- of the 6 million European Jews annihilated in the

On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, it hardly needs to be said that
mass murder didn't end with the defeat of the Third Reich. In the
decades since 1945, innocent men, women, and children beyond number
have been massacred -- in Mao's China and Pol Pot's Cambodia, in the
Soviet gulag and North Korean slave camps, in Rwanda and Bosnia, Sudan
and Syria, Pakistan and India, Congo and Uganda. Yet even in an epoch
that has shattered every record for bloodiness and barbarity, the
Holocaust is unique. What sets it apart from other campaigns of
butchery is not its body count or its brutality or its genocidal
nature. Nor is it the rapidity with which it was carried out, or the
international indifference against which it unfolded.

The destruction of European Jewry stands alone because it was not a
means to any end. The "Final Solution" was an end in itself. Jews were
not murdered by the millions in the context of a struggle for power or
land or wealth. There was no political or economic rationale for
wiping out the Jews; they had nothing the Nazis coveted, and Germany
gained nothing by their deaths. There was only the monomaniacal
ideology of eliminationist antisemitism -- the determination to track
down and kill anyone born of Jewish ancestry. "It was precisely this
-- the fact of being born -- that was the mortal sin, to be punished
by death," the historian Yehuda Bauer has observed. "That had never
happened at any time -- or anywhere -- before."

Jews were satanic, Hitler said -- the seed and prototype of the Judeo-
Christian values to which the National Socialist revolution was so
violently opposed. Their very existence was a threat to the Nazi creed
of Aryan power, blood, and soil. Consequently, they had to be
physically destroyed. Not segregated, not expelled, not forced to
convert or assimilate. Destroyed.

Hungarian Jews, primarily children and the elderly, on their way to
the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944.

To accomplish that destruction, one of the most advanced nations on
Earth committed astonishing financial, industrial, scientific, and
human resources. Murdering Jews was of a higher priority even than
winning the war against the Allies. In 1944, with Germany's military
position growing desperate, military personnel and freight trains
urgently needed on the battlefront were diverted to deport half a
million Jews from Hungary and eastern Slovakia to the extermination
camps. My father and his family were on one of those trains.

Hitler has been dead for 66 years, but in the ongoing campaign against
the Jewish state, Hitlerism thrives. "Its geographic center of gravity
has moved to the Middle East," writes Robert Wistrich, the foremost
modern scholar of antisemitism, "but the tone and content of the
rhetoric, along with the manifest will to exterminate the Jews, are
virtually identical to German Nazism. . . . Radical Islamists of every
stripe openly proclaim at every opportunity that the eradication of
Israel is a divine commandment, the will of God, and a necessary
prologue to the liberation of mankind."

In the 20th century, an obsession with Jews fueled the Holocaust and
plunged Europe into history's bloodiest war. Two generations later,
Auschwitz is history. The derangement it embodied is anything but.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe).
The Revd
2011-10-28 22:49:22 UTC
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 15:25:55 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:24:47 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 10:18:56 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  Hell is the ultimate destination of your course of choices and
A jew rectum is YOUR ultimate destination, gook!
  No, it is not.
Yes, it IS.
No, it is not.
Yes, it IS.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
Post by The Revd
  The following article is about one of the factories for death.
A factory for death
  The following article is about the silence of God.
The silence of God
by Jeff Jacoby
Duh.  Well of course God was silent.  The jew cocksuckers killed His
only son!   LOL
Those of them who acted in concert with some Romans to kill Jesus
have long since died.
Irrelevant, gook. The bad karma has been following the jew race for
2000 years.
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following article explains that Hitlerism lives on.
Hitler is dead. Hitlerism lives on
by Jeff Jacoby
Delighted to hear it, gook!
Shabbat shalom, asshole!
The Peeler
2011-10-28 22:59:02 UTC
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 18:49:22 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
farted again:

<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>

...and nothing's left again! LOL
Gray Guest about The Rectum: "You are a subhuman. You should not be
permitted to propagate your genes."
MID: <***@>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-29 03:16:09 UTC
Post by The Peeler
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 18:49:22 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
<snip our resident psychopath's usual hysterical and psychotic garbage>
...and nothing's left again! LOL
Gray Guest about The Rectum: "You are a subhuman. You should not be
permitted to propagate your genes."
He actually favors Hitlerism.

Michael Ejercito
2011-10-29 03:15:51 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 15:25:55 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:24:47 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  The following article is about the silence of God.
The silence of God
by Jeff Jacoby
Duh.  Well of course God was silent.  The jew cocksuckers killed His
only son!   LOL
  Those of them who acted in concert with some Romans to kill Jesus
have long since died.
Irrelevant, gook.  The bad karma has been following the jew race for
2000 years.
So then the fall of the Roman Empire was the result of this bad
Post by The Revd
  The following article explains that Hitlerism lives on.
Hitler is dead. Hitlerism lives on
by Jeff Jacoby
Delighted to hear it, gook!
Shabbat shalom, asshole!
People with honor, decency, and integrity will oppose Hitlerism
until their dying breath.

The Revd
2011-10-29 11:14:06 UTC
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 20:15:51 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 15:25:55 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:24:47 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  The following article is about the silence of God.
The silence of God
by Jeff Jacoby
Duh.  Well of course God was silent.  The jew cocksuckers killed His
only son!   LOL
  Those of them who acted in concert with some Romans to kill Jesus
have long since died.
Irrelevant, gook.  The bad karma has been following the jew race for
2000 years.
So then the fall of the Roman Empire was the result of this bad
WE aks the question, gook.
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
  The following article explains that Hitlerism lives on.
Hitler is dead. Hitlerism lives on
by Jeff Jacoby
Delighted to hear it, gook!
Shabbat shalom, asshole!
People with honor, decency, and integrity will oppose Hitlerism
until their dying breath.
People like you without self-respect, honour, decency or integrity
will suck jew rectums until their dying breath.
The Peeler
2011-10-29 11:19:24 UTC
On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 07:14:06 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
So then the fall of the Roman Empire was the result of this bad
WE aks the question, gook.
You don't!

You only keep making a complete ass of yourself all over Usenet! And you
KNOW it. You just are so miserable you can't do anything about it! LOL

<snip rest of the usual idiotic and psychotic garbage>
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-29 17:00:10 UTC
Post by The Peeler
On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 07:14:06 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
  So then the fall of the Roman Empire was the result of this bad
WE aks the question, gook.
You don't!
You only keep making a complete ass of yourself all over Usenet! And you
KNOW it. You just are so miserable you can't do anything about it! LOL
<snip rest of the usual idiotic and psychotic garbage>
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").
That is so true. He has no self-respect, honor, decency, or
integrity, and it is ENTIRELY due to his conduct and choices.

Willie the Humpboys
2011-10-29 17:30:49 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
That is so true. He has no self-respect, honor, decency, or
integrity, and it is ENTIRELY due to his conduct and choices.
This is SO UNFAIR, maggot!! I have no self-respect, honor, decency or
integrity either - what makes HIM so special??

The Peeler
2011-10-29 17:48:30 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Peeler
You only keep making a complete ass of yourself all over Usenet! And you
KNOW it. You just are so miserable you can't do anything about it! LOL
<snip rest of the usual idiotic and psychotic garbage>
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").
That is so true. He has no self-respect, honor, decency, or
integrity, and it is ENTIRELY due to his conduct and choices.
One can only surmise how miserable this psycho in RL is. He seems to be
misery incarnate!
The Revd
2011-10-25 17:30:05 UTC
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:50:17 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:55:04 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 15:05:33 +0200, "Heinrich"
Israel-born footballer Maor Melikson, who was reported to be set to play for
the Polish national team.
Writing for the paper, Melikson's former trainer Eli Sohar called Poland
"the state of Auschwitz" and questioned whether the midfielder "should
represent a country in which 70 years ago, the majority of its citizens
carried out the murder of his grandfather and grandmother and the Jewish
community in general."
A jew football player?  Fucking hilarious!
  How so?
WE aks the questions, gook.
Your failure to answer the question is noted, nithing.
Your sucking of jew rectums is noted, gook.
The Peeler
2011-10-25 17:39:18 UTC
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 13:30:05 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
Your failure to answer the question is noted, nithing.
Your sucking of jew rectums is noted, gook.
Your idiocy, degeneration and perversion is noted, The Rectum! <BG>
Quotes about The Rectum:
Jimbo: "You're an abortion that should have happened."
Attila: "Are you a corpse that has not died yet?"
Virgil: "The world would be a better place if we could go
back in time and abort some idiots like formby before they were hatched."
Ejercito:"If he believed in racial hygiene, he would gas himself."
Ray Fischer: "We're not interested in your sexual fantasies, pervert."
Doug: "Pitiful diarrhea is the Revd's real name."
The Chief Instigator: "You've all the strength of wet toilet paper."
W.T.S.: "You are a liar. You are an obvious liar. You are a liar who has no
talent for making a lie believable."
Doug: "Your posts are nothing but written diarrhea."
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-26 01:34:06 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:50:17 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:55:04 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  How so?
WE aks the questions, gook.
  Your failure to answer the question is noted, nithing.
Your sucking of jew rectums is noted, gook.
You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.

Bill explains what nithings are.


Define and Dehumanize the Enemy: Jihadists as Nithings or Nidings

by Bill Levinson
It is an ancient principle of magic (which modern people recognize as
stories that reflect a society’s culture and psychology) that
knowledge of a person’s real or True Name delivers power over that
person. What it really means is that, if you know the person’s
psychology, you can gain an advantage over him. It is also well known
that the side that controls the language of an argument controls the
argument. As an example, Hamas terrorists and their enablers refer to
Israel’s military as an “occupation force” and terrorisitic violence
against civilians as “resistance.”

We have long sought a single word that strips the enemy of all
humanity, and reduces him to something less than an animal that is
worthy of nothing less than extermination. As far as we know, the
English language contains no such word, although “dreck” (garbage or
refuse) comes close. “Homo sapiens by BIRTH, subhuman by CHOICE”
describes Islamic supremacists perfectly, but it is a phrase and not a
word. We now propose to refer to Islamic supremacists as nithings or
nidings: a Scandinavian word that strips its object of all humanity.
Webster’s dictionary (1913) defines it as “A coward; a dastard; — a
term of utmost opprobrium.”

We remind readers who object to the dehumanization of Islamic
supremacists that those enemies are already attempting to dehumanize
Jews, and to a lesser degree Christians, with images that could have
come directly from Adolf Hitler. As they have chosen to sow the
dragon’s teeth, our position is that they must now reap their rightful
harvest: the complete hatred and loathing of all civilized human

Nithing or niding was more than a common insult, because Scandinavian
culture required its subject to fight a duel with the accuser or
become an outlaw: totally devoid of rights, honor, and even
recognition as a human being. Per the Wikipedia entry,

The actual meaning of the adjective argr or ragr [= Anglo-Saxon
earg] was the nature or appearance of effeminacy, especially by
obscene acts. Argr was the worst, most derogatory swearword of all
known to the Norse language. According to Icelandic law, the accused
was expected to kill the accuser at once. …If the accused did not
retort by violent attack yielding either the accuser to take his words
back or the accuser’s death, he was hence proven to be a weak and
cowardly nithing by not retorting accordingly.

A nithing was devoid of all human rights, and he was considered the
enemy of civilized humanity: a perfect depiction of Islamic
supremacists. The word therefore strips the enemy of all humanity, and
degrades him to the status of a wolf or strangler (per Scandinavian
tradition) or a virulent disease like the Black Plague. Black Plague
is a deadly and contagious disease whose vector consists of plague-
carrying rats, while the Green Plague of militant “Islam” is a deadly
and contagious ideology that is spread by bipedal rats: nidings or
nithings, non-humans that raise violent hands to all of civilized

The immediate consequence of being proven a nithing was
outlawing. The outlawed did not have any rights, he was exlex (Latin
for “outside of the legal system”), in Anglo-Saxon utlah, Middle Low
German uutlagh, Old Norse utlagr. Just as feud yielded enmity among
kinships, outlawry yielded enmity of all humanity.[63] …”Yet that is
but one aspect of outlawry. The outlaw is not only expelled from the
kinship, he is also regarded henceforth as an enemy to mankind.”

The actual definition of a nithing is somewhat more involved and
complex, and it gets into sexual perversions and zoomorphical
transformations (Loki’s transformation of himself into a mare to have
sexual intercourse with a stallion, and thus beget Odin’s horse
Sleipner is probably an example), but the following line is pertinent:
“The nithing used its malicious seid magic to destroy anything owned
and made by man, ultimately the human race and Midgard itself[6], due
to its basically unlimited envy, hate, and malice that were nith.”

“Destruction of everything owned and made by Man” (the Palestinians’
destruction of the greenhouses in Gaza comes to mind immediately) and
“unlimited envy, hate, and malice” describe militant “Islam”
perfectly, and further underscore the application of nithing or niding
to describe it. The propensity for mindless destruction also appears
in Orson Scott Card’s Alvin Maker series, in which a supernatural
enemy is known as the Unmaker: a personification of evil that is the
total antithesis of God the Creator.

The Unmaker is the main antagonist in Orson Scott Card’s
alternate history/fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker. Never
directly confronted, it is a supernatural force that breaks apart
matter and aims to destroy and consume everything and everyone. …To
make something is to oppose the Unmaker, but a point often made is
that this is futile. By natural law the Unmaker can tear down faster
than any man can build.

This also is an outstanding definition of militant “Islam” or Islamic
supremacy: an ideology that seeks to destroy everything into which it
comes in contact, and with which no reason, negotiation, or compromise
is possible.

In summary, a nithing or niding is the enemy of Civilization, a
subhuman (through its behavioral choices, and emphatically NOT due to
its racial or ethnic origin) monster with total hatred and malice
toward all human industry and arts, and worthy of nothing but
extermination like any virulent disease. This is the word we will now
apply to Islamic supremacists and their enablers, and we encourage
others to do likewise.
The Revd
2011-10-26 09:55:37 UTC
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:34:06 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:50:17 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:55:04 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  How so?
WE aks the questions, gook.
  Your failure to answer the question is noted, nithing.
Your sucking of jew rectums is noted, gook.
You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.
You are a gook - subhuman by birth. You have no choices. The key
word is GOOK.
The Peeler
2011-10-26 10:08:48 UTC
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 05:55:37 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.
You are a gook - subhuman by birth. You have no choices. The key
word is GOOK.
You are so degenerate and retarded you don't even notice that you KEEP
proving every point Michael keeps making about you! LOL
Quotes about The Rectum:
Jimbo: "You're an abortion that should have happened."
Attila: "Are you a corpse that has not died yet?"
Virgil: "The world would be a better place if we could go
back in time and abort some idiots like formby before they were hatched."
Ejercito:"If he believed in racial hygiene, he would gas himself."
Ray Fischer: "We're not interested in your sexual fantasies, pervert."
Doug: "Pitiful diarrhea is the Revd's real name."
The Chief Instigator: "You've all the strength of wet toilet paper."
W.T.S.: "You are a liar. You are an obvious liar. You are a liar who has no
talent for making a lie believable."
Doug: "Your posts are nothing but written diarrhea."
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-26 14:51:38 UTC
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:34:06 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:50:17 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  Your failure to answer the question is noted, nithing.
Your sucking of jew rectums is noted, gook.
  You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.
You are a gook - subhuman by birth.  You have no choices.  The key
word is GOOK.
The following link explains you.


The Revd
2011-10-26 18:27:00 UTC
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:51:38 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:34:06 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 09:50:17 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  Your failure to answer the question is noted, nithing.
Your sucking of jew rectums is noted, gook.
  You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.
You are a gook - subhuman by birth.  You have no choices.  The key
word is GOOK.
The following link explains you.
<gook repetition b'rissed>
The Peeler
2011-10-26 18:46:41 UTC
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 14:27:00 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
The following link explains you.
<gook repetition b'rissed>
<BG> Unable to face the ugly truth about your ugly pathological self, The
Tony Owens about The Rectum: "you are the best reason possible to support
MID: <4e7c99a0$0$1978$***@cv.net>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-26 22:31:49 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:51:38 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:34:06 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.
You are a gook - subhuman by birth.  You have no choices.  The key
word is GOOK.
  The following link explains you.
<gook repetition b'rissed>
The following article explains your pathology.

History's oldest hatred

by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
March 11, 2009

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ANTI-SEMITISM is an ancient derangement, the oldest of hatreds, so it
is strange that it lacks a more meaningful name. The misnomer "anti-
Semitism" -- a term coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm
Marr, who wanted a scientific-sounding euphemism for Judenhass, or
hatred -- is particularly inane, since hostility to Jews has never had
anything to do with Semites or being Semitic. (That is why those who
protest that Arabs cannot be anti-Semitic since "Arabs are Semites
too" speak either from ignorance or disingenuousness.)

Perhaps there is no good name for a virus as mutable and unyielding as
anti-Semitism. "The Jews have been objects of hatred in pagan,
religious, and secular societies," write Joseph Telushkin and Dennis
Prager in Why the Jews?, their classic study of anti-Semitism.
"Fascists have accused them of being Communists, and Communists have
branded them capitalists. Jews who live in non-Jewish societies have
been accused of having dual loyalties, while Jews who live in the
Jewish state have been condemned as 'racists.' Poor Jews are bullied,
and rich Jews are resented. Jews have been branded as both rootless
cosmopolitans and ethnic chauvinists. Jews who assimilate have been
called a 'fifth column,' while those who stay together spark hatred
for remaining separate."

So hardy is anti-Semitism, it can flourish without Jews. Shakespeare's
poisonous depiction of the Jewish moneylender Shylock was written for
audiences that had never seen a Jew, all Jews having been expelled
from England more than 300 years earlier. Anti-Semitic bigotry infests
Saudi Arabia, where Jews have not dwelt in at least five centuries;
its malignance is suggested by the government daily Al-Riyadh, which
published an essay claiming that Jews have a taste for "pastries mixed
with human blood."

Esther Confounding Haman (Engraving by Gustave Doré, 1875)
There was Jew-hatred before there was Christianity or Islam, before
Nazism or Communism, before Zionism or the Middle East conflict. This
week Jews celebrate the festival of Purim, gathering in synagogues to
read the biblical book of Esther. Set in ancient Persia, it tells of
Haman, a powerful royal adviser who is insulted when the Jewish sage
Mordechai refuses to bow down to him. Haman resolves to wipe out the
empire's Jews and makes the case for genocide in an appeal to the

"There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among ... all the
provinces of your kingdom, and their laws are different from those of
other peoples, and the king's laws they do not keep, so it is of no
benefit for the king to tolerate them. If it please the king, let it
be written that they be destroyed." After winning royal assent, Haman
makes plans "to annihilate, to kill and destroy all the Jews, the
young and the elderly, children and women, in one day . . . and to
take their property for plunder."

What drives such bloodlust? Haman's indictment accuses the Jews of
lacking national loyalty, of insinuating themselves throughout the
empire, of flouting the king's law. But the Jews of Persia had done
nothing to justify Haman's murderous anti-Semitism -- just as Jews in
later ages did nothing that justified their persecution under the
Church or Islam, or their expulsion from so many lands in Europe and
the Middle East, or their repression at the hands of Russian czars and
Soviet commissars, or their slaughter by Nazi Germany. When the
president of Iran today calls for the extirpation of the Jewish state,
when a leader of Hamas vows to kill Jewish children around the world,
when firebombs are hurled at synagogues in London and Paris and
Chicago, it is not because Jews deserve to be victimized.

Some Jews are no saints, but the paranoid frenzy that is anti-Semitism
is not explained by what Jews do, but by what they are. The Jewish
people are the object of anti-Semitism, not its cause. That is why the
haters' rationales can be so wildly inconsistent and their agendas so
contradictory. What, after all, do those who vilify Jews as greedy
bankers have in common with those who revile them as seditious
Bolsheviks? Nothing, save an irrational obsession with Jews.

At one point in the book of Esther, Haman lets the mask slip. He
boasts to his friends and family of "the glory of his riches, and the
great number of his sons, and everything in which the king had
promoted him and elevated him." Still, he seethes with rage and
frustration: "Yet all this is worthless to me so long as I see
Mordechai the Jew sitting at the king's gate." That is the
unforgivable offense: "Mordechai the Jew" refuses to blend in, to
abandon his values, to be just like everyone else. He goes on sitting
there -- undigested, unassimilated, and for that reason unbearable.

Of course Haman had his ostensible reasons for targeting Jews. So did
Hitler and Arafat; so does Ahmadinejad. Sometimes the anti-Semite
focuses on the Jew's religion, sometimes on his laws and lifestyle,
sometimes on his national identity or his professional achievements.
Ultimately, however, it is the Jew's Jewishness, and the call to
higher standards that it represents, that the anti-Semite cannot

With all their flaws and failings, the Jewish people endure, their
role in history not yet finished. So the world's oldest hatred endures
too, as obsessive and indestructible -- and deadly -- as ever.

(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe.)
The Revd
2011-10-27 10:19:35 UTC
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:31:49 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:51:38 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 18:34:06 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  You are a nithing- homo sapiens by birth, subhuman BY CHOICE. The
key word is CHOICE. You were born with the same human nature as the
rest of us. Your CHOICES made you a nithing.
You are a gook - subhuman by birth.  You have no choices.  The key
word is GOOK.
  The following link explains you.
<gook repetition b'rissed>
The following article explains your pathology.
Sucking jew rectums explains YOURS, gook.
The Peeler
2011-10-27 10:28:54 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 06:19:35 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
<gook repetition b'rissed>
The following article explains your pathology.
Sucking jew rectums explains YOURS, gook.
You KNOW that you keep proving every single point Michael ever makes about
you, you poor psychotic idiot. LOL! But you are so miserable that you just
can't do anything about it! It's a hoot!
Gray Guest about The Rectum: "You are a subhuman. You should not be
permitted to propagate your genes."
MID: <***@>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-27 15:28:48 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:31:49 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:51:38 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  The following link explains you.
<gook repetition b'rissed>
  The following article explains your pathology.
Sucking jew rectums explains YOURS, gook.
The following poem was dedicated to you.



The Revd went pody big in the street,
The Revd usually jacks his meat.
Oh that we gun him down,
Because he is a homosexual clown.
He’s a pedophile and an asshole to be,
His main pastime is playing with his pee-pee.
He smells like a sewer and farts real loud,
Of him the gays are very proud.
He molests his hand in an unnatural way.
That is why he’s a queer that is why he is gay.
Everybody hates his guts all the time,
In his ass he stuck a very ripe lime.
He’s a sodomite and a moron that needs to die,
He jacked-off in his mothers cherry pie.
He has zits and pimples all over his face,
He’s a monkey that was kicked out of the human race.
His penis is small,
Not big at all.
He’s an anti-Semitic prick,
With a midget dick.
So if you see the Revd do him one kind deed,
Kick him hard in the gut so out of his mouth he will bleed!
The Revd
2011-10-27 15:46:20 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:28:48 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:31:49 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 07:51:38 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  The following link explains you.
<gook repetition b'rissed>
  The following article explains your pathology.
Sucking jew rectums explains YOURS, gook.
The following poem was dedicated to you.
It's not a 'poem', you illiterate gook asshole.
The Peeler
2011-10-27 16:31:37 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 11:46:20 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
Sucking jew rectums explains YOURS, gook.
The following poem was dedicated to you.
It's not a 'poem', you illiterate gook asshole.
Unable to face the ugly truth about your ugly perverted self, you "king of
rectums"? <BG>

Here it is again for you! Read and weep:


The Revd went pody big in the street,
The Revd usually jacks his meat.
Oh that we gun him down,
Because he is a homosexual clown.
He’s a pedophile and an asshole to be,
His main pastime is playing with his pee-pee.
He smells like a sewer and farts real loud,
Of him the gays are very proud.
He molests his hand in an unnatural way.
That is why he’s a queer that is why he is gay.
Everybody hates his guts all the time,
In his ass he stuck a very ripe lime.
He’s a sodomite and a moron that needs to die,
He jacked-off in his mothers cherry pie.
He has zits and pimples all over his face,
He’s a monkey that was kicked out of the human race.
His penis is small,
Not big at all.
He’s an anti-Semitic prick,
With a midget dick.
So if you see the Revd do him one kind deed,
Kick him hard in the gut so out of his mouth he will bleed!
Tony Owens about Dumb Heini and The Rectum:
"the kings of rectums, Revd and Heinie, the biggest braindeads to ever
inhabit newsgroups."
MID: <4ea84522$0$28374$***@cv.net>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-27 17:00:51 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:28:48 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:31:49 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  The following article explains your pathology.
Sucking jew rectums explains YOURS, gook.
  The following poem was dedicated to you.
It's not a 'poem', you illiterate gook asshole.
Yes, it is a poem.

The following Usenet post explains your sexual disorientation.


"Why do you think it constitutes animal abuse? If you or I tried to
fuck a cow, do you think the cow would even notice? It should not
only be legal but acceptable as a legitimate alternative lifestyle.

The fact is that animals are incapable of giving or refusing
consent. To imagine otherwise is a ridiculous anthropomorphism (look
it up, Levinstein). Do we ask animals for their consent before we
kill them and eat them? By comparison, getting fucked is a minor
inconvenience"- The Revd
The Revd
2011-10-27 17:44:53 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:00:51 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:28:48 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:31:49 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  The following article explains your pathology.
Sucking jew rectums explains YOURS, gook.
  The following poem was dedicated to you.
It's not a 'poem', you illiterate gook asshole.
Yes, it is a poem.
You don't even know what a fucking poem is, gook.
The Peeler
2011-10-27 17:52:06 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:44:53 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
Yes, it is a poem.
You don't even know what a fucking poem is, gook.
Trying to suppress the truth about your pathetic abnormal self by snipping
this poem constantly? It won't work for you, little idiot! LOL

Here it is again for you. Read and weep:


The Revd went pody big in the street,
The Revd usually jacks his meat.
Oh that we gun him down,
Because he is a homosexual clown.
He’s a pedophile and an asshole to be,
His main pastime is playing with his pee-pee.
He smells like a sewer and farts real loud,
Of him the gays are very proud.
He molests his hand in an unnatural way.
That is why he’s a queer that is why he is gay.
Everybody hates his guts all the time,
In his ass he stuck a very ripe lime.
He’s a sodomite and a moron that needs to die,
He jacked-off in his mothers cherry pie.
He has zits and pimples all over his face,
He’s a monkey that was kicked out of the human race.
His penis is small,
Not big at all.
He’s an anti-Semitic prick,
With a midget dick.
So if you see the Revd do him one kind deed,
Kick him hard in the gut so out of his mouth he will bleed!"
Tony Owens about Dumb Heini and The Rectum:
"the kings of rectums, Revd and Heinie, the biggest braindeads to ever
inhabit newsgroups."
MID: <4ea84522$0$28374$***@cv.net>
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-27 19:00:44 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:00:51 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:28:48 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  The following poem was dedicated to you.
It's not a 'poem', you illiterate gook asshole.
  Yes, it is a poem.
You don't even know what a fucking poem is, gook.
That poem described you accurately.

The following ballad was dedicated to you.


THE BALLAD OF THE REVD {A Tale of a Homosexual}

Oh, the Revd is a funny sort of fellow,
When he’s sucking dick he’s kind of mellow.
Yes, the Revd is a homo and a queer,
And he drinks urine with his beer.
The Revd jacks his dick in broad daylight,
And with men he has no might.
He’s a pervert a deviate and a goy,
And his penis is his favorite toy.
Oh the Revd is a Satanist and a sodomite,
And on his carcass the flies will light.
Oh the Revd’s little peter is very small,
And he smells like a horse’s stall.


Oh, the Revd is a funny sort of fellow,
When he’s sucking dick he’s kind of mellow.
Like a Muslim he shits in the street,
Then proceeds to jack his meat.
Oh the Revd is a natural born terrorist thing,
And the ladies all laugh at his little ding.
He was fucked in his ass by a bull queer,
And of all good people he does fear.
Because the hackers want to kill him dead,
Because he’s AIDS infected and shits in his bed.
The Revd is a stupid so na fa bitch,
And he has that homosexual twitch.


Oh, the Revd is a funny sort of fellow,
When he’s sucking dick he’s kind of mellow.
Well the Revd picks his nose and eats the snot,
And he is descended from a whore that was hot.
He’s related to the murderer Cain,
And in his asshole there will always be pain.
He’s dying of a terrible disease,
And it is the Muslims he wants to appease.
He’s blasphemed the G-d of Israel,
And his body will always have a stink and smell.
We will all sing to G-d real loud,
When the Revd is dead we’ll be proud!
The Revd
2011-10-27 20:16:57 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:00:44 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:00:51 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:28:48 -0700 (PDT),Michael Ejercito
  The following poem was dedicated to you.
It's not a 'poem', you illiterate gook asshole.
  Yes, it is a poem.
You don't even know what a fucking poem is, gook.
That poem described you accurately.
You think that's poetry, gook? You're even more retarded than I
The Peeler
2011-10-27 20:32:38 UTC
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 16:16:57 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
That poem described you accurately.
You think that's poetry, gook? You're even more retarded than I
You really don't seem to like that poem, The Rectum. I wonder why? What
passages don't you agree with? Please point them out!

Here it is again for you, our resident idiot:


The Revd went pody big in the street,
The Revd usually jacks his meat.
Oh that we gun him down,
Because he is a homosexual clown.
He’s a pedophile and an asshole to be,
His main pastime is playing with his pee-pee.
He smells like a sewer and farts real loud,
Of him the gays are very proud.
He molests his hand in an unnatural way.
That is why he’s a queer that is why he is gay.
Everybody hates his guts all the time,
In his ass he stuck a very ripe lime.
He’s a sodomite and a moron that needs to die,
He jacked-off in his mothers cherry pie.
He has zits and pimples all over his face,
He’s a monkey that was kicked out of the human race.
His penis is small,
Not big at all.
He’s an anti-Semitic prick,
With a midget dick.
So if you see the Revd do him one kind deed,
Kick him hard in the gut so out of his mouth he will bleed!
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").
Michael Ejercito
2011-10-29 18:23:29 UTC
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:00:44 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:00:51 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  Yes, it is a poem.
You don't even know what a fucking poem is, gook.
  That poem described you accurately.
You think that's poetry, gook?  You're even more retarded than I
It is poetry and it accurately describes you.

The Revd
2011-10-29 18:44:41 UTC
On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:23:29 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:00:44 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
Post by The Revd
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:00:51 -0700 (PDT), Michael Ejercito
  Yes, it is a poem.
You don't even know what a fucking poem is, gook.
  That poem described you accurately.
You think that's poetry, gook?  You're even more retarded than I
It is poetry and it accurately describes you.
Apart from rhyming pairs of lines of random length, it is nothing like
poetry. Not that a dumb gook like you would know the difference.
The Peeler
2011-10-29 19:17:09 UTC
On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 14:44:41 -0400, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,
Post by The Revd
Post by Michael Ejercito
It is poetry and it accurately describes you.
Apart from rhyming pairs of lines of random length, it is nothing like
poetry. Not that a dumb gook like you would know the difference.
It's great poetry and it describes you to a "t", The Rectum. But we aren't
suprised that you don't like it and try to suppress it by constantly
snipping it.

Wanna point out which passages you don't like, our punching bag?

"THE BALLAD OF THE REVD {A Tale of a Homosexual}

Oh, the Revd is a funny sort of fellow,
When he’s sucking dick he’s kind of mellow.
Yes, the Revd is a homo and a queer,
And he drinks urine with his beer.
The Revd jacks his dick in broad daylight,
And with men he has no might.
He’s a pervert a deviate and a goy,
And his penis is his favorite toy.
Oh the Revd is a Satanist and a sodomite,
And on his carcass the flies will light.
Oh the Revd’s little peter is very small,
And he smells like a horse’s stall.


Oh, the Revd is a funny sort of fellow,
When he’s sucking dick he’s kind of mellow.
Like a Muslim he shits in the street,
Then proceeds to jack his meat.
Oh the Revd is a natural born terrorist thing,
And the ladies all laugh at his little ding.
He was fucked in his ass by a bull queer,
And of all good people he does fear.
Because the hackers want to kill him dead,
Because he’s AIDS infected and shits in his bed.
The Revd is a stupid so na fa bitch,
And he has that homosexual twitch.


Oh, the Revd is a funny sort of fellow,
When he’s sucking dick he’s kind of mellow.
Well the Revd picks his nose and eats the snot,
And he is descended from a whore that was hot.
He’s related to the murderer Cain,
And in his asshole there will always be pain.
He’s dying of a terrible disease,
And it is the Muslims he wants to appease.
He’s blasphemed the G-d of Israel,
And his body will always have a stink and smell.
We will all sing to G-d real loud,
When the Revd is dead we’ll be proud!"
Retarded, subnormal and extremely proud of it: our resident psychopath, The
Retard (aka "The Rectum").