On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 17:00:26 +0100, Dumb Heini, the Dutch resident Nazi
Post by NEMOOkay, if you say so, Heinrich, if anybody should know it's you!
So, are you going to "LECK MICH AM ARSCH"?
the german language is the language of the future so prepare yourself or
otherwise you will be considered a Untermensch
But all decent and intelligent people consider YOU already an Untermensch,
Dumb Dutch Nazi Heini! See, you are ahead of your time, Dutch Nazitard! <BG>
Excerpts from Dumb Dutch Heini's unbelevbalbe vobcaburally:
kickihnbg (take a guess!)
eundereducaatged (Look who's talking about "undereducated"! LOL)
shjuit (shit? shut? LOL)
heionrich (his own name!!! LOL)
anothernbeville (no idea, LOL)
unbelevbalbe (unbelievable)
illeterate (illiterate) <--- my favourite!!!
res[popnsible (responsible)
tropubles (troubles)
unbeaable (unbearable)
compaire3d (compared)
cpontrolof (take a guess! LOL)
tomroor (tomorrow?)
anniliatyed (annihilated)
tie (time)
thewy (no idea LOL)
alkthouygh (although)
vocitory (victory)
d0onot (don't ?)
lisyten (listen)
thaen (then)
rep0ly (reply)
wjho (who)
wheb (when)
si8nce (since)
p9olice (police)
trill (thrill)
gwetting (getting)
weel (well)
bext (next)
mnayor (mayor)
getting updated constantly...