sing the popular "ching chong chinaman" song!
(too old to reply)
baby squirrel
2005-09-11 10:09:35 UTC
In 1917, a ragtime piano song entitled "Ching Chong" was co-written by
Ted Baxter and Max Kortlander. Its lyrics are listed below for your
enlightenment about US history. To read more about it, see

Way out in old San Fran, there is a Chinaman
Who's known for miles around;
Wonderful place he keeps, down where he eats and sleeps,
Way underneath the ground!
Each night the festive chinks come there to wink and blink,
And dream away the hours.
They sing this funny song while they are borne along
On beds of poppy flow'rs:
"Ching, Chong, Oh Mister Ching Chong,
You are the king of Chinatown.
Ching Chong, I love your sing-song,
When you have turned the lights all down;
Ching Chong, just let me swing long,
Through the realms of Drowsy Land;
Dreaming while stars are beaming,
Oh Mister Ching Chong, sing-song man."
When you're in Frisco Town don't fail to drop around
And see this Ching Chong man.
Wonderful things you'll learn down where the torches burn,
He'll show you all he can.
Then when the time is ripe he'll fill your little pipe
And then a light he'll bring.
Gently you'll float away far out on Slumber Bay,
And softly you will sing:
"Ching Chong, Oh Mister Ching Chong,
You are the king of Chinatown.
Ching Chong, I love your sing-song,
When you have turned the lights all down;
Ching Chong, just let me swing long,
Through the realms of Drowsy Land;
Dreaming while stars are beaming,
Oh Mister Ching Chong, sing-song man."
Sometimes "ching chong" is combined with another anti-Chinese slur,
that of "Chinaman;" the combination is often used in nursery-style
rhymes, such as:

Ching Chong Chinaman sitting on a fence,
Trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents.
Along came a choo-choo train,
Knocked him in the cuckoo-brain,
And that was the end of the fifteen cents.
2005-09-11 16:04:20 UTC
ching chong china man working on the rail along comes a cowboy and
chopped off his pony tail.

the early generation are so racist kkk bunch

anyone said thanks to the chinaman who made the railroad across usa
don't know if plack folks did some railroad too.

recall a advert of black servants with trays giving breakfast at a
station. they are shown typical big lips and small figures while the
whites are drawn twice with authority. 1920's
2005-09-11 16:49:05 UTC
how about the Santa Fe fast food joint ?

where you can find Whites only , with their joints .
baby squirrel
2005-09-11 18:45:18 UTC
people in this group who stereotype blacks are just as racist and
ignorant as those who sing the ching chong song.
Mr. Snoopy
2005-09-11 18:47:06 UTC
"Gittin' Empoweramated thu Edumacation:
"The GED n' You", a series of facts & practice questions to help you
fecal colored parasites to prepare for a life of illiteracy.
: Fact: Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
: Practice question: All racists live in _____ .
: A. Ohio
: B. Ohio
: C. Ohio
: D. All of the above
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Fact: A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
: Practice question: What is the memory span of two goldfish?
: A. Huh?
: B. I don' do maffs.
: C. Yo mama.
: D. Lebenty.
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Fact: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
: Practice question: Who is buried in Grant's Tomb?
: A. I donno nuffin 'bout it.
: B. Ma'tin Luffer King
: C. I wants ta call my lawya.
: D. Wait! I gots suffin in muh eye.
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Fact: Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
: Practice question: You should complete your high-school education
because _____ .
: A. Ah gits a hot meal once ever day.
: B. Alla muh drug customers goes.
: C. It beez whur I picks up muh messages.
: D. All of the above.
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Fact: Two-thirds of the world's eggplants are grown in New Jersey.
: Practice question: "I Know Why the Chained Negro Sings" was written by
____ .
: A. Joseph Spompano
: B. A. T. Tapman
: C. Steve Cipoletti
: D. Amos Cassius D'ante
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Fact: Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
: Practice question: Philip Emeagwali invented ____ .
: A. Dirt
: B. George Washington Carver
: C. The moon
: D. All of the above
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Fact: The characters Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after
Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful
: Practice question: South Africa's HIV-positive Muppet is named 'Kami".
In the Tswana language, what does 'kami' mean?
: A. "Where dat little baby be?"
: B. "Frank Capra"
: C. "Acceptance"
: D. "I doan do kwandoms."
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Fact: A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.
: Practice question: The word "bitch" can be used in conversation as ____
: A. A noun or pronoun
: B. A verb or an adjective
: C. An interjection
: D. All of the above
: -----------------------------------------------------
: Fact: All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on
the back of the $5 bill.
:Fact: All of the clocks in the movie "Pulp Fiction" are stuck on 4:20.
Fact: A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
Practice question: Mark Twain is the author of the novel, "Huckleberry ____
A. Pie
B. Hound
C. Kool-Ade
D. I sees dis Hucklesburry I busts a cap in he ass.
Fact: A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time, having a
duration of 1/100th of a second.

Practice question: Zimbabwe's principal export is
____ .

A. Hungry Zimbabweans
B. Funds to Mugabe's Swiss accounts
C. Kwaanza bushes
D. Pleas for food aid

Practice question: How much wood *can* a wood-chuck chuck?

A. Muh pencil broke.
B. I doan do maffs.
C. Fo' hunnert yea's ob opression!
D. I sees Chuck I busts a cap in he ass.

Fact: A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

Practice question: In the Motherland, the the method most often
chosen for dealing with an unwanted infant is to ____ .

A. Toss the infant into a latrine
B. Toss the infant into a garbage can
C. Toss the infant into the river
D. Bury the infant outside the village> :

Fact: A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.

Practice question: In the last three years, how many automobiles has
Rodney King wrecked?

A. Wun
B. Fi'
C. Seben
D. Lebenty

Fact: A shark is the only fish that can blink with both

Practice question: The reigning Miss Black America won the talent
portion of the competition by ____ .

A. Singing the whole of the "Burger King" jingle without
B. Eating an entire roast chicken in 32.1 seconds.
C. Balancing 458 pounds of potatoes on her head without
using her hands.
D. Doing the Chicken Neck Head-bob for 19 minutes without

Fact: A snail can sleep for three years.

Practice question: Oprah Winfrey was given the name "Oprah" because
____ .

A. Her mother could not spell "Orpah".
B. Her mother could not spell "Okra".
C. Her mother could not spell "LaQuashitawamarallela".
D. Her mother was choking on a chicken wing at the moment
she was asked "Watchooo wanna name dis baby?".

Practice question: Martin Luther King's doctoral dissertation was
written by ____ .
: A. Paul Tillich
: B. Harry Nelson Wieman
: C. Jack Boozer
: D. Walter Marshall Horton
people in this group who stereotype blacks are just as racist and
ignorant as those who sing the ching chong song.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Mr. Snoopy
2005-09-11 18:48:55 UTC
Yo sup G..

Sheeit we goin to gets sum white pussy at da superdome and dey new color TV
from Walmart..

Yo nos what Iz be talkin bout mah man.

Word up on dat
Post by baby squirrel
people in this group who stereotype blacks are just as racist and
ignorant as those who sing the ching chong song.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
baby squirrel
2005-09-12 04:18:29 UTC
ching chong ching!
2005-09-11 19:13:06 UTC
you re encarnated again? what next's next a shark maybe an albino

mark you chamillion
2005-09-12 06:15:27 UTC
in East Africa , the Blacks call the Chinese as Zing Zong .

especially in Zimbabwee .
Zimbabee exports lots of minerals , for Chinese FAW trucks .

Chinese shall train the Zimbabaee prison officer s.

Zing Zong has given the Zimbabee airforce K-7 jet fighter trainers , K
= karakorum = Kashmire mountain .
Zing Zong has given the Zimbabaee airline 2 turbojet passenger planes
of 60 seater s.

Zimbabaee are looking east to China for aids.

So when Blacks sing Zing Zong songs , the Zimbabees get lots of good
stuff from China .
shark finn soup
2005-09-12 07:50:38 UTC
Post by z***@hotmail.com
you re encarnated again? what next's next a shark maybe an albino
you so sing song, ching chong.
2005-09-12 08:08:30 UTC
ZIN ZON Chinese is giving the Zimbabee-s FAW medium heavy trucks in
exchange for
Zimbabee' s minerals .
Cheap prices from FAW in exchange for cheap minerals from Zimbabee.

the Blacks in Zimbabee complaint that the FAW trucks are of low quality
, because of their low Cheap prices .

ZING ZONG Chinese is also building Hydro-Electric dam and power station
inside Zimbabaee.
shark finn soup
2005-09-12 12:00:42 UTC
Sing song sell to africans, but
White man will never buy inferior ching chong trolley trucks.
2005-09-12 13:39:55 UTC
White men are buying Chinese made Land-wind brand SUV trucks in Europe
shark finn soup
2005-09-12 19:53:25 UTC
europeans are not true whites. only white americans from the northeast
and the privilege class in england are true white men, and we will
never by colored products from sing song land.
2005-09-12 17:39:46 UTC
komin you pakanese it 'zimbabwe' unless that how the local say it. then
it okay.
2005-09-12 17:53:19 UTC
sorry to disapoint you not ching or chong

but sharp fin soup taste quite nice. got invited to an oriental

came across an usual name of ching chong food out. it call 'mae fat

it's funny from a western word. another one is 'long dong' not sure
whether it's cantonese or vietnamese.

markdemer you keep changing you screen names so many times you might
end up chatting/playing with yourself
2005-09-12 19:59:25 UTC
Zinx ,
if they can make industrial output ,
they will be called Zimbabawee ,
now since they cannot make industrial output , they are called Zimbaby
= Zimbabee.
shark finn soup
2005-09-12 20:15:50 UTC
yeah, that's right. sell them stuff and make fun of them behind their
back. typical
sing song chinaman behavior.
2005-09-12 21:35:56 UTC
fake Shark Finn,

this world is a utility world , either you use them , or you are being
used ,

Zimbabee is good for China ,
and China is good for Zimbabee.
what do do you want , this is a win-win situation for both Zimbabee and
for Chinese .

you scratch his back ,he scratches your back , this is good for both

I think the Zimbabees are looking for a new railway line to the sea
coast .
shark finn soup
2005-09-12 22:22:48 UTC
china and zimbabee are palying with minor toys in the littel kids

when is china going to graduate to eat shark finn at the adult table?
shark finn soup
2005-09-13 05:47:37 UTC
difference between china and USA:

china: cultural revolution
USA: sexual revolution

which do you prefer?
2005-09-13 11:42:32 UTC
Shark Finn , are you American ?

Chinese don ' t have the money to eat Shark Fin all the time .
who wants to be at adult table , people at adult table are waiting to
die .
shark finn soup
2005-09-13 13:48:35 UTC
that's the spirit, you loser. no wonder your country is wretchedly
2005-09-13 17:44:35 UTC

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