Jesus Christ Our Lord
(too old to reply)
2012-08-01 19:10:18 UTC
Jesus Christ Our Lord

Born in Nazareth on the 25th of December year of Our Lord (when the
new calendars began 2007 years ago). Fruit of the spiritual union
between the Blessed Virgin Mary and God the Father.

We call Jesus the Christ, which in Greek means the perfect man, He is
also the Messiah, the one promised in the Holy Scriptures through all
the prophets as the Redeemer, the Savior of the world.

The birth of Jesus Christ marked the coming of a new era for the
people of God. Therefore the Holy Scriptures are considered Old
Testament until their fulfillment with the coming of Jesus Christ Our
Lord. The New Testament begins with the birth of Jesus Christ, the
Messiah, the Anointed, the suffering servant, the Holy One of God.

All the prophets from Moses to John the Baptist announced the coming
of the Messiah, a deliverer for the people of God.

Moses has similarities to Jesus Christ Our Lord, he fasted for forty
days in the desert, and brought the law to the people of God. He took
the people out of Egypt with the help of God, he prepared them with
the Passover which was a purifying meal of unblemished lamb and
unleavened bread. (Jesus Christ is our Passover, the unblemished lamb
of God who takes away the sins of the world. ) Moses made them cross
the Red sea in order to be delivered. (Jesus Christ wants us to be
purified in his blood to take us out of the Egypt of our sinfulness
into the promised land) Then Jesus Christ Our Lord is the fulfillment
of the Law and confirms the commandments of God by the gospels and
brings peace between God and his people through his sacrifice on the

In the words of Moses (Acts 3:22-23) Moses said, 'The Lord your God
will raise up for you from your own people a prophet like me. You must
listen to whatever he tells you.
And it will be that everyone who does not listen to that prophet will
be utterly rooted out of the people.'

Jesus Christ Our Lord came to bring the good news of the Kingdom of
Heaven, it all starts with repentance, baptism and the continuation of
a new life in Christ. Believing in Jesus Christ involves accepting Him
as Our Lord and Savior, following his commandments of love expressed
through the Holy Gospels and being sanctified by his sacraments. We
are initiated into Jesus Christ when we are baptized, then as we grow
we have new encounters with Him in the Sacraments that He established
through the Church that He founded. A very powerful sacrament of Jesus
Christ is the sacrament of Penance of the confession of our sins to an
anointed priest of the Catholic Church, by this we are cleansed of our
sins and become worthy to receive Him in the Sacrament of the Holy

In the Old Testament there were many great prophets who had the power
of God to perform miracles, one of them was Elijah, who was able to
stop the rain for three years and six months, he also brought a child
to life, called fire from heaven to consume his offering and to kill
evil prophets.

But the miracles of Jesus Christ Our Lord surpass all the miracles of
the Old Testament. The Work of God performed through Our Lord is
incomparable and by His signs and wonders He confirmed that He is the
Son of God. His wonders continue to manifest to the believers, to
those who believe in His Word and approach Him with humility. (Mark
16:17-20) And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using
my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18
they will pick up snakes in their hands, and if they drink any deadly
thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick,
and they will recover."
19 So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up
into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went
out and proclaimed the good news everywhere, while the Lord worked
with them and confirmed the message by the signs that accompanied it.

A true conversion after repentance involves acknowledging that Jesus
Christ is Our Lord and our Savior. That He can rule our lives, because
we surrender totally to Him and He can reign as king.
2012-08-01 21:34:36 UTC
Post by anon246813579
Jesus Christ Our Lord
Jesus was the bastard son of Ben Tiberius Panthera, Roman soldier and

He was a crazy nut who advocated violence against those who did not
follow him here and in the hereafter

He said crazy things like in Mark 16- handle snakes etc etc

He himself never said he was god or only son of god or that his mother
was a virgin

Criminals like Paul made him a son of God!

Those who follow this nut case are either crooks trying to exploit
others or are idiots
2012-08-01 22:36:20 UTC
"Jesus was the bastard son of Ben Tiberius Panthera, Roman soldier and

He was a crazy nut who advocated violence against those who did not
follow him here and in the hereafter

He said crazy things like in Mark 16- handle snakes etc etc

He himself never said he was god or only son of god or that his mother
was a virgin

Criminals like Paul made him a son of God!

Those who follow this nut case are either crooks trying to exploit
others or are idiots"

Hmmm, one sees you have this little cut and paste sermon for several
threads. In your pulpet kind rev. pastor and biblical scholar of great
renown, how is it going over? Are people flocking to your church for such
wisdom and profound spiritual insight? Did you first seek out the
government stamp of approval to do conversions?
